chrome怎么隐藏浏览器_如何使用Google Chrome的隐藏阅读器模式

chrome怎么隐藏浏览器_如何使用Google Chrome的隐藏阅读器模式


chrome怎么隐藏浏览器_如何使用Google Chrome的隐藏阅读器模式

Chrome 75 has a hidden “Reader” mode that strips web pages down to the bare minimum to make them easier to, well, read. But it’s not enabled by default—here’s how to get it now.

Chrome 75具有隐藏的“阅读器”模式,可将网页精简到最低限度,使它们更易于阅读。 但是默认情况下未启用它-现在介绍如何获取它。

Google has been experimenting with this feature on and off in the desktop version of Chrome for years, but it’s now available with a hidden flag instead of an extra hidden command-line option. We expect Google is gearing up to release it in stable form without any flags required.

多年来,Google一直在桌面版Chrome上启用和停用此功能的经验,但现在可以使用带有隐藏标志的功能,而不是额外的隐藏命令行选项。 我们希望Google做好准备以稳定的形式发布它,而无需任何标志。

Update: Google removed this flag from Chrome sometime near the end of 2019. We recommend installing a “reader mode” extension from the Chrome Web Store or switching to another browser that has a built-in reading mode. Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari all include a reader mode.

更新:大约在2019年末,Google从Chrome删除了此标记。我们建议从Chrome网上应用店安装“阅读器模式”扩展程序,或切换到具有内置阅读模式的其他浏览器。 Mozilla Firefox,Microsoft Edge和Apple Safari均包含阅读器模式。

如何启用阅读器模式 (How to Enable Reader Mode)

First things first—you’ll need to make sure your Chrome installation is on version 75. Click the three-dot menu button in the upper right, hover over the “Help” menu, and then click “About Chome.”


chrome怎么隐藏浏览器_如何使用Google Chrome的隐藏阅读器模式

The About Chrome menu will show which version of Chrome you’re currently running and should check for updates automatically. If an update is available, it will download and install automatically; once that’s finished, click the “Relaunch” button to complete the installation.

“关于Chrome浏览器”菜单将显示您当前正在运行的Chrome版本,并应自动检查更新。 如果有更新,它将自动下载并安装。 完成后,单击“重新启动”按钮以完成安装。

chrome怎么隐藏浏览器_如何使用Google Chrome的隐藏阅读器模式

If Chrome is still on version 74 and there’s not an update available, you’ll need to wait for 75 to finish rolling out to all users. It released on June 4th, but stable builds are released slowly in four stages. Odds are it just hasn’t hit your device yet, so give it a few days.

如果Chrome仍在74版上,并且没有可用的更新,则需要等待75版才能完成向所有用户的推广。 它于6月4日发布,但稳定的构建分四个阶段缓慢发布。 奇怪的是它还没有打到您的设备上,所以请再等几天。

Once Chrome is on 75, though, you’re good to go. Open a new tab and enter chrome://flags/#enable-reader-mode to jump directly to the Reader Mode Flag.

一旦Chrome启用75,您就可以使用了。 打开一个新标签,然后输入chrome://flags/#enable-reader-mode以直接跳到Reader Mode Flag。

chrome怎么隐藏浏览器_如何使用Google Chrome的隐藏阅读器模式

Open the dropdown and change the option to “Enabled,” then click the button at the bottom to relaunch your browser. Once it starts back up, Reader Mode is enabled.

打开下拉菜单并将选项更改为“ Enabled”,然后单击底部的按钮以重新启动浏览器。 一旦开始备份,就会启用阅读器模式。

chrome怎么隐藏浏览器_如何使用Google Chrome的隐藏阅读器模式

如何使用Chrome的阅读器模式 (How to Use Chrome’s Reader Mode)

Reader Mode in Chrome is mad-easy to use. When you’re on a page that you’d like to push into the reader view, click on the three-dot menu button in the upper right, and then choose “Distill page.” It’s worth noting that this verbiage will likely change as the feature moves out of flag status and becomes stable. But for now, that’s what you’re looking for. Also, hopefully, a keyboard shortcut will be available at some point.

Chrome中的阅读器模式易于使用。 当您要进入阅读器视图的页面时,请单击右上角的三点菜单按钮,然后选择“蒸馏页面”。 值得注意的是,该功能可能会随着功能脱离标志状态并变得稳定而发生变化。 但是现在,这就是您要寻找的。 另外,希望在某个时候可以使用键盘快捷键。

chrome怎么隐藏浏览器_如何使用Google Chrome的隐藏阅读器模式

In a matter of seconds, the page will render with nothing but a clean block of text and images from the post. No ads, no sidebars, no clutter. Just an easy way to focus.

在短短的几秒钟内,页面将仅显示帖子中的干净文本和图像块而仅呈现。 没有广告,没有侧边栏,没有混乱。 只是一种简单的聚焦方式。

chrome怎么隐藏浏览器_如何使用Google Chrome的隐藏阅读器模式

It’s worth mentioning that there’s no way to “undstill” the page—if you want to see the full page again, just click Chrome’s back button. Easy peasy.

值得一提的是,无法“提取”页面-如果要再次查看整个页面,只需单击Chrome的后退按钮。 十分简单。

As with most other flags, it’s worth noting that Reader Mode still isn’t ready for everyday use—it’s still kind of buggy. For example, there were a handful of occasions when it failed to render images for me. The text always came out fine, however, so it’s still usable.

与大多数其他标志一样,值得注意的是,阅读器模式仍未准备就绪,无法日常使用-仍然是越野车。 例如,在少数情况下它无法为我渲染图像。 文本总是很好,但是,它仍然可以使用。

