



Who doesn’t love a good carefree cop show? If you’re a lover of *lyn Nine-Nine, you may be looking for a way to stream it right to your home. These services will bring this incredibly popular show right to your living room.

谁不喜欢一个好的无忧无虑的警察表演? 如果您是布鲁克林九九的恋人那么您可能正在寻找一种将其流式传输到您家中的方法。 这些服务将把这个非常受欢迎的节目带到您的客厅。

全国广播公司 (NBC)


NBC’s website is the place to go if you want to catch some free episodes of the show, but only if you’re already into the series. Depending on when you visit the website, NBC will offer a handful of episodes for free, while you can unlock other episodes by logging in to a TV provider. If you link your TV provider, such as YouTube TV, then you’ll be able to watch every available episode through NBC.

如果您想收看该节目的一些免费剧集,但前提是您已经参加了该系列节目,那么NBC的网站是您可以去的地方。 根据您访问网站的时间,NBC将免费提供少数几集,而您可以通过登录电视提供商来解锁其他集。 如果您链接电视提供商(例如YouTube TV),则可以通过NBC观看每个可用的节目。



The number of episodes that you can watch currently on TBS is also limited. As with NBC, a handful of episodes are available for free, but they’re spread out between previous seasons. While those aren’t the most recent episodes, you will be able to enjoy those while you wait for the newer episodes to come to the site.

您目前在TBS上可以观看的剧集数量也受到限制。 与NBC一样,有几集是免费的,但它们在之前的几个季节之间散播。 这些不是最新的剧集,但您可以在等待新的剧集到站点时欣赏它们。

葫芦 (Hulu)


Hulu is the current home for all of the seasons of *lyn Nine-Nine. The streaming service has every episode from season one through seven available for you to watch currently. If you want to binge the whole show, then Hulu will be the place to go if you don’t want to own it for your library.

葫芦是布鲁克林九九州所有季节的现居地。 流媒体服务目前提供第一季到第七季的每一集供您观看。 如果您想对整个演出进行狂欢,那么如果您不想为图书馆拥有它,那么Hulu将是一个理想的选择。

亚马逊Prime视频 (Amazon Prime Video)


Amazon Prime Video is one of the places you’ll be able to purchase this show for your library. Each season is $25 and you can purchase every episode for $3 each. With the most recent season, Amazon offers a Season Pass purchase, so you will be able to get the episodes as soon as they’re available on Prime Video.

Amazon Prime Video是您可以在图书馆购买此节目的地方之一。 每个季节25美元,您可以每集3美元的价格购买每一集。 在最近的季节中,Amazon提供了Season Pass购买,因此您可以在Prime Video上获得这些情节后立即获得这些情节。

的iTunes (iTunes)


iTunes is the site to go to if you’re someone who uses Apple devices. Each season is $25, which can get pricey, but it’s the easiest way to watch on your Apple TV or iPad. As with Amazon Prime Video, purchasing the latest season will get you every new episode as it becomes available on iTunes.

如果您是使用Apple设备的人,则iTunes是该网站。 每个季节25美元,这可能会变得昂贵,但这是在Apple TV或iPad上观看的最简单方法。 与Amazon Prime Video一样,购买最新一季将为您提供iTunes中可用的每个新剧集。

Google Play (Google Play)


Google Play is also the home for every episode of this show if you wish to purchase episodes. You can purchase season one for $25, seasons two through five for $30, and season six for $20. You can also buy each episode for $2 if you are looking for just a few episodes.

如果您想购买剧集,则Google Play也是该节目每集的主场。 您可以以25美元的价格购买第一季,以30美元的价格购买第二至第五季,以20美元的价格购买第六季。 如果您只想看几集,也可以每集2美元的价格购买。

武都 (Vudu)


Vudu is excellent for cross-platform videos, including Windows, Apple, and Androids devices. You can get season one and seasons three through six for $20, while season two is going to be $35. Individually, each episode costs $2 if you don’t wish to purchase the entire season.

Vudu非常适合跨平台视频,包括Windows,Apple和Android设备。 您可以获得20美元的第一季和第三至第六季,而第二季则需要35美元。 如果您不想购买整个季节,则每集的费用分别为2美元。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/662609/how-to-stream-*lyn-nine-nine-without-cable/
