vba选中的单元格到剪贴板_将Excel 2007中的一组单元格作为图像复制到剪贴板

vba选中的单元格到剪贴板_将Excel 2007中的一组单元格作为图像复制到剪贴板


If you want to share a small part of your Excel worksheet but don’t want to send an Excel file, you can copy part of the worksheet to the clipboard as a picture instead, which can be pasted into any application that supports images, such as your favorite image editor.


The command in Excel 2007 to do this is oddly located on the Paste menu in the Ribbon. From the Home tab, click on the drop-down menu under the Paste button, and select As Picture \ Copy as Picture.

Excel 2007中执行此操作的命令位于功能区中的“粘贴”菜单上。 在“主页”选项卡上,单击“粘贴”按钮下的下拉菜单,然后选择“作为图片\复制为图片”。

vba选中的单元格到剪贴板_将Excel 2007中的一组单元格作为图像复制到剪贴板

Now you will get a dialog asking you how you want to copy the picture. If you want to paste the picture into any application, you’ll need to select “As shown on screen”, and then “Bitmap”.

现在,您将看到一个对话框,询问您如何复制图片。 如果要将图片粘贴到任何应用程序中,则需要选择“如屏幕上所示”,然后选择“位图”。

vba选中的单元格到剪贴板_将Excel 2007中的一组单元格作为图像复制到剪贴板

Now your cell data should be on the clipboard, ready to paste into any application that allows you to paste in a bitmap. Here’s an example of a bitmap I pasted into the editor I use for writing articles here:

现在您的单元格数据应该在剪贴板上,可以粘贴到允许您粘贴到位图中的任何应用程序中。 这是我粘贴到用于在此处编写文章的编辑器中的位图示例:

vba选中的单元格到剪贴板_将Excel 2007中的一组单元格作为图像复制到剪贴板

Very useful!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/copy-a-group-of-cells-in-excel-2007-to-the-clipboard-as-an-image/
