谨防! 适用于Firefox的Google Reader通知程序现已变为垃圾软件

Anybody using the very popular Google Reader Notifier extension for Firefox should probably remove it immediately, as it is now tracking your browsing and displaying ads in your status bar without your consent. Despicable.

使用非常流行的适用于Firefox的Google阅读器通知程序扩展程序的任何人都应该立即将其删除,因为它现在可以在您的状态栏中跟踪您的浏览和展示广告,无需您的同意。 卑鄙。

The ads are sneaky, and they don’t show up right away… this screenshot was taken from Bernie Zimmermann’s blog, but I’ve personally checked the source code for the extension and found the problem definitely exists—not to mention the Mozilla bug report explains it in detail.

广告是偷偷摸摸的,并且不会立即显示出来……这个屏幕快照来自Bernie Zimmermann的博客 ,但是我亲自检查了扩展的源代码,发现问题肯定存在,更不用说Mozilla错误报告了详细解释

谨防! 适用于Firefox的Google Reader通知程序现已变为垃圾软件

If you want to see the offending code for yourself, browse down into your Firefox profile’s extensions folder, find the {efa1abef-cb1c-4e40-9bc5-e2e69a3fb329}\chrome\content folder, and you’ll see the st_ads.js file.

如果您想亲自查看有问题的代码,请浏览Firefox配置文件的扩展文件夹,找到{efa1abef-cb1c-4e40-9bc5-e2e69a3fb329} \ chrome \ content文件夹,您将看到st_ads.js文件。

谨防! 适用于Firefox的Google Reader通知程序现已变为垃圾软件

Once you open up the javascript file, you’ll see Loads of tracking and ads going on.


谨防! 适用于Firefox的Google Reader通知程序现已变为垃圾软件

And whatever you do, don’t click on the ads, because they will take you on an endless redirect through ad-filled pages.


So, How Do I Get Rid of the Despicably Intrusive Ads?


Personally I’d remove the extension entirely, and maybe print the source code off and burn it. But if you absolutely Must keep using this extension, you can simply uninstall the current version, and then install the old version at this URL:

就我个人而言,我将完全删除该扩展名,并可能将源代码打印掉并刻录掉。 但是,如果您绝对必须继续使用此扩展名,则可以直接卸载当前版本,然后在此URL上安装旧版本:



You’ll want to stick with version 0.71 and make sure that when you are prompted to upgrade the extension later, Don’t Do It!


谨防! 适用于Firefox的Google Reader通知程序现已变为垃圾软件

Rant About Firefox Extensions: What Is Going On?


This isn’t the first time a very popular Firefox extension has sold out to the dark side and become badware. Slashdot reported a while back that the NoScript extension started hijacking the Adblock Plus extension, and while the author has since apologized profusely, I don’t see this problem as going away.

这不是一个非常流行的Firefox扩展第一次卖光了,变成了恶意软件。 Slashdot曾报道过 ,NoScript扩展开始劫持Adblock Plus扩展,尽管此后作者道歉了,但我认为这个问题不会消失。

What’s to stop yet another Firefox extension from turning into badware, sneaking in tracking codes, or stealing your personal information? It’s already happened with two of the most popular extensions… Somebody at Mozilla needs to do something about this.

是什么阻止另一个Firefox扩展变成恶意软件,潜入跟踪代码或窃取您的个人信息? 两个最受欢迎的扩展已经发生了……Mozilla的某个人需要为此做些事情。

What Can I Do?


Head over to the extension page at Mozilla Add-ons and leave a review expressing your displeasure.


And in the future, you might not want to simply approve every extension update blindly – go to the extension’s page at Mozilla Add-ons, and check the recent reviews before you install any updates.


Thanks to Lifehacker reader Daniel for the head’s up on this one.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2585/beware-google-reader-notifier-for-firefox-is-now-crapware/