



Need to extract an archive or compress some files? Avoid big-name programs like WinZip and WinRAR, which are packed with nags and advertisements. Modern versions of Windows have integrated support for ZIP files, and anything else is best managed with the free, open source 7-Zip.

需要提取存档或压缩某些文件? 避免使用诸如WinZip和WinRAR之类的大牌程序,这些程序中带有na和广告。 Windows的现代版本已经集成了对ZIP文件的支持,而其他任何东西都可以通过免费的开源7-Zip进行最佳管理。

对于基本ZIP文件:Windows处理所有内容 (For Basic ZIP Files: Windows Handles Everything)

RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About Zip Files

相关: 您需要了解的有关Zip文件的所有信息

Keep it simple! There’s a good chance you don’t need to install any file archiving program at all.

把事情简单化! 您很有可能根本不需要安装任何文件归档程序。

You can create a ZIP file from within File Explorer without downloading anything. To do so, select one or more files or folders. Right-click them and choose Send To > Compressed (Zipped) Folder.

您可以从文件资源管理器中创建一个ZIP文件 ,而无需下载任何内容。 为此,选择一个或多个文件或文件夹。 右键单击它们,然后选择“发送到”>“压缩(压缩)文件夹”。


This doesn’t erase the original files. After you do this, you’ll end up with both your original files and a .zip file that contains a copy of those files. Want to add more files? Just drag-and-drop them onto the ZIP file you just created.

这不会删除原始文件。 完成此操作后,您将得到原始文件和包含这些文件副本的.zip文件。 要添加更多文件吗? 只需将它们拖放到刚创建的ZIP文件中即可。


Windows can also work with .zip files you download. Just double-click a .zip file to view its contents. You can then copy and paste or drag and drop the files anywhere on your PC.

Windows也可以使用您下载的.zip文件。 只需双击.zip文件即可查看其内容。 然后,您可以在PC上的任何位置复制和粘贴或拖放文件。

To extract an entire ZIP file, right-click it and select “Extract All”. By default, Windows selects a new folder with the name of the archive in the current folder, but you can choose another folder. Click “Extract” and Windows will extract the contents of the file for you.

要提取整个ZIP文件,请右键单击它,然后选择“全部提取”。 默认情况下,Windows在当前文件夹中选择一个带有存档名称的新文件夹,但是您可以选择另一个文件夹。 单击“提取”,Windows将为您提取文件的内容。

For the vast majority of stuff, this is all you’ll need.


对于所有其他类型的档案:7压缩 (For All Other Types of Archives: 7-Zip)


Every once in a while, though, you may come across a different archive format, like .rar, .7z, .tar.gz, or If you need to extract (or create) archives in these formats, you’ll need another application. You’ll also need another application if you want to use advanced features like password-protecting an archive file with encryption.

但是,有时您可能会遇到不同的存档格式,例如.rar,.7z,.tar.gz或。 如果您需要提取(或创建)这些格式的档案,则需要另一个应用程序。 如果要使用高级功能(例如, 通过加密对存档文件进行密码保护),还需要另一个应用程序。

RELATED: How to Password Protect Files and Folders With Encryption

相关: 如何使用加密方式对文件和文件夹进行密码保护

If you need more than what Windows offers, we recommend 7-Zip. 7-Zip is a free, open-source, powerful archiving tool for Windows. Its own 7z format is fantastic, but it also supports other popular formats including RAR, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, DMG, and ISO.

如果您需要的不仅仅是Windows提供的功能,我们建议使用7-Zip 。 7-Zip是Windows的免费,开源,功能强大的存档工具。 它自己的7z格式很棒,但是它也支持其他流行格式,包括RAR,ZIP,GZIP,BZIP2,DMG和ISO。

After you install 7-Zip, you can simply right-click archive files in File Explorer and use options like 7-Zip > Extract Here or 7-Zip > Add to Archive to extract or create archives right from your file manager.

安装7-Zip之后,您只需在File Explorer中右键单击存档文件,然后使用7-Zip>在此处提取或7-Zip>添加到存档中的选项即可直接从文件管理器中提取或创建存档。


RELATED: Benchmarked: What's the Best File Compression Format?

相关: 基准测试:最佳文件压缩格式是什么?

You can also open the 7-Zip application directly and use it to browse, extract, and create archives.


When creating an archive using the “Add” button, or from the 7-Zip menu in the file manager, you’ll find many more options–a choice of archive format, a compression level (a higher level results in a smaller files, but it takes more time and CPU resources to create and later extract the file), and an encryption password. Select AES-256 encryption and your files will be encrypted with the passphrase you choose. Anyone who gains access to the file will need the passphrase to unlock it, or they won’t be able to view your files.

使用“添加”按钮或从文件管理器的7-Zip菜单创建档案时,您会发现更多选项-档案格式的选择,压缩级别(级别越高,文件越小,但创建和稍后提取文件需要花费更多时间和CPU资源),以及加密密码。 选择AES-256加密,您的文件将使用您选择的密码进行加密。 有权访问该文件的任何人都需要密码来解锁它,否则他们将无法查看您的文件。


7-Zip actually has the best compression out of any file archiving program, too. Select its own 7z format and you’ll see smaller files than you would with other archive formats.

实际上,7-Zip 在所有文件归档程序中也具有最佳的压缩率 。 选择其自己的7z格式,您将看到比其他存档格式小的文件。

RELATED: How to Replace 7-Zip's Ugly Icons with Better-Looking Ones

相关: 如何用看起来更好的图标替换7-Zip的丑图标

It isn’t the prettiest application, of course. It’s functional and barebones, but the default icons could use some polish. if you’d like to make it look better, use the 7-Zip Theme Manager to replace its icons with better looking ones of your choice.

当然,它不是最漂亮的应用程序。 它具有功能性和准系统性,但是默认图标可能需要一些修饰。 如果您想使其外观更好,请使用7-Zip主题管理器将其图标替换为您选择的外观更好的图标。

具有更多功能的更漂亮的界面:PeaZip (A Prettier Interface With a Few More Features: PeaZip)


If you want an interface that looks nicer by default, try PeaZip, another completely free and open-source file archiving program for Windows.

如果您想要一个默认情况下看起来更好的界面,请尝试PeaZip ,这是另一个针对Windows的完全免费的开源文件归档程序。

PeaZip has a nicer looking interface and a few features 7-Zip doesn’t, such as the ability to verify file hashes (ensuring a file isn’t corrupted) and securely delete them. That doesn’t mean it’s a better option for the average user, though. PeaZip packs in more options the average person won’t need, so it can be a bit more confusing to wade through.

PeaZip的界面更好看,而7-Zip则没有一些功能,例如验证文件哈希(确保文件未损坏)并安全删除它们的能力 。 但是,这并不意味着它对于普通用户来说是一个更好的选择。 PeaZip提供了普通人不需要的更多选项,因此涉猎可能会更加混乱。

会困扰您的昂贵应用程序:WinZip和WinRAR (Expensive Applications That Will Nag You: WinZip and WinRAR)


You don’t need WinZip to work with ZIP files or WinRAR to work with RAR files. In most cases, we recommend staying away from them.

您不需要WinZip即可处理ZIP文件,也不需要WinRAR即可处理RAR文件。 在大多数情况下,我们建议远离它们。

Both WinZip and WinRAR are commercial applications. WinZip is $29.95 and WinRAR is $29. Now, we’re not opposed to paying for solid software that fills a need more effectively than what’s available for free–but these applications are just unnecessary. They may look a little prettier than 7-Zip, but that’s all most people will notice.

WinZip和WinRAR都是商业应用程序。 WinZip是29.95美元,WinRAR是29美元。 现在,我们不反对购买比免费软件更有效地满足需求的可靠软件,但是这些应用程序是不必要的。 它们看起来比7邮编还漂亮,但这是大多数人会注意到的所有东西。

WinRAR does have one particular feature that some people will want: The ability to repair and more easily work with damaged or incomplete multi-part RAR archives. This might be convenient if you’re downloading multi-part RAR archives from Usenet, for example. We’re not aware of any particular feature that’s unique to WinZip at this point.

WinRAR确实具有某些人想要的一项特殊功能:能够修复损坏的或不完整的多部分RAR归档文件,并且更容易地工作。 例如,如果要从Usenet下载多部分RAR归档文件 ,这可能会很方便。 目前,我们还没有发现WinZip独有的任何特定功能。


WinZip and WinRAR do offer free trials, so it would be easy to download and start using them. But both WinZip and WinRAR will nag you to pay with obnoxious windows that appear whenever you start the application. It’s not worth it if you just want to extract and create archive files.

WinZip和WinRAR确实提供免费试用,因此可以轻松下载并开始使用它们。 但是WinZip和WinRAR都会让您讨厌在启动应用程序时出现的讨厌的窗口。 如果您只想提取和创建存档文件,那是不值得的。

