



Fall is on its way, which can mean only one thing: football is back! Wouldn’t it be nice if you could watch whatever NFL game you want without being subject to the whims of your local cable company, though?

跌倒即将到来,这仅意味着一件事:足球又回来了! 但是,如果您可以观看自己想要的任何NFL游戏而不会受到当地有线电视公司的异想天开,这不是很好吗?

NFL流媒体在美国的运作方式(及其失败原因) (How NFL Streaming Works in the US (and Why It Sucks))

Obviously, if you have access to a cable subscriber’s username and password, you can stream the games from WatchESPN, Fox Sports Go, and NBC Sports. DirectTV subscribers can get NFL Sunday Ticket, as long as you pay an extra $199 ($49.99/month) in addition to what you’re already paying for the satellite service (at least $50/month).

显然,如果可以访问有线订户的用户名和密码,则可以从WatchESPNFox Sports GoNBC Sports播放游戏。 DirectTV订户可以获得NFL周日门票,只要您已经支付了卫星服务费用(每月至少50美元),您就需要额外支付199美元(49.99美元/月)。

One other option is Amazon’s recently announced partnership with the NFL to stream sone of the games. Unfortunately, this option will only give you a small taste rather than the whole smorgasboard.

另一个选择是亚马逊最近宣布与NFL建立合作关系,以播放某些游戏。 不幸的是,此选项只会给您带来小小的味道,而不是整个smorgasboard。

DirectTV packages start at $50/month with a 24 month commitment.

But if you’re reading this article, it’s probably because you don’t have a cable provider (or a friend who’ll let you borrow their password). You can watch a fair amount of games with an over-the-air antenna, but not all of them.

但是,如果您正在阅读本文,可能是因为您没有有线服务提供商(或没有朋友可以让您借用他们的密码)。 您可以使用无线天线观看相当多的游戏,但并非全部。

If you’re an avid football fan, though, the NFL offers a subscriber service called Game Pass, which is $99.99 in the US and lets you stream NFL games.

不过,如果您是*的足球迷,NFL会提供一项称为Game Pass的订户服务,在美国的价格为99.99美元,可让您流式传输NFL游戏。

Seems like a pretty good deal until you look at the details. You can’t actually watch live regular season games. Instead, you have to wait until they’re over and watch their replay.

在您查看详细信息之前,这似乎是一笔不错的交易。 您实际上无法观看常规赛现场直播。 相反,您必须等到他们结束并观看他们的重播。


Nobody wants to wait until games over before you can watch them–hushing your friends not to reveal the score, staying off the Internet and social media–that’s no fun.


Unfortunately, those are your only options. The NFL does not offer a way to stream live games in the US with Game Pass, making that $99 “deal” pretty lame. Thankfully, there is a better option.

不幸的是,这些是您唯一的选择。 NFL没有提供通过Game Pass在美国直播现场游戏的方法,这使得99美元的“交易”相当la脚。 值得庆幸的是,有一个更好的选择。

更好的选择:使用v*n观看国际直播 (The Better Option: Watch International Streams with a v*n)

Sure, there are probably pirated streams out there, but we can’t endorse them. Not only are they illegal, of course, but they’re typically terrible quality–laggy and stuttery–and highly subject to takedowns during the middle of the broadcast. That’s even more annoying than watching games on replay.

当然,那里可能存在盗版流,但是我们不能认可它们。 当然,它们不仅是非法的,而且通常质量也很差(散乱,结结巴巴),并且在广播过程中很容易被删除。 这比观看重播游戏还要烦人。

Here’s what we recommend. NFL Game Pass also offers an international option for those outside the US–and that plan can stream games live, all season long. It only allows users outside the US, but there’s a way around that: you can subscribe to the international Game Pass package, and use a v*n (Virtual Private Network) or SmartDNS to spoof your computer’s location.

这是我们的建议。 NFL游戏通行证还为美国以外的国家/地区提供了国际选择-该计划可以在整个赛季内直播游戏。 它仅允许美国*的用户使用,但有一种解决方法:您可以订阅国际Game Pass软件包,并使用v*n (虚拟专用网络)或SmartDNS欺骗计算机的位置。

If you’re in the US, you can also use a v*n to subscribe to an international Game Pass plan. Right now, plans in many areas of Southeast Asia are running $124—nearly $75 cheaper than the regular $199 price.

如果您在美国,还可以使用v*n订阅国际游戏通行证计划。 目前,东南亚许多地区的计划售价为124美元,比正常的199美元价格便宜近75美元。

运作方式 (How This Works)

If you don’t already have a v*n, we suggest you do a little research on one. The concept is simple: a v*n routes all your traffic through servers in another location (say, Europe), so you appear to be browsing from that location. They have far-reaching benefits beyond mere football (such as being able to watch blacked-out sporting events in your area). You can typically find a v*n for a few dollars a month, and they end up paying for themselves over the short term.

如果您还没有v*n,建议您对v*n进行一些研究。 这个概念很简单:v*n将所有流量路由到另一个位置(例如,欧洲)的服务器,因此您似乎正在从该位置浏览。 除了单纯的足球比赛外,他们还拥有深远的好处(例如能够观看您所在地区的体育赛事)。 您通常可以每月花费几美元找到一个v*n,而他们最终会在短期内收回成本。

We recommend Expressv*n for its great speeds and ease of use, though if you prefer something with lots of advanced options, Strongv*n is great for power users. But any v*n that has servers outside the US should work for NFL streaming.

我们建议Expressv*n具有出色的速度和易用性,但如果您更喜欢具有许多高级选项的产品, Strongv*n非常适合高级用户。 但是任何在美国*拥有服务器的v*n都可以用于NFL流媒体。

You’ll still have to pay for Game Pass (or try their 7-day free trial) and while it’s not cheap, it’s still less than paying for satellite television, Internet, and NFL Sunday Ticket. And, it grants you access to all 256 regular season live broadcasts, the playoffs, and the Super Bowl. That’s a small price to pay for reliable, live NFL streaming.

您仍然需要为Game Pass付费(或尝试7天的免费试用),尽管它并不便宜,但仍然比卫星电视,互联网NFL周日门票的支付要少。 而且,它使您可以访问全部256个常规赛直播,季后赛和超级碗。 对于可靠的实时NFL流媒体来说,这是一个很小的代价。


If that doesn’t fully strike your fancy, consider these extra goodies you get in addition to all that football:



如何设定 (How to Set It Up)

Alright, so you’re ready to bite the bullet and sign up for the international version of Game Pass. Here’s how to do it if you’re a US resident.

好了,因此您可以准备就绪并注册国际版的Game Pass。 如果您是美国居民,请按照以下步骤操作。

First, make sure you’re using connected to your v*n or SmartDNS in another country. That means start up your v*n app (either on your computer or your phone), choose a server outside the US, and connect. For our purposes, we connected to a server in Europe.

首先,请确保您正在使用连接到另一个国家的v*n或SmartDNS。 这意味着启动您的v*n应用程序(在计算机或手机上),选择美国以外的服务器,然后进行连接。 为了我们的目的,我们连接到欧洲的服务器。

(You may want to try it from a few different countries, since the price will vary somewhat—and when converted to US dollars, may cost more in some countries than others!)



Next, connect to the Game Pass site. If you’re shown the US version, then try connecting to it in your browser’s private mode. You should see the international version, shown below.

接下来,连接到Game Pass网站。 如果显示的是美国版本,请尝试以浏览器的私有模式连接到美国版本。 您应该看到国际版本,如下所示。


To change the package price to US Dollars, use the dropdown menu in the upper-right corner.



Finally, go ahead and select the Game Pass package and plug in your pertinent user information.

最后,继续并选择Game Pass软件包并插入您的相关用户信息。

Don’t worry about using a credit card with a US address. Game Pass accepts any credit card, even for the international version, with no problems.

不用担心使用带有美国地址的信用卡。 Game Pass可以接受任何信用卡,即使是国际版本的信用卡也可以。


Once you’ve signed up and paid, you’re all set!



Now, as long as you are connected to your v*n in another country, you can watch all 256 regular season games in streaming HD as well as all playoff games and the Super Bowl!



There are a few things you need to remember.


First, whenever you want to watch your games, you have to connect to your v*n so it appears you’re overseas. Also, if you want to watch games on your favorite device, that device will also need to be able to connect to your v*n. A lot of v*ns have clients for iOS and Android, so this may or may not be an issue.

首先,每当您想观看游戏时,都必须连接到v*n,这样看来您就在国外。 另外,如果您想在自己喜欢的设备上观看游戏,则该设备还需要能够连接到v*n。 许多v*n都有适用于iOSAndroid的客户端,因此这可能是问题,也可能不是问题。

If you find that the stream isn’t as good quality as you’d like, try a different v*n server in the same country (or even a different one). Some v*n servers may have better speeds than others. Once you find one that works well, remember it for next time.

如果发现数据流质量不理想,请尝试在同一国家(或什至在另一国家)使用另一台v*n服务器。 某些v*n服务器的速度可能比其他服务器更好。 一旦找到有效的方法,请下次记住它。

And lastly, if you want to watch the game on your TV and you own a Google Chromecast, then you can simply cast the game from your browser or phone.

最后,如果您想在电视上观看游戏并且拥有Google Chromecast ,则只需从浏览器或手机上投放游戏即可

Hopefully this will satisfy your NFL craving. All told, while $199 (plus the cost of your v*n) may seem like a lot, we think it beats being subject to the whims of broadcast television, paying for DirectTV + NFL Sunday Ticket, or watching a terrible pirated stream.

希望这可以满足您对NFL的渴望。 总而言之,虽然199美元(加上您的v*n的成本)似乎很多,但我们认为它受到广播电视,支付DirectTV + NFL周日票或观看可怕的盗版流的异想天开。

