

When working on a document in Word, you may find that you need to insert text from another Word document. Maybe you’re collaborating with others and combining multiple pieces, for example.

在Word中处理文档时,您可能会发现需要从另一个Word文档中插入文本。 例如,也许您正在与其他人合作并合并多个作品。

There is a better way to collaborate on documents in Office 2016, but there may be times when a fellow collaborator needs to work offline and they send you a document to integrate into the main document. So, we’ll show you how to insert the contents of a Word file into another Word file for situations where online collaboration is not an option. (Sure, you could just open the second document and copy and paste its text, but the method below is often faster.)

在Office 2016中,有一种更好的文档协作方式,但是有时协作伙伴需要脱机工作,他们会向您发送文档以集成到主文档中。 因此,我们将向您展示如何在无法进行在线协作的情况下将Word文件的内容插入另一个Word文件。 (当然,您可以打开第二个文档并复制并粘贴其文本,但是下面的方法通常更快。)

For the purposes of this article, we’ll call the file being inserted the “source” file and the file into which you are inserting the source file the “target” file.


To insert the contents of a source Word file into a target Word file, open the target document, place the cursor where you want to insert the source file, and then click the “Insert” tab.



In the “Text” section, click the “Object” button and select “Text from File” from the drop-down menu.



The “Insert File” dialog box displays. Navigate to the folder that contains the source file you want to insert and select the file. Then, click “Insert”.

显示“插入文件”对话框。 导航到包含要插入的源文件的文件夹,然后选择文件。 然后,单击“插入”。

NOTE: You can also insert text from a text (.txt) file.



The entire contents of the source file (text, images, tables, etc.) will be inserted at the cursor in the target document.



When inserting text from a source document that has styles using the same names as in the target document (for example, the “Normal” style), the style in the target document takes precedence. If you want to keep the formatting of the text from the source document, make sure the style applied to that text in the source document has a different name than any of the styles in the target document. So, if you want the text from the source document to look like the text in the target document, such that the formatting is consistent, you’re good. All you have to do is insert the file or part of the file as we described in this article.

从具有与目标文档中相同名称的样式的源文档中插入文本时(例如,“普通”样式),目标文档中的样式优先。 如果要保留源文档中文本的格式,请确保应用于源文档中该文本的样式的名称与目标文档中的任何样式均不同。 因此,如果您希望源文档中的文本看起来像目标文档中的文本,并且格式一致,那么您就很好。 您所要做的就是按照本文中的描述插入文件或文件的一部分。

You can also insert text from a text (.txt) file, but you have to insert the entire file in that case, because you cannot add bookmarks to text files.


We previously described a trick where can put common content into one Word document and reference it in other Word documents. The content will even automatically update in all your documents if you change it in the common document because the two are linked using a field. That feature is different from inserting files as described in this article because when you insert content from a source file into a target file, there is no link between the source file and the target file. So, when you change the content in the source file that content is not updated in the target file.

前面我们描述了一种技巧,可以将公共内容放入一个Word文档中,并在其他Word文档中进行引用。 如果您在公共文档中更改内容,则该内容甚至会自动更新所有文档中的内容,因为这两个字段是通过字段链接在一起的。 该功能与本文所述的插入文件不同,因为当您将内容从源文件插入目标文件时,源文件与目标文件之间没有链接。 因此,当您更改源文件中的内容时,该内容不会在目标文件中更新。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/243422/how-to-insert-the-contents-of-one-word-document-into-another/