unity arcore_Unity的手持式AR生态系统:AR Foundation,ARCore和ARKit

unity arcore_Unity的手持式AR生态系统:AR Foundation,ARCore和ARKit

unity arcore

A lot has happened since we first announced the AR Foundation package for multi-platform handheld AR development. We want to take this opportunity to share how the package has evolved since developers started using it, and where it’s headed in the future.

自从我们首次宣布用于多平台手持式AR开发AR Foundation软件包以来,发生了很多事情 我们想借此机会分享该软件包自开发人员开始使用以来的发展历程,以及未来的发展方向。

We also want to provide some resources to help you better understand how AR Foundation fits into the handheld AR development ecosystem and how to use it to build great handheld AR applications.

我们还希望提供一些资源来帮助您更好地了解AR Foundation如何适合手持式AR开发生态系统以及如何使用它来构建出色的手持式AR应用程序。


更新 (Updates)

We recently made significant updates to AR Foundation and other XR packages.

我们最近对AR Foundation和其他XR软件包进行了重大更新。

LWRP支持 (LWRP Support)

You can now have more control of rendering by using the Lightweight Render Pipeline on ARCore and ARKit apps built with AR Foundation.

现在,您可以通过在使用AR Foundation构建的ARCore和ARKit应用程序上使用“ 轻量级渲染”管道来更好地控制渲染

This also opens up the ability to utilize Unity’s shader graph to create interesting effects through a visual node editor.


unity arcore_Unity的手持式AR生态系统:AR Foundation,ARCore和ARKit

相机图像API (Camera Image APIs)

We now provide low-level access to the camera image on the CPU, as well as optimized conversion utilities to convert the image to RGB or grayscale. This is ideal for developers looking to do their own image-processing for custom computer-vision algorithms.

现在,我们提供了对CPU上的摄像机图像的低级访问,以及优化的转换实用程序,可将图像转换为RGB或灰度。 对于希望针对自定义计算机视觉算法进行自己的图像处理的开发人员而言,这是理想的选择。

See the AR Foundation manual and samples repo on GitHub for a sample scene and source code.

有关示例场景和源代码,请参见AR Foundation手册GitHub上的示例仓库。

世界地图(ARKit) (World Map (ARKit))

We added support for ARKit’s ARWorldMap feature, which allows you to create persistent and multi-user AR experiences. Note that this will only work on ARKit enabled iOS devices.

我们增加了对ARKit ARWorldMap功能的支持,该功能使您可以创建持久的多用户AR体验。 请注意,这仅在启用ARKit的iOS设备上有效。

人脸追踪(ARKit) (Face Tracking (ARKit))

AR Foundation now includes support for ARKit’s face tracking feature, which lets you track a face and access blend shapes for several facial features.

AR Foundation现在包括对ARKit的面部跟踪功能的支持,该功能使您可以跟踪面部并访问多个面部特征的混合形状。

unity arcore_Unity的手持式AR生态系统:AR Foundation,ARCore和ARKit

我应该使用哪个包装? (Which package should I use?)

Today, AR Foundation provides a platform-agnostic scripting API and MonoBehaviours for making ARCore and ARKit apps that use core functionality shared between both platforms. This lets you develop your app once and deploy to both devices without any changes. For a full list of currently supported features in AR Foundation refer to the chart below.

如今,AR Foundation提供了与平台无关的脚本API和MonoBehaviours,以使ARCore和ARKit应用程序使用两个平台之间共享的核心功能。 这样,您就可以一次开发应用程序,并且无需进行任何更改即可将其部署到两个设备上。 有关AR Foundation中当前支持的功能的完整列表,请参考下表。

However, AR Foundation does not yet implement all the features for ARKit and ARCore, so if your app depends on a specific feature that isn’t yet in AR Foundation, you can use those specific SDKs separately. We are constantly adding features to AR Foundation and hope that AR Foundation will serve all the needs of developers looking to target ARCore or ARKit.

但是,AR Foundation尚未实现ARKit和ARCore的所有功能,因此,如果您的应用程序依赖于AR Foundation中尚未提供的特定功能,则可以单独使用这些特定的SDK。 我们不断为AR Foundation添加功能,并希望AR Foundation能够满足希望以ARCore或ARKit为目标的开发人员的所有需求。

If you are only targeting ARCore and want the full feature set, Google maintains an SDK for Unity. If you are only targeting ARKit and want the full feature set, we still maintain the original ARKit plugin for Unity.

如果您仅定位ARCore并需要完整的功能集,则Google会维护一个SDK for Unity 。 如果您仅针对ARKit并需要完整的功能集,我们仍将维护Unity的原始ARKit插件

The charts below summarize the differences:


unity arcore_Unity的手持式AR生态系统:AR Foundation,ARCore和ARKit

文献资料 (Documentation)

论坛 (Forums)

部署方式 (Deployment)

功能比较和路线图 (Feature comparison and roadmap)

unity arcore_Unity的手持式AR生态系统:AR Foundation,ARCore和ARKit

远程处理 (Remoting)

A major feature we are testing and hope to roll out next year is remoting, which is the ability to stream sensor data from a device running ARCore or ARKit to the Mac or PC Editor. This should improve iteration time and aid in debugging your AR apps.

我们正在测试的一项主要功能是希望能够在明年推出该功能,即将传感器数据从运行ARCore或ARKit的设备传输到Mac或PC编辑器的功能。 这将缩短迭代时间,并有助于调试AR应用程序。

模拟 (Simulation)

In addition to remoting, we are adding in-Editor simulation. This will let you develop and test an AR app without ever connecting an Android or iOS device to your computer. This can dramatically improve development time and debugging.

除了远程处理,我们还添加了编辑器内仿真。 这样一来,您无需将Android或iOS设备连接到计算机即可开发和测试AR应用程序 。 这样可以大大缩短开发时间和调试。

更多平台 (More platforms)

In 2019 we are going to expand platform support beyond handheld AR to include wearable AR devices as well.


我该如何开始? (How do I get started?)

We created a sample repository that has a Unity project and scene with AR Foundation packages already included. There are scripts available for visualizing planes and feature points, placing objects on found planes, and using light estimation. We recently added some UX features to the samples repository that includes various animations to guide the user to find planes, place objects and fade out planes when they are no longer being updated. Check out the SampleUXScene for all of these features and more!

我们创建了一个示例存储库 ,该存储库具有一个Unity项目和一个场景,其中已包含AR Foundation软件包。 有一些脚本可用于可视化平面和特征点,将对象放置在找到的平面上以及使用光照估计。 我们最近在示例存储库中添加了一些UX功能,其中包括各种动画,以指导用户查找不再需要更新的平面,放置对象以及淡出平面。 查看SampleUXScene中的所有这些功能以及更多功能!

Download the AR Foundation Samples repo and join the Handheld AR forums to learn more about building handheld AR apps with AR Foundation. Share your apps on social media with the hashtag #madewithunity so that we can see all your creations!

下载AR Foundation示例库,并加入Handheld AR论坛,以了解有关使用AR Foundation构建手持式AR应用程序的更多信息。 使用#madewithunity主题标签在社交媒体上分享您的应用,以便我们可以看到您的所有作品!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/12/18/unitys-handheld-ar-ecosystem-ar-foundation-arcore-and-arkit/

unity arcore