



When you create surveys or forms with Microsoft Word, check boxes make the options easier to read and answer. We’re covering two good options for doing just that. The first is ideal for documents that you want people to fill out digitally within the Word document itself. The second option is easier if you’re planning to print documents like to-do lists.

使用Microsoft Word创建调查或表单时,复选框使选项更易于阅读和回答。 为此,我们涵盖了两个不错的选择。 对于希望人们在Word文档本身中进行数字填写的文档,第一种是理想的选择。 如果您计划打印待办事项清单之类的文档,则第二个选项更容易。

选项1:使用Word的开发人员工具添加窗体的复选框选项 (Option 1: Use Word’s Developer Tools to Add The Check Box Option for Forms)

In order to create fillable forms that include check boxes, you first need to enable the “Developer” tab on the Ribbon. With a Word document open, click the “File” drop-down menu and then choose the “Options” command. In the “Word Options” window, switch to the “Customize Ribbon” tab. On the right-hand “Customize the Ribbon” list, select “Main Tabs” on the dropdown menu.

为了创建包含复选框的可填写表单 ,首先需要启用功能区上的“开发人员”选项卡。 在打开Word文档的情况下,单击“文件”下拉菜单,然后选择“选项”命令。 在“ Word选项”窗口中,切换到“自定义功能区”选项卡。 在右侧的“自定义功能区”列表上,在下拉菜单上选择“主选项卡”。


On the list of available main tabs, select the “Developer” check box, and then click the “OK” button



Notice that the “Developer” tab is added to your Ribbon. Just position your cursor in the document where you want a check box, switch to the “Developer” tab, and then click the “Check Box Content Control” button.

请注意,“开发人员”选项卡已添加到功能区。 只需将光标置于文档中您想要复选框的位置,切换到“开发人员”选项卡,然后单击“复选框内容控件”按钮。


You should see a check box appear wherever you placed your cursor. Here, we’ve gone ahead and placed a check box next to each answer and, as you can see, those check boxes are interactive. Click a box to mark it with an “X” (as we’ve done for answer 1) or select the whole form box (as we’ve done for answer 2) to move the check box around, format it, and so on.

无论将光标放在哪里,都应该看到一个复选框。 在这里,我们已经在每个答案旁边放置了一个复选框,并且您可以看到,这些复选框是交互式的。 单击一个框以将其标记为“ X”(如对答案1所做的那样),或选择整个表单框(如对答案2所做的那样)来移动该复选框,设置其格式等等。 。


选项2:将项目符号更改为复选框以打印文档 (Option 2: Change Bullets to Check Boxes for Printed Documents)

If you’re creating a document to print out—like a to-do list or printed survey—and just want check boxes on it, you don’t have to mess around with adding Ribbon tabs and using forms. Instead, you can create a simple bullet list and then change the bullets from the default symbol to check boxes.

如果您要创建要打印的文档(例如待办事项列表或打印的调查表),而只需要复选框,则无需添加功能区选项卡和使用表格。 相反,您可以创建一个简单的项目符号列表,然后将项目符号从默认符号更改为复选框。

In your Word document, on the “Home” tab, click the small arrow to the right of the “Bullet List” button. On the dropdown menu, select the “Define new bullet” command.

在您的Word文档的“主页”选项卡上,单击“子弹列表”按钮右侧的小箭头。 在下拉菜单上,选择“定义新项目符号”命令。


In the “Define New Bullet” window, click the “Symbol” button.



In the “Symbol” window, click the “Font” dropdown and choose the “Wingdings 2” option.

在“符号”窗口中,单击“字体”下拉菜单,然后选择“ Wingdings 2”选项。


You can scroll through the symbols to find the empty square symbol that looks like a check box, or you just type the number “163” into the “Character Code” box to automatically select it. Of course, if you see a symbol you like better—like the open circle (symbol 153)—feel free to choose that instead.

您可以滚动浏览这些符号以找到一个看起来像复选框的空正方形符号,也可以在“字符代码”框中键入数字“ 163”以自动选择它。 当然,如果您看到一个更喜欢的符号,例如空心圆(符号153),则可以随意选择它。

When you’ve selected your symbol, click the “OK” button to close the “Symbol” window, and then click the “OK” button to close the “Define New Bullet” window, too.



Back in your Word document, you can now type your bullet list. The check boxes appear instead of the regular bullet symbol.

回到您的Word文档中,您现在可以键入项目符号列表。 出现复选框而不是常规项目符号。


And the next time you need the check box symbol, you don’t have to navigate through that whole set of windows. Just click that small arrow to the right of the “Bullet List” button again, and you’ll see the checkbox listed under the “Recently Used Bullets” section.

下次您需要复选框符号时,您不必浏览整个窗口。 只需再次单击“子弹列表”按钮右侧的小箭头,您就会看到“最近使用的子弹”部分下面列出的复选框。


Again, this method is really only useful for documents you want to print out. The check box symbols are not interactive, so you can’t check them off inside a Word document.

同样,此方法实际上仅对要打印的文档有用。 复选框符号不是交互式的,因此您无法在Word文档中将其选中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/204036/how-to-add-check-boxes-to-word-documents/
