如何在不使用电缆的情况下流播Daytona 500

如何在不使用电缆的情况下流播Daytona 500
Action Sports Photography/Shutterstock 动作体育摄影/快门

The most significant Nascar race of the year, the Daytona 500, takes place later today, Feb. 16, 2020, at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT. All you need to get access to all of the racing excitement is a streaming service that offers the Fox channel.

年度最重要的纳斯卡赛车Daytona 500,将于今天晚些时候(2020年2月16日),东部时间下午1点/太平洋时间上午10点举行。 您需要访问所有激动人心的赛车,才是提供Fox频道的流媒体服务。

The Daytona 500 is the biggest race of the Nascar season and it shows who is the cream of the crop in this sport. With names to watch like Jimmy Johnson and Ryan Newman, this race will show who is the best out of the bunch. If you’re a cord-cutter, then you may be looking for a service to use to watch this race. These services allow you to catch the big race from the first lap to the checkered flag.

Daytona 500是纳斯卡赛季最大的比赛,它显示了谁是这项运动中的佼佼者。 像吉米·约翰逊(Jimmy Johnson)和瑞安·纽曼(Ryan Newman)这样的名字值得关注,这场比赛将展示谁是最棒的。 如果您是剪线钳,那么您可能正在寻找一种观看比赛的服务。 这些服务使您能够从第一圈到方格旗赶上大赛。

Fox Sports Go(带电视订阅) (Fox Sports Go (With TV Subscription))

如何在不使用电缆的情况下流播Daytona 500

Fox Sports is the home of Nascar, so it’s no surprise that you can pick up the show on the network’s website and app. With Fox Sports Go, you can watch live content by connecting your TV provider to your profile. Once you get that setup, you’ll be able to enjoy the Daytona 500.

Fox Sports是Nascar的所在地,因此您可以在网络的网站和应用程序上观看节目也就不足为奇了。 使用Fox Sports Go,您可以通过将电视提供商连接到个人资料来观看直播内容。 完成设置后,您将可以享受Daytona 500。

Hulu Live (Hulu Live)

如何在不使用电缆的情况下流播Daytona 500

Hulu Live TV is a perfect option for any live sports you may want to watch, seeing as Fox Sports is one of its main channels. For $55 a month, you get access to over 60 live channels, meaning you can stream just about anything. There’s also a free one-week trial, so you can try it out before shelling over that much money.

Hulu直播电视是您可能想观看的任何直播体育的理想选择,因为Fox Sports是其主要频道之一。 每月仅需$ 55,您就可以访问60多个直播频道,这意味着您可以流式传输几乎所有内容。 还有一个免费的为期一周的试用版,因此您可以在花那么多钱之前尝试一下。

富宝电视 (FuboTV)

如何在不使用电缆的情况下流播Daytona 500

If you’re looking for a little more, check out fuboTV. For $60 a month, you get over 100 channels of streaming goodness. The service also offers a seven-day free trial so that you can try out the streaming platform before signing up for the service.

如果您需要更多,请查看fuboTV 。 每月仅需$ 60,即可获得100多个流媒体优质频道。 该服务还提供7天免费试用,因此您可以在注册该服务之前试用流媒体平台。

AT&T TV现在 (AT&T TV Now)

如何在不使用电缆的情况下流播Daytona 500

AT&T TV Now offers HBO channels along with your usual live networks, including Fox Sports. Although this comes at a steep price for the number of channels you receive, $65 a month still gives you a lot to watch. There’s a seven-day free trial that you can try out before you hand the company a large chunk of change.

AT&T TV Now现在提供HBO频道以及您通常的直播网络,包括Fox Sports。 尽管这对于您收到的频道数量来说是不菲的价格,但是每月65美元的费用仍然让您有很多值得关注的地方。 有7天的免费试用期,您可以在向公司进行大量更改之前进行试用。

吊装电视 (Sling TV)

如何在不使用电缆的情况下流播Daytona 500

If you’re looking for a dirt-cheap streaming service that still offers the channels you want, Sling TV is the way to go. With Sling Blue, you can get 47 channels while only paying $20 for the first month. After that first payment, every month going forward will be $30 a month.

如果您正在寻找仍然可以提供所需频道的廉价流媒体服务,那么Sling TV是您的理想之选。 使用Sling Blue,您可以获得47个频道,而第一个月只需支付20美元。 第一次付款后,每个月的费用为每月30美元。

YouTube电视 (YouTube TV)

如何在不使用电缆的情况下流播Daytona 500

YouTube TV is a wonderful service as it has a great variety of channels to choose from without being as expensive as the other services. For $50 a month, you get over 70 channels to choose from, which also includes local stations. The company offers a five-day free trial that you should take advantage of if you’re not ready to pay half a Benjamin every month.

YouTube TV是一项很棒的服务,因为它有多种频道可供选择,而又不像其他服务那样昂贵。 每月仅需$ 50,您就可以选择70多个频道,其中还包括本地电台。 该公司提供为期五天的免费试用,如果您不准备每月支付一半的本杰明,则可以利用该试用期。

No matter what service you choose, you’ll see every lap, tire change, and crash that comes with today’s Daytona 500. Watch your favorites race their hearts out while still keeping the cable companies at bay.

无论您选择哪种服务,今天的Daytona 500都会伴随着每圈,轮胎更换和撞车事故。观看您最喜欢的赛车,他们的心跳加速,同时仍使电缆公司不为所动。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/657808/how-to-stream-the-daytona-500-without-cable/