动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者_初学者:如何在Mac OS X中设置静态IP

动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者_初学者:如何在Mac OS X中设置静态IP

动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者

When organizing your home or small office network sometimes it can be easier to assign each computer it’s own IP address rather than using DHCP. Today we take a look at how to do it in OS X.

在整理家庭或小型办公室网络时,有时可以比使用DHCP分配每台计算机自己的IP地址更容易。 今天,我们来看看如何在OS X中进行操作。

Previously we showed you how to set a Static IP in Windows, and you have a Mac machine on your network, you might want to assign it a Static IP as well.


Set Static IP in OS X

在OS X中设置静态IP

You will need to open System Preferences, once there open Network


动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者_初学者:如何在Mac OS X中设置静态IP

It would be a good idea to to edit the Locations so that you can easily change from DHCP to manual IP simply. You will need to go to Edit Locations… with in the Network Preference Pane

编辑位置是一个好主意,以便您可以轻松地从DHCP轻松更改为手动IP。 您需要进入“网络位置首选项”窗格中的“编辑位置…”

动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者_初学者:如何在Mac OS X中设置静态IP

Name it something that will let you remember what it is for.


动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者_初学者:如何在Mac OS X中设置静态IP

Once you have named the new location you will click on the connection you want to set manually. In this example we will use Ethernet. From the Configure IPv4 drop down we will choose Manually.

命名新位置后,将单击要手动设置的连接。 在此示例中,我们将使用以太网。 从“配置IPv4”下拉列表中,我们将选择“手动”。

动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者_初学者:如何在Mac OS X中设置静态IP

Now we will add the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Router, DNS and Search Domains. In this example we will use Google’s DNS which is and your Search Domain will depend on your network.

现在,我们将添加IP地址,子网掩码,路由器,DNS和搜索域。 在此示例中,我们将使用8.8.8.8的Google DNS,您的搜索域将取决于您的网络。

动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者_初学者:如何在Mac OS X中设置静态IP

This is a handy little option to use if you are setting up your own small network for home office or even LAN parties. It can be helpful when troubleshooting networks as well.

如果您要为家庭办公室甚至LAN派对建立自己的小型网络,这是一个方便的小选择。 对网络进行故障排除时也可能会有所帮助。

Another OS X networking article you might be interested in is how to mount a Windows share in OS X.

您可能感兴趣的另一篇OS X网络文章是如何在OS X中挂载Windows共享

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22161/how-to-set-up-a-static-ip-in-mac-os-x/

动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者