Unity和iPhone OS 4.0更新II

Dear Unity developers.


First I want to thank all of you who have expressed support for us in the past weeks. While we can’t yet say exactly how the ToS 3.3.1 will play out, Unity is very different from Flash and we strongly believe that Unity developers will be unharmed. Oh, and awesome Unity games such as Armada: Galactic War, RPG Snake, Roswell Fighter HD, and Zombieville HD are still being accepted into and promoted in  the AppStore  (even after accepting the new ToS). Therefore we are continuing and renewing our investment into the platform, while also researching contingency plans in case we need to modify Unity to keep it compliant.

首先,我要感谢过去几周对我们表示支持的所有人。 尽管我们尚无法确切说明ToS 3.3.1如何发挥作用,但Unity与Flash截然不同,我们坚信Unity开发人员不会受到伤害。 哦,真棒的Unity游戏,例如《 舰队:银河战》RPG Snake罗斯威尔战斗机HDZombieville HD ,仍在AppStore中接受和推广(即使在接受了新的ToS之后)。 因此,我们将继续并更新对平台的投资,同时还研究应急计划,以防我们需要修改Unity以使其符合标准。

The whole company is still manically focused, putting all our efforts into making Unity 3 our best release ever. Unity 3 is very much about major new features, big ticket items like live debugging, deferred rendering, a built-in lightmapper, and things like that. But then we’re also obsessed about polish, so we are also adding features like vertex snapping. Small and large, these features most Unity developers will benefit from regardless of which platform(s) they’re targeting.

整个公司仍然集中精力,将我们所有的努力都使Unity 3成为有史以来最好的版本。 Unity 3非常涉及主要的新功能,诸如实时调试,延迟渲染,内置的光照贴图之类的重要项目,以及诸如此类的东西。 但是随后我们也迷上了抛光,因此我们还添加了诸如“ 顶点捕捉”之类的功能 。 不论大小,大多数Unity开发人员都会受益于这些功能,无论他们针对的是哪个平台。

A major focus of this effort is Unity iPhone 3, where we’re rolling out some very specific (and cool) improvements for iPhone and iPad developers.

这项工作的主要重点是Unity iPhone 3,我们在其中为iPhone和iPad开发人员推出了一些非常具体(非常酷)的改进。

If you visited us at GDC 2010, you might have seen this very cool looking platformer game running on the iPhone 3GS. Our awesome demo team put this together to show what’s possible with Unity iPhone 3’s upcoming OpenGL ES 2.0 support — shaders add so much visual fidelity to your games — and as always Unity gracefully handles fallbacks to previous hardware generations.

如果您在GDC 2010*问过我们,您可能已经看到了这款运行在iPhone 3GS上的非常酷的平台游戏。 我们很棒的演示团队将它们放在一起,以展示Unity iPhone 3即将提供的OpenGL ES 2.0支持的可能性-着色器为您的游戏增加了如此高的视觉保真度-并且一如既往地Unity可以轻松处理以前硬件版本的后备情况。

Unity和iPhone OS 4.0更新II

For “cross-resolution” development as when creating a game for both the iPhone and iPad, Unity 3 makes it really easy to create differentiated builds, where different resolutions of textures are included.

对于“跨分辨率”开发,例如在为iPhone和iPad创建游戏时,Unity 3使得创建包含不同分辨率的纹理的差异化构建非常容易。

Another cool feature is that we’re making it even easier to call into the iPhone OS, and making the native calls feature available to both Unity iPhone licensees as well as Unity iPhone Pro licensees. Thus you can call into all of iPhone OS 4.0’s new APIs such as the GameCenter, and to drop into ObjectiveC when it makes sense.

另一个很酷的功能是,我们使调用iPhone OS变得更加容易,并使本地电话功能可用于Unity iPhone被许可人和Unity iPhone Pro被许可人。 因此,您可以调用iPhone OS 4.0的所有新API(例如GameCenter),并在有意义时放入ObjectiveC。

And of course there’s going to be lots more :)


If you haven’t done so yet, have a look at the Unity 3 preview page. And there’s a lot more feature previews coming in these blogs, so stay tuned!

如果您尚未这样做,请查看Unity 3预览页面 。 这些博客中还有更多功能预览,敬请期待!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/05/11/unity-and-the-iphone-os-4-0-update-ii/