xbox手柄映射_如何重新映射您的Xbox One控制器的按钮

xbox手柄映射_如何重新映射您的Xbox One控制器的按钮


xbox手柄映射_如何重新映射您的Xbox One控制器的按钮

Microsoft’s Xbox One allows you to remap the buttons on its controller. This feature was originally introduced with Microsoft’s high-end Xbox One Elite controller, but it now works with standard Xbox One controllers as well.

微软的Xbox One允许您重新映射其控制器上的按钮。 此功能最初是由Microsoft的高端Xbox One Elite控制器引入的,但现在也可以与标准Xbox One控制器一起使用。

These instructions only apply to remapping buttons on an Xbox One controller connected to an Xbox One, not an Xbox One controller connected to a PC. If you have an Xbox One Elite controller, you can download the Xbox Accessories app from the Windows 10 Store and use it to remap the controller’s buttons when it’s connected to a PC, though.

这些说明仅适用于重新映射连接到Xbox One的Xbox One控制器上的按钮,而不适用于连接到PC的Xbox One控制器上的按钮。 如果您有Xbox One Elite控制器,则可以从Windows 10商店下载Xbox附件应用程序,并在控制器连接到PC时使用它重新映射控制器的按钮。

Here’s what you need to know:


  • This change happens at the Xbox One operating system level. Games aren’t aware of it. So, for example, you might swap the left and right sticks using this feature. Games you play won’t know you’ve done this, so when a game tells you to use your right stick, you’ll need to use your left stick. You’ll need to remember how you’ve mapped your buttons.

    此更改发生在Xbox One操作系统级别。 游戏不知道这一点。 因此,例如,您可以使用此功能交换左右摇杆。 您玩的游戏不会知道您已完成此操作,因此当游戏告诉您使用右摇杆时,您将需要使用左摇杆。 您需要记住如何映射按钮。
  • Your button mapping layout affects all games, apps, and the Xbox One’s dashboard. You can’t create specific settings for specific games.

    您的按钮映射布局会影响所有游戏,应用程序和Xbox One的仪表板。 您无法为特定游戏创建特定设置。
  • Each user account signed into your Xbox One can have a single profile, which is associated with the user account and not the controller hardware. If you use an Xbox One Elite controller, you can save multiple profiles and switch between them, but the system can’t automatically switch profiles when you launch a specific game.

    登录到Xbox One的每个用户帐户都可以有一个配置文件,该配置文件与该用户帐户而不是控制器硬件关联。 如果您使用Xbox One Elite控制器,则可以保存多个配置文件并在它们之间进行切换,但是在启动特定游戏时系统无法自动切换配置文件。

If all that sounds worth it, then let’s talk about how to make this happen.


如何自定义按钮 (How to Customize Your Buttons)

First, head to “My Games and Apps” on your Xbox One. Select “Apps” on the left side of the screen and launch the “Xbox Accessories” app. This app is installed by default.

首先,转到Xbox One上的“我的游戏和应用程序”。 选择屏幕左侧的“应用程序”,然后启动“ Xbox附件”应用程序。 此应用默认情况下已安装。

xbox手柄映射_如何重新映射您的Xbox One控制器的按钮

You’ll see your connected controller here, and you can select “Configure” to continue. If you have more than one controller connected at once, you can use the left and right buttons on the directional pad to select the controller you want to configure.

您将在此处看到已连接的控制器,并且可以选择“配置”以继续。 如果一次连接了多个控制器,则可以使用方向键盘上的左右按钮选择要配置的控制器。

xbox手柄映射_如何重新映射您的Xbox One控制器的按钮

Choose “Button Mapping” on the left side of your screen. You can always come back here and select “Restore Defaults” to restore your controller to its default settings later.

选择屏幕左侧的“按钮映射”。 您随时可以回到此处,然后选择“恢复默认值”以稍后将控制器恢复为其默认设置。

xbox手柄映射_如何重新映射您的Xbox One控制器的按钮

You can remap buttons in two ways. First, you could choose the button you want to remap button from the list at the top-left corner of the screen and then choose the button you want it to act as from the “Map to” box below it.

您可以通过两种方式重新映射按钮。 首先,您可以从屏幕左上角的列表中选择要重新映射的按钮,然后从其下方的“映射到”框中选择要用作按钮的按钮。

For example, if you chose “A button” in the top box and “B button” in the bottom box, the A button would function as a B button when you pressed it.

例如,如果您在顶部框中选择了“ A按钮”,在底部框中选择了“ B按钮”,则在按下A按钮时它将充当B按钮。

xbox手柄映射_如何重新映射您的Xbox One控制器的按钮

You can also press and hold a button you want to remap, and then press the button you want it to function as when the prompt appears to quickly remap a button.


For example, you can long-press the A button and then tap the B button. The A button would then function as the B button when you pressed it.

例如,您可以长按A按钮,然后点击B按钮。 当您按下A按钮时,它将充当B按钮。

xbox手柄映射_如何重新映射您的Xbox One控制器的按钮

A few other options here allow you to swap the left and right sticks to reverse them. You can also swap the triggers, which will make the left trigger function as the right trigger, and vice versa.

此处还有其他一些选项,您可以交换左右摇杆以将它们反转。 您也可以交换触发器,这将使左触发器充当右触发器,反之亦然。

The “Invert right stick Y axis” and “Invert left stick Y axis” options allow you to swap the vertical axes of the sticks. In other words, if you activated this option, pushing the stick upwards would have the same effect that pushing the stick downwards normally would. You’d push the stick up to go down and push it down to go up.

“反转右摇杆Y轴”和“反转左摇杆Y轴”选项使您可以交换摇杆的垂直轴。 换句话说,如果**了此选项,则向上推动操纵杆将具有与通常向下推动操纵杆相同的效果。 您可以将操纵杆向上推以下降,然后将其向下推以上升。

If you have an Xbox One Elite controller, you’ll have more options for configuring your controller here.

如果您有Xbox One Elite控制器,则将在此处具有更多用于配置控制器的选项。

xbox手柄映射_如何重新映射您的Xbox One控制器的按钮

When you’re finished, select “Done.” You can come back to the Xbox Accessories app to check your custom button mapping settings if you need a reminder of which button functions as which other button.

完成后,选择“完成”。 如果您需要提醒哪个按钮的功能与其他按钮相同,可以回到Xbox附件应用程序以检查自定义按钮映射设置。

To reset your changes, select “Configure” in the Xbox Accessories app and then select “Restore defaults.”


xbox手柄映射_如何重新映射您的Xbox One控制器的按钮

PlayStation 4 owners can remap the buttons on their DualShock 4 controllers, too. Nintendo is the odd company out now, as Nintendo’s Wii U doesn’t offer a button-remapping feature.

PlayStation 4所有者也可以重新映射其DualShock 4控制器上的按钮。 由于任天堂的Wii U不提供按钮重映射功能,因此任天堂现在是一家奇怪的公司。

