
我们都知道一些部署自动化,cd进程以及所有流行术语,但是我们大多数人可能都不敢使用为这些进程提供自动化的服务。 原因很多,我就是其中的一名开发人员。

首先,我对“黑匣子解决方案”感到恐惧,某公司说我将带走我的代码并直接运送到我的服务器上,听起来不错吗? 但是,当您尝试使用它时,您不知道他们对服务器的实际操作,他们将如何部署应用程序以及发生了什么。

We faced the same problem with most of the products and decided to build our own service. We had such a service for our internal needs for years, but someday we decided to share it with the community and open it for everyone. That’s how DeployPlace was born. We are on prelaunch stage and plan to release at the end of October, we are providing a lifetime discount for our early adopters, and free plan for opensource and lone-wolf developers, so feel free to subscribe.

If you want to read more about deployment tools and its benefits you are welcome to our blog.



首先想象一下,嗯,这些家伙可能知道一些东西,因为他们提供了Java应用程序的部署以及所有这些。 我尝试注册,下个小时我正在看这张图片




它友好而简单的服务,可能对一些非常简单的项目(例如网站,客户端应用程序)很有用,但是它们要求您完全访问git,因此对我和我们公司都是不小的。 另外,尝试部署比静态网站更复杂的内容也会给您带来很多痛苦。


我必须说,我喜欢他们的设计,并且从第一角度看,它看起来不错而且很简单,直到您尝试部署某些东西为止。您将拥有包含数百种工具,服务,服务器等的链。 我觉得这项服务有点不知所措,但仍然无法部署。

The biggest problem with all of those services is that if you have CI and self-hosted git, there is no easy solution to deploy from your CI directly, all process is a black box. At DeployPlace our main goal is to create service, that developers will not be afraid to use, will understand each step of what they are doing, and will enjoy as everything made from developers to developers!

from: https://dev.to//deployplace/deployment-automation-tools-for-everyone-2853