

When your iPhone or iOS device has a flaky connection with Windows, it’s more than a little bit frustrating. With a little troubleshooting, however, you can banish the detected-but-not-identified error for good.

当您的iPhone或iOS设备与Windows的连接不稳定时,这会令人沮丧。 但是,只需进行一些故障排除,就可以完全消除检测到但未识别的错误。

Not only have multiple readers written in to ask for help about the “An iPhone has been detected but it could not be identified” error, it’s an issue that we ourselves have suffered through. We tried a wide variety of solutions but found all but one of them lacking. Using a different USB cable didn’t fix anything, changing USB ports didn’t fix anything, and updating or re-installing individual components of the Apple/Windows experience (like individual drivers) didn’t do anything. You can try them, but there’s only one thing that worked for us.

不仅有多个读者写信来寻求有关“已检测到iPhone,但无法识别”错误的帮助,这也是我们自己所遇到的问题。 我们尝试了多种解决方案,但发现其中一个都缺乏。 使用不同的USB电缆不能解决任何问题,更改USB端口不能解决任何问题,并且更新或重新安装Apple / Windows体验的各个组件(例如单个驱动程序)没有任何作用。 您可以尝试一下,但是只有一件事对我们有用。

We uninstalled iTunes and every related helper application in a specific order, then reinstalled them fresh—and it fixed everything. Yes, it’s a bit long and annoying, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet and start from scratch.

我们按特定顺序卸载了iTunes和所有相关的帮助程序,然后重新安装了它们,并修复了所有问题。 是的,它有点长且令人讨厌,但有时您必须忍耐不住,从头开始。

First things first, download the newest edition of iTunes for Windows here—we’ll need it in a moment.


Second, head over to the “Uninstall or change a program” menu in Windows located at Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (or you can just click Windows+R and type “appwiz.cpl”, a handy Control Panel shortcut, into the run dialog box.

其次,转到Windows中“控制面板”>“程序”>“程序和功能”中的“卸载或更改程序”菜单(或者您可以单击Windows + R并在方便的“控制面板”快捷方式中键入“ appwiz.cpl”,运行对话框。

Locate the entry for “iTunes” first. Right click on it and uninstall it.

首先找到“ iTunes”的条目。 右键单击它并卸载它。


After uninstalling iTunes first, proceed to uninstall the following entries, in the order presented:


  • Apple Software Update

  • Apple Mobile Device Support

  • Bonjour

  • Apple Application Support


Once you have removed iTunes plus all the helper applications, restart your computer. After restarting your computer, launch the iTunes installer you downloaded a moment ago. The installer will not only reinstall iTunes but all the applications we just removed. Restart your computer once more to ensure everything squared away and then plug your iOS device into your PC via the USB cable—a now, fingers crossed, error free experience.

删除iTunes以及所有帮助程序后,请重新启动计算机。 重新启动计算机后,启动您刚才下载的iTunes安装程序。 安装程序不仅会重新安装iTunes,还会重新安装我们刚刚删除的所有应用程序。 再次重新启动计算机,以确保一切都准备就绪,然后将您的iOS设备通过USB电缆插入到PC中,现在,手指交叉,无错误的体验。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/285271/how-to-fix-the-an-iphone-has-been-detected-but-it-could-not-be-identified-error-in-itunes/