



Your mouse is slowing you down. The less you use it, the faster you’ll be able to do just about everything.

鼠标使您减速。 使用的次数越少,您几乎可以完成所有事情。

That’s the idea behind Quicksilver, an open source Mac application that makes launching software and a bunch of other tasks a lot faster. It’s easy to look at Quicksilver as a replacement for Spotlight, and it’s true that both can be used to quickly launch Mac applications. But beyond that, Quicksilver is an application that rewards users for digging in and learning more.

这就是Quicksilver (一种开放源Mac应用程序)背后的想法,它使启动软件和许多其他任务的速度大大提高。 将Quicksilver视为Spotlight的替代品很容易,并且可以同时使用两者来快速启动Mac应用程序。 但除此之外,Quicksilver是一种应用程序,可奖励用户进行深入研究和学习的内容。

With a little bit of configuration you can quickly crunch numbers, add items to your calendar, and search specific websites, all without touching your mouse. Use it long enough, and you’ll wonder how you ever used your Mac without it.

只需进行一些配置,您就可以快速处理数字,将项目添加到日历以及搜索特定的网站,而无需触摸鼠标。 使用它足够长的时间,您会想知道如何在没有它的情况下使用Mac。

设置Quicksilver (Setting Up Quicksilver)

To get started, head to the Quicksilver website and download the application. Installation is standard: mount the DMG file, then drag the Quicksilver icon to your Applications folder.

首先,请访问Quicksilver网站并下载该应用程序。 安装是标准的:安装DMG文件,然后将Quicksilver图标拖到“应用程序”文件夹中。


The first time you run Quicksilver, a wizard will guide you through the basics of using the application.



You’ll be asked if you want to install any plugins; feel free to install whichever ones look interesting to you. You can also install them later if you prefer.

系统将询问您是否要安装任何插件。 随时安装任何您感兴趣的软件。 如果您愿意,也可以稍后安装它们。

Make sure that you do enable a keyboard shortcut, however. This will be the shortcut you use to launch Quicksilver, meaning it should be something that’s always handy for you. I tend to go with Command+Space, replacing the Spotlight, but you can use whatever shortcut you like.

但是,请确保您确实启用了键盘快捷键。 这将是您用来启动Quicksilver的快捷方式,这意味着它应该始终对您方便。 我倾向于使用Command + Space代替Spotlight,但是您可以使用任何喜欢的快捷方式。


Click Continue to go through the rest of the wizard.


基本用法:一切与键盘有关 (Basic Usage: It’s All About The Keyboard)

Once you’ve completed the initial setup you can launch Quicksilver for the first time with your keyboard shortcut.



To launch an application, all you need to do is start typing it’s name.



An option will quickly pop up as you type. If it’s not exactly what you want, keep typing, and Quicksilver will try to guess what you mean. Most of the time, you can just press Enter to launch your desired application instantly.

键入时,将快速弹出一个选项。 如果不是您想要的,继续输入,Quicksilver会尝试猜测您的意思。 大多数时候,您可以按Enter键立即启动所需的应用程序。

On the rare occasion you don’t see what you want, however, just wait. A panel will pop out to the left of Quicksilver’s launcher.

在极少数情况下,您看不到想要的东西,但是,请稍等。 一个面板将弹出到Quicksilver启动器的左侧。


Use the up and down arrow keys to browse these options. In this example, the top option is to launch Safari, but other options include looking through my Safari bookmarks. If I use the down arrow to browse to that option, then use the right arrow to expand, I can actually scroll through my Safari bookmarks.

使用向上和向下箭头键浏览这些选项。 在此示例中,最上面的选项是启动Safari,但其他选项包括浏览我的Safari书签。 如果使用向下箭头浏览至该选项,然后使用向右箭头展开,则实际上可以滚动浏览Safari书签。


This is the very basic navigation, and you can already see how much information you can access with just a few keystrokes. And we’re just scratching the surface here.

这是非常基本的导航,您已经可以通过几次按键就可以看到多少信息。 而我们只是在这里刮擦表面。

使用Tab键执行其他操作 (Use the Tab Key for Alternative Actions)

Keen observers will note there are two main boxes in Quicksilver’s interface: Item and Action. In the above example, we worked completely in the Item box. And if you all you want to do is quickly open a program or folder, this is going to work most of the time. But Quicksilver can do so much more than just launch things, which is where the Action box comes in.

敏锐的观察者会注意到Quicksilver界面中有两个主要框: ItemAction 。 在上面的示例中,我们完全在“项目”框中工作。 而且,如果您要做的只是快速打开一个程序或文件夹,那么大多数情况下这将起作用。 但是Quicksilver不仅可以执行启动框,还可以做更多的事情。

To switch between the item and the action box, just press Tab. You can now search for alternative actions, or use the arrow keys to browse your options.

要在项目和操作框之间切换,只需按Tab。 现在,您可以搜索替代操作,或使用箭头键浏览选项。


For example, if I pick “Reveal” here, the Finder will show me where “Safari” is stored. There are a bunch of actions to choose from for any given file, and plugins add even more.

例如,如果我在此处选择“显示”,Finder将向我显示“ Safari”的存储位置。 对于给定的文件,有很多操作可供选择,而插件添加的更多。

值得安装的插件 (Plugins Worth Installing)

Speaking of plugins, you should really install some. They give Quicksilver access to more items and actions, which makes Quicksilver more useful.

说到插件,您应该安装一些插件。 它们使Quicksilver可以访问更多项目和操作,这使Quicksilver更加有用。


To install plugins, first launch Quicksilver. Click the gear icon at top-right, then click “Plugins”. This will bring up the plugins window in the settings:

要安装插件,请首先启动Quicksilver。 点击右上角的齿轮图标,然后点击“插件”。 这将在设置中弹出插件窗口:


Take your time to explore what’s here. You can click the information or question mark icons at bottom-right for more details about any plugin you see, but here’s a quick rundown of plugins we think everyone should install:

花时间探索这里的内容。 您可以单击右下角的信息或问号图标,以获取有关您看到的任何插件的更多详细信息,但是以下是我们认为每个人都应该安装的插件的简要清单:

  • Your browser’s plugin. There are plugins for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Each of them give Quicksilver access to your bookmarks, history, and more, making it easy for you to quickly launch websites without touching the mouse.

    您浏览器的插件。 有适用于Chrome,Firefox和Safari的插件。 它们中的每一个都使Quicksilver可以访问您的书签,历史记录等,从而使您无需触摸鼠标即可快速启动网站。

  • iTunes. Search your music collection, and quickly play a particular song or album.

    iTunes 。 搜索您的音乐收藏,并快速播放特定的歌曲或专辑。

  • Calendar. Quickly add appointments to you calendar. Note that, to enter long strings of text, you need to hit the “.” key right after launching Quicksilver.

    日历。 快速将约会添加到您的日历。 请注意,要输入较长的文本字符串,请点击“。” 在启动Quicksilver后立即按下该键。

  • Calculator. Crunch numbers without touch your mouse. Again, to enter a formula you need to hit “.” right after launching Quicksilver.

    计算器。 无需触摸鼠标即可处理数字。 同样,要输入公式,您需要按“。”。 在启动Quicksilver之后。

  • Web Browser Search. Launches browser-based searches Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail, meaning you don’t need to first navigate to those sites before starting your search.

    Web浏览器搜索。 启动基于浏览器的搜索Google,Facebook,Twitter和Gmail,这意味着您无需在开始搜索之前先导航到这些网站。

Again, there’s a lot more to dig through here, but we think these ones are essential.


自定义您的目录 (Customizing Your Catalog)

You might be wondering why particular folders or files aren’t showing up in your searches. The answers lie in the Catalog. Click the Catalog tab in Quicksilver’s settings to access it.

您可能想知道为什么特定的文件夹或文件没有出现在您的搜索中。 答案在目录中。 单击Quicksilver设置中的目录选项卡以对其进行访问。


Here, you can choose what does and does not show up in your search results. Explore a little bit and you’ll really get a feel for what Quicksilver is capable of doing. Click the “i” button at bottom-right for more details on any item, just like you did while browsing plugins.

在这里,您可以选择在搜索结果中显示和不显示的内容。 进行一些探索,您将真正了解Quicksilver的功能。 单击右下角的“ i”按钮以获取有关任何项目的更多详细信息,就像浏览插件时一样。

Quicksilver tries to keep things snappy by only focusing on things you’re likely to use: your Applications, your top-level folders, and whatever it is your plugins point to. But if there’s a specific folder you’d like to monitor, click the “+” icon at bottom-left.

Quicksilver试图通过仅关注您可能会使用的东西来使事情保持活泼:您的应用程序,*文件夹以及插件所指向的任何内容。 但是,如果要监视特定的文件夹,请单击左下角的“ +”图标。


Click “File & Folder Scanner” to add a specific folder to the watch list, allowing you to launch a specific folder or file more quickly.


When you’re done making changes, be sure to hit the Refresh button at bottom-right, or your changes might take a while to show up in search results.


继续挖掘,因为还有更多 (Keep Digging, Because There Is So Much More)

We could dig into Quicksilver much more, and in fact we already have. For example, you can use Quicksilver to set up keyboard shortcuts to launch any program. It can also, with the right plugins, store your clipboard history Terminal commands. But the only way to really learn to use Quicksilver is to dive in yourself and start experimenting. We hope this article gives you a starting point.

我们可以深入研究Quicksilver,事实上我们已经拥有了。 例如,您可以使用Quicksilver设置键盘快捷键以启动任何程序。 使用正确的插件,它也可以存储剪贴板历史记录终端命令。 但是,真正学会使用Quicksilver的唯一方法是潜心学习并开始尝试。 我们希望本文为您提供一个起点。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/20528/speeding-up-os-x-navigation-with-quicksilver/
