android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略

android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略

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android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略

In versions of Android as far back as the mind can remember, apps not found in the Play Store could be universally “sideloaded” by ticking one box in the device’s Security menu. With Oreo, that changes.

在人们所记得的Android版本中,只需在设备的“安全”菜单中选中一个框,即可普遍“侧向加载”在Play商店中找不到的应用。 使用奥利奥,情况发生了变化。

侧载之前如何工作 (How Sideloading Worked Before)

In previous versions of Android, if you wanted to install an application not found in the Play Store—an act called “sideloading”—you had to jump into the Settings > Security menu and enable a feature called “Unknown Sources.” This essentially told the phone to ignore security protocols set in place for apps outside of the official channels and go ahead and allow them to be installed.

早期版本的Android中,如果要安装Play商店中找不到的应用程序( 称为“侧载”),则必须跳到“设置”>“安全性”菜单,然后启用“未知来源”功能。 从本质上讲,这要求电话忽略为官方渠道以外的应用设置的安全协议,然后继续进行安装。

android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略

This is an excellent feature for a number of reasons. It allows developers to release their apps for testing outside of the Play Store. It gives users the control to manually update applications before the update is officially available on their handsets. For the most part, it’s a good thing.

由于许多原因,这是一个出色的功能。 它允许开发人员在Play商店外发布其应用进行测试。 它使用户可以控制在手机上正式提供更新之前手动更新应用程序。 在大多数情况下,这是一件好事。

But like with most things that are inherently good, there’s a dark side. Enabling this feature opens the door for viruses and other forms of malicious software to make their way onto phones. For example, some of the biggest threats to Android have been with applications that could self-install directly from SMS messages with little to no interaction from the user. That’s scary.

但是,就像大多数本来就不错的东西一样,也有阴暗面。 启用此功能将打开病毒和其他形式的恶意软件进入手机的大门。 例如,对Android的最大威胁来自那些可以直接从SMS消息自动安装而几乎没有用户交互的应用程序。 太恐怖了

奥利奥(Oreo)的侧载如何变化 (How Sideloading Has Changed in Oreo)

So, with Oreo, Google decided to change how the Unknown Sources feature works. Instead of being a simple toggle that allows any application to download and install third-party applications, this feature is now enabled on a per-app basis. It’s incredibly smart.

因此,借助Oreo,Google决定更改“未知来源”功能的工作方式。 现在,此功能不再是允许任何应用程序下载和安装第三方应用程序的简单切换,而是逐个应用程序启用。 这真是太聪明了。

For example, I personally sideload apps often that I’ve downloaded from APKMirror. Since these are all downloaded through my default browser—Chrome Beta—I can simply allow just that application to install software. That means any APK (Android Package Kit) that I download using Chrome Beta is allowed to bypass Android’s (and by extension, Google Play Protect’s) security settings, but if I tried the same thing using any other browser—even other versions of Chrome—this installation would be blocked. I’m sure you can already see how this is beneficial.

例如,我本人经常卸载从APKMirror下载的应用程序。 由于这些都是通过我的默认浏览器Chrome Beta下载的,因此我只允许该应用程序安装软件。 这意味着我使用Chrome Beta下载的所有APK(Android套件工具包)都可以绕过Android(以及扩展名, Google Play Protect的 )安全设置,但是如果我使用其他任何浏览器(甚至其他版本的Chrome)尝试了同样的操作,此安装将被阻止。 我相信您已经知道这有何好处。

Another great example is Amazon Underground. This is Amazon’s shopping-slash-Appstore all in one package. Google doesn’t allow appstores to be installed from Google Play, so the Amazon Appstore can’t be downloaded directly from the Play Store. Amazon found a way to circumvent this restriction by offering the Underground app as a free download from the web.  With the Underground app, users are able to install anything that’s available in Amazon’s Appstore.

另一个很好的例子是Amazon Underground 。 这是Amazon的shopping-slash-Appstore,全部打包在一起。 Google不允许从Google Play安装应用商店,因此无法直接从Play商店下载Amazon Appstore。 亚马逊找到了一种通过免费下载 Underground应用程序来规避这一限制的方法 。 使用Underground应用程序,用户可以安装Amazon Appstore中可用的任何内容。

android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略
android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略

So, all that said, this is where the new sideloading policy is really beneficial. Historically, users who use the Amazon Appstore have left the “Unknown Sources” option enabled all the time so applications could easily be installed or updated. In Oreo, however, installation of unknown sources can simply be enabled for the Amazon Underground app. This will allow apps to be installed as needed, but also keep the rest of the system secure. It’s a brilliant compromise.

因此,综上所述,这是新的横向加载策略真正受益的地方。 从历史上看,使用Amazon Appstore的用户始终保持启用“未知来源”选项,以便可以轻松安装或更新应用程序。 但是,在Oreo中,只需为Amazon Underground应用程序启用未知源的安装即可。 这样可以根据需要安装应用程序,但也可以确保系统其余部分的安全。 这是一个绝妙的妥协。

如何访问Android的新侧载设置 (How to Access Android’s New Sideloading Settings)

Now that you know what’s changed and why, let’s talk about where you can find these new settings.


First, give the notification shade a tug and tap the gear icon to jump into the Settings menu.


android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略

From there, tap Apps & Notifications, then expand the Advanced dropdown menu.


android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略
android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略

Choose Special App Access, then “Install Unknown Apps” from the very bottom of this menu.


android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略
android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略

Select the app you’d like to allow sideloading from, then tap the toggle to enable the feature.


android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略
android oreo_了解Android Oreo的新侧载策略

Done and done.



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