chrome网站静音_Chrome Now(排序)使自动播放的视频静音

chrome网站静音_Chrome Now(排序)使自动播放的视频静音


chrome网站静音_Chrome Now(排序)使自动播放的视频静音

Chrome 66, out today, supposedly blocks one of the most annoying things on the web: auto-playing videos with sound.

Chrome 66现已发布,它可以阻止网络上最烦人的事情之一:自动播放有声视频。

Numerous websites start playing videos in the corner while you’re trying to read something, which is why Safari has muted auto-playing videos since September. But while Safari’s feature works across the board, Chrome’s is inconsistent at best in our tests.

当您尝试阅读某些内容时,许多网站都会在角落开始播放视频,这就是Safari从9月开始就静音自动播放视频的原因 。 但是,尽管Safari的功能全面可用,但在我们的测试中,Chrome的充其量是不一致的。

The problem: this new Chrome feature monitors your behavior on websites to determine whether you want to hear the ads, instead of just muting them. Here’s Emil Protalinski, writing for Venture Beat:

问题:Chrome的这项新功能可以监控您在网站上的行为,从而确定您是否想听广告,而不仅仅是将其静音。 这是Emil Protalinski, 为Venture Beat撰写

The discrepancy is due to how Chrome ranks each website for you. On the desktop, Chrome has a Media Engagement Index (MEI), which measures the propensity to consume media for each site you visit. You can check your MEI for each site by navigating to the chrome://media-engagement internal page.

差异是由于Chrome如何为您排名每个网站。 Chrome在桌面上具有媒体参与度指数(MEI),该指数可衡量您访问的每个网站的媒体消费倾向。 您可以通过导航到chrome:// media-engagement内部页面来检查每个站点的MEI。

You can see what this engagement measuring looks like in the screenshot above. We suppose this will work over time, but can’t help but wonder why Google didn’t just copy Safari and block auto-playing audio across the board. If that’s what you want here’s how to mute new tabs in Chrome by default. Just know that you’ll have to unmute sites you actually want to hear.

您可以在上面的屏幕截图中看到这种参与度测量的样子。 我们认为这会随着时间的流逝而起作用,但我们不禁会奇怪,为什么Google不仅复制Safari并阻止自动播放音频。 如果您要这样做,请按以下步骤在默认情况下忽略Chrome中的新标签页 。 只知道您将必须取消静音您真正想听的站点。

