



If you’ve ever had a window somehow get moved off your screen, you know it can be frustrating not being able to drag it back. We’ve got a couple of ways you can move these rogue windows back to your desktop, though.

如果您曾经以某种方式将窗口从屏幕上移开,那么您将无法将其拖动回去,这可能会令人沮丧。 不过,我们有几种方法可以将这些恶意窗口移回桌面。

This little problem can happen for a couple of different reasons. The most common is if you have a secondary monitor that is sometimes hooked up and sometimes not—something that’s pretty common for laptop users. Sometimes, if you disconnect the secondary monitor without turning off the “extend desktop” setting in Windows or moving your windows back to your main monitor first, windows that were on the second monitor can get stranded. This can even happen with the new, more multi-monitor-friendly settings in Windows 8 and 10. This off-screen window problem can also happen sometimes if an app moves a window off screen and doesn’t move it back. But we have a couple of tricks that can help.

这个小问题可能由于多种原因而发生。 最常见的是,如果您有一个辅助显示器 ,有时它被挂上了,而有时却没有,这对于笔记本电脑用户来说是很普遍的。 有时,如果在不关闭Windows中的“扩展桌面”设置的情况下断开辅助监视器的连接,或者先将窗口移回主监视器,则第二个监视器上的窗口可能会搁浅。 使用Windows 8和10中新的, 多显示器友好的设置甚至可能会发生这种情况。 如果应用程序将窗口移出屏幕且不将其移回,则有时也会发生屏幕外窗口问题。 但是我们有一些技巧可以帮助您。

使用窗口排列设置将隐藏的Windows返回 (Get Hidden Windows Back with Window Arrangement Settings)

The easiest way to get back a hidden window is to just right-click on the Taskbar and select one of the window arrangement settings, like “Cascade windows” or “Show windows stacked.”



The “Cascade windows” setting, for example, will immediately arrange all open windows in a cascade, moving all windows back onto the main screen in the process.



使用键盘把隐藏的Windows返回 (Get Hidden Windows Back with a Keyboard Trick)

There’s also a simple keyboard trick you can use if you don’t want to rearrange all your windows. First make sure you’ve got the off-screen window selected as the active window. You can do this by pressing Alt+Tab until that window is active or clicking the associated taskbar button.

如果不想重新排列所有窗口,也可以使用一个简单的键盘技巧。 首先,请确保已将屏幕外窗口选为活动窗口。 您可以通过按Alt + Tab直到该窗口处于活动状态或单击关联的任务栏按钮来执行此操作。

After you’ve got the window active, Shift+right-click the taskbar button (because just right-clicking will open the app’s jumplist instead) and choose the “Move” command from the context menu.



At this point, note that your cursor changes to a “Move” cursor. Now, you can use your arrow keys to move the window. You should also just be able to tap any of the arrow keys and then move your mouse slightly to have the window pop back onto the screen.

此时,请注意,您的光标更改为“移动”光标。 现在,您可以使用箭头键移动窗口。 您还应该只可以点击任意箭头键,然后稍微移动鼠标以使窗口弹出回到屏幕上。


This trick will work on any version of Windows, but note that on versions before Windows 7 you just need to right-click the taskbar button instead of Shift+right-click to get the context menu. It’s a handy little trick for solving an somewhat rare—but definitely frustrating—problem.

此技巧适用于任何版本的Windows,但请注意,在Windows 7 之前的版本中您只需右键单击任务栏按钮,而不是Shift +右键单击以获取上下文菜单。 解决一个罕见的但绝对令人沮丧的问题是一个方便的小技巧。

