适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

Want to see what all of the major Office apps for iPhone and iPod Touch offer without wasting money purchasing them all?  Here’s our definitive guide to the best iOS Office apps, so you can learn before you buy.

是否想在不浪费金钱的情况下查看iPhone和iPod Touch的所有主要Office应用程序提供什么? 这是有关最佳iOS Office应用程序的权威指南,因此您可以在购买前学习。

iOS devices work great for viewing a variety of documents without any extra software, but if you want to create new documents or edit and share existing ones, you’ll need an Office app.  There’s a number of popular Office apps in the App Store, and today we’re going to look at the features each app offers, compare how they each render documents, and help you see which one is the best fit for your needs and budget.

iOS设备非常适合查看各种文档,而无需任何其他软件,但是如果您要创建新文档或编辑和共享现有文档,则需要Office应用程序。 App Store中有许多受欢迎的Office应用程序,今天我们将研究每个应用程序提供的功能,比较它们各自呈现文档的方式,并帮助您确定最适合您的需求和预算的功能。

首先,您需要Office应用程序吗? (First, Do You Need an Office App?)

First, though, you’ll need to decide if you actually need an office app.  If you mainly use your iPhone or iPod Touch for personal use, then you may not need to view or edit documents and spreadsheets.  If you sometimes need to view documents and give feedback without editing the files, iOS’ built in document viewer works great for looking at documents in email attachments and online.  Just tap on a document or file in an email, and you’ll see a preview that renders documents almost perfectly.  Rich documents may not display fully, but it should be close enough to work.

不过,首先,您需要确定是否确实需要Office应用程序。 如果您主要将iPhone或iPod Touch用于个人用途,则可能不需要查看或编辑文档和电子表格。 如果您有时需要在不编辑文件的情况下查看文档并提供反馈,则iOS内置的文档查看器非常适合查看电子邮件附件和在线文档。 只需点击电子邮件中的文档或文件,您将看到预览,该预览可以完美呈现文档。 丰富的文档可能无法完全显示,但是应该足够接近才能正常工作。

适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?
适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

You can also easily view your online documents in Safari, as both Office Web Apps and Google Docs let you view your files with a mobile browser.  Unfortunately, though, you cannot edit documents in either on your iPhone or iPod Touch.

您也可以在Safari中轻松查看在线文档,因为Office Web Apps和Google Docs都允许您使用移动浏览器查看文件。 但是,不幸的是,您无法在iPhone或iPod Touch上编辑文档。

适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?
适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

So viewing documents isn’t a problem, but if you want more than this, you’re going to need an Office app.  Let’s dig in and see what’s available.

因此查看文档不是问题,但是如果您想要的不止这些,您将需要Office应用程序。 让我们深入了解可用的内容。

哪些Office应用程序可用? (What Office Apps are Available?)

The Business and Productivity sections of the App Store list numerous apps to help you edit Office documents, spreadsheets, and more.  Just from the descriptions, it’d be hard to know how each one works.  To solve this problem, we’ve tested 3 of the most popular Office apps recently: Documents to Go, Quickoffice, and Office2.  We’ll take a quick look at each one’s features here, but you can click their links to see the whole review.

App Store的“业务”和“生产力”部分列出了许多应用程序,可帮助您编辑Office文档,电子表格等。 仅从描述中,就很难知道每一个的工作原理。 为了解决此问题,我们最近测试了3种最流行的Office应用程序:Documents Go,Quickoffice和Office2。 我们将在这里快速浏览每个人的功能,但是您可以单击他们的链接以查看整个评论。

办公室2 (Office2)

Office2 fared the worst in our test.  This app is popular because it only costs $5.99, but it struggled to render documents and spreadsheets in our tests.  Worse still, it lost any formatting that it couldn’t support after saving edited documents.  On the bright side, it supports a wide variety of online documents storage services and runs faster than competing apps.

Office2在我们的测试中表现最差。 这款应用之所以受欢迎是因为它的价格仅为5.99美元,但在我们的测试中却难以呈现文档和电子表格。 更糟糕的是,在保存编辑后的文档后,它丢失了它不支持的任何格式。 从好的方面来说,它支持各种各样的在线文档存储服务,并且比竞争对手的应用程序运行更快。

适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?
适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

Quickoffice (Quickoffice)

Quickoffice Mobile Connect suite is priced in the middle at $9.99, and it offers a lot of bang for your buck.  It can edit advanced documents fairly good, and then saves formatting that it doesn’t support so your document will still look the same back on your PC.  You can easily access all of your files from Dropbox, Google Docs, and more, then edit and save them online.  Quickoffice spreadsheets struggled with .XLSX formatted spreadsheets, though, but otherwise handled modern rich Office files with ease.

Quickoffice Mobile Connect套件的中间价格为9.99美元,它为您带来了很多实惠。 它可以很好地编辑高级文档,然后保存它不支持的格式,因此您的文档在PC上看起来仍然一样。 您可以轻松地从Dropbox,Google文档等访问所有文件,然后在线进行编辑和保存。 尽管Quickoffice电子表格很难与.XLSX格式的电子表格竞争,但是在其他方面却可以轻松处理现代的Rich Office文件。

适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?
适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

We especially liked the innovative web interface that lets you browse and add documents to your iOS device from any nearby networked computer.  And if you don’t need to access your documents from online storage services directly, you could get Quickoffice Mobile Suite for just $4.99.  With the advanced document support and cheaper price, Quickoffice is a great option.

我们特别喜欢创新的Web界面,该界面可让您从附近的任何联网计算机浏览文档并将其添加到iOS设备。 而且,如果您不需要直接从在线存储服务访问文档,则只需4.99美元即可获得Quickoffice Mobile Suite。 借助高级文档支持和更便宜的价格,Quickoffice是一个不错的选择。

适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

要去的文件 (Documents To Go)

Documents To Go is the most expensive Office app we reviewed at $16.99, but it’s also constantly one of the most popular in the App Store.  This app includes the best interface for editing documents, and even includes support for viewing advanced document components such as sidebars and images in documents.  It lets you edit formatting more than any of the other apps and required fewer taps to accomplish the same tasks.

Documents To Go是我们审查过的最昂贵的Office应用程序,价格为$ 16.99,但它始终是App Store中最受欢迎的应用程序之一。 该应用程序包括用于编辑文档的最佳界面,甚至还支持查看高级文档组件,例如边栏和文档中的图像。 与其他任何应用程序相比,它使您可以编辑格式更多的内容,并且只需较少的点击即可完成相同的任务。

适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?
适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

Documents To Go also includes some unique features such as searching among all of your online document sources and basic PowerPoint editing.  The PowerPoint editing and creation options were very limited, though, so this one feature isn’t worth purchasing the app.  If you don’t need PowerPoint editing and online document support, you can get Documents To Go Standard for just $9.99, which isn’t a bad choice if you need to edit rich documents directly on your device.

Documents To Go还包括一些独特的功能,例如在所有在线文档源中进行搜索以及基本的PowerPoint编辑。 但是,PowerPoint编辑和创建选项非常有限,因此不值得购买该功能。 如果您不需要PowerPoint编辑和在线文档支持,则只需9.99美元即可获得Documents To Go Standard,如果您需要直接在设备上编辑丰富的文档,这不是一个坏选择。

适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?
适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

哪个Office应用程序是最好的? (Which Office App is the Best?)

The hardest part is deciding which app is the best for your needs.  Documents To Go did support the most advanced Word document features, and was the most stable overall.  Unfortunately, though, it’s also the most expensive.  Quickoffice is a close second, and we actually liked the web interface for accessing your iPhone documents from your computer.  Office2 was poor enough that we cannot recommend it for normal Office document usage, but both Documents To Go and Quickoffice were both good enough to easily recommend for normal usage.

最难的部分是确定哪种应用最适合您的需求。 Documents To Go确实支持*的Word文档功能,并且总体上最稳定。 不幸的是,它也是最昂贵的。 Quickoffice紧随其后,我们实际上很喜欢从您的计算机访问iPhone文档的Web界面。 Office2的性能很差,我们不能推荐它用于常规的Office文档使用,但是Documents To Go和Quickoffice都足够好,可以轻松推荐用于常规使用。

Here’s a comparison of each app’s features:


适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

So, in the end it comes down to what features you need.  Need PowerPoint and online document support?  Get Documents To Go Premium.  Only need to edit documents locally on your device?  Quickoffice Mobile Suite is a great option for you that’s not very expensive.  You can’t go wrong with either of these apps, so pick the one that suites your budget and feature need best.  In our opinion, Quickoffice Mobile Suite will be the best choice for most consumers.

因此,最终取决于您需要什么功能。 需要PowerPoint和在线文档支持吗? 获取高级文档。 仅需要在设备上本地编辑文档? Quickoffice Mobile Suite对您来说是一个不错的选择,但价格并不昂贵。 这些应用程序都不会出错,因此请选择最适合您预算和功能的应用程序。 我们认为,Quickoffice Mobile Suite将是大多数消费者的最佳选择。

填补Office应用程序差距 (Filling in the Office App Gaps)

Microsoft Office today isn’t just for documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, though.  Outlook and OneNote are also popular Office apps that many don’t want to give up, so let’s look at some options for these.

但是,如今的Microsoft Office不仅适用于文档,电子表格和演示文稿。 Outlook和OneNote也是流行的Office应用程序,许多人都不想放弃,因此让我们看看其中的一些选项。

OneNote isn’t available on iOS, but there is a great alternative app, MobileNoter that brings almost all of OneNote’s features to OneNote.  You can sync your existing OneNote notebooks from your PC and edit them on the go, or add new notes and sync them online wherever you are.

OneNote在iOS上不可用,但是还有一个很棒的替代应用程序MobileNoter,它几乎将OneNote的所有功能都带到了OneNote中。 您可以从PC同步现有的OneNote笔记本并随时随地进行编辑,或者添加新笔记并随时随地在线同步它们。

适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

The default Mail app works quite good for email on the go.  It includes full Exchange ActiveSync support, so you should be able to access all of your personal and business email accounts from anywhere.  The only problem is, the iPhone Mail app only lets you create plain text messages.  If you need to send full HTML emails, you can try out MarkdownMail.  This app lets you create richly formatted HTML emails on your iPhone using Markdown syntax.

默认的Mail应用程序可以随时随地处理电子邮件。 它包括对Exchange ActiveSync的全面支持 ,因此您应该可以从任何地方访问所有个人和企业电子邮件帐户。 唯一的问题是,iPhone Mail应用程序仅允许您创建纯文本消息。 如果您需要发送完整HTML电子邮件,可以尝试MarkdownMail 。 这个应用程式可让您使用Markdown语法在iPhone上建立格式丰富HTML电子邮件。

适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

结论 (Conclusion)

After some initial disappointments with Office2, we were excited to see that both Quickoffice and Documents To Go offer great Office support on iOS.  Editing rich documents is never perfectly easy on a small screen, but with an Office app, you’ll find you can do more business on the go than you ever found possible.  Plus, in many cases, viewing a document and making changes later is a great option.  What’s your favorite Office app, and how do you use Office tools on the go?  Share your thoughts in the comments.

在最初对Office2感到失望之后,我们很高兴看到Quickoffice和Documents To Go在iOS上都提供了出色的Office支持。 在小屏幕上编辑丰富文档从来都不是一件容易的事,但是使用Office应用程序,您会发现旅途中可以做的事比以往任何时候都多。 另外,在许多情况下,查看文档并稍后进行更改是一个不错的选择。 您最喜欢的Office应用是什么,如何在旅途中使用Office工具? 在评论区分享你的观点。

Did we miss an Office app for iOS that you love, or overlook a feature you need?  Let us know in the comments, and if it’s something we can test, we’ll let you know!  There’s no reason to spend $50 on apps just to find the perfect Office app for your needs, so we hope this info helps you make your choice and get the most bang for your app bucks.

我们是否错过了您喜欢的iOS版Office应用程序,或者忽略了所需的功能? 在评论中让我们知道,如果可以测试,我们将通知您! 没有理由花50美元在应用程序上只是为了找到满足您需求的完美Office应用程序,因此我们希望此信息可以帮助您做出选择,并最大程度地节省您的应用程序成本。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/35428/what-is-the-best-office-app-for-my-iphone-or-ipod-touch/