aero glass_不,并非总是记录:您需要了解的Google Glass

aero glass_不,并非总是记录:您需要了解的Google Glass

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aero glass_不,并非总是记录:您需要了解的Google Glass

Yet again, someone wearing Google Glass was assaulted and had the gadget ripped off their face. People are upset they’re being recorded by Google. But that’s not how Google Glass works — it’s not always recording you and it’s not always on.

再说一次,有人戴着谷歌眼镜被殴打,把小工具从脸上撕下来。 人们对自己被Google记录感到沮丧。 但这不是Google Glass的工作方式-它并不总是在记录您,并且它并不总是在打开。

You’ll probably run into someone wearing Google Glass one of these days. You don’t have to like Google Glass, but you should know how it works because it will only become more widespread.

这些天之一中,您可能会遇到一个戴着Google Glass的人。 您不必喜欢Google Glass,但您应该知道它的工作原理,因为它只会变得更加普及。

并非总是在录音 (It’s Not Always Recording)

The biggest misconception about Google Glass is that it’s an always-recording camera that’s always watching and uploading data to the Google mothership. This isn’t true at all. Google Glass is not always recording you, even when it’s on. That person wearing Google Glass while sitting in a bar and talking to someone probably isn’t even using it — they just have it on their face.

关于Google Glass的最大误解是,它是一台随时记录的摄像头,始终在观看数据并将其上传到Google母舰。 这根本不是真的。 即使开启,Google Glass也不总是在记录您。 那个坐在酒吧里和某人交谈时戴着Google Glass的人甚至根本没有使用过-他们只是把它戴在脸上。

It’s not physically possible for Google Glass to be constantly recording. This would drain too much battery power. If Google Glass were always recording, it would only run for about 30 minutes before needing a recharge. People can’t use Glass to record everything.

Google Glass在物理上不可能持续记录。 这会消耗过多的电池电量。 如果Google Glass一直在录音,那么它只需要运行约30分钟即可充电。 人们无法使用Glass记录所有内容。

aero glass_不,并非总是记录:您需要了解的Google Glass

并非总是如此 (It’s Not Always On)

Not only is Google Glass not always recording, it spends most of its time off. Google Glass consists of a small display over a person’s right eye, a microphone, and a bone conduction headset that sends sounds to the inner ear by vibrating bones. This bone conduction technology may sound a bit like something out of science fiction, but you can purchase bone conduction headsets for under $30 on Amazon. Someone who wants to listen to music while swimming might buy one.

Google Glass不仅不总是记录,而且会花费大部分时间。 Google Glass由一个在人的右眼上方的小显示器,一个麦克风和一个骨传导耳机组成,该骨传导耳机通过振动骨骼将声音发送到内耳。 这种骨传导技术听起来可能有点像科幻小说,但您可以在亚马逊上以不到30美元的价格购买骨传导耳机。 想要在游泳时听音乐的人可以买一个。

All of these features are normally off. Like a typical smartphone, Google Glass spends most of its time in standby mode. It wakes up for a few specific reasons. It only wakes up automatically when a notification arrives — someone may choose to see their incoming text messages on Glass. Unless a notification arrives, it will only turn on when its wearer chooses to turn it on. It doesn’t wake up automatically to record you, just like a smartphone doesn’t wake up automatically to listen to you.

所有这些功能通常都处于关闭状态。 像典型的智能手机一样,Google Glass大部分时间都处于待机模式。 它由于某些特定原因而唤醒。 它仅在通知到达时自动唤醒-有人可以选择在Glass上查看其收到的短信。 除非有通知到达,否则只有在佩戴者选择开启时它才会开启。 它不会自动唤醒以记录您,就像智能​​手机不会自动唤醒以收听您的声音一样。

aero glass_不,并非总是记录:您需要了解的Google Glass

并非总是在听 (It’s Not Always Listening)

Google Glass can be turned on by saying “OK Glass.” Does this mean it’s always listening? Yes, but not in the way you might think.

只需说“ OK Glass”即可打开Goog​​le Glass。 这是否意味着它一直在听? 是的,但不是您可能想的那样。

This feature functions similarly to the “OK Google” feature on the Moto X and Nexus 5 smartphones and the “Xbox On” feature on the Xbox One. Google Glass has a low-power audio processor that’s constantly capturing audio data and analyzing it to see if it matches these words. If it does match these words, the device — whether it’s Google Glass, a smartphone, or an Xbox — will turn on and await further input.

此功能的功能类似于Moto X和Nexus 5智能手机上的“确定Google”功能以及Xbox One上的“ Xbox On”功能。 Google Glass具有一个低功耗音频处理器,该处理器会不断捕获音频数据并对其进行分析,以查看它们是否与这些单词匹配。 如果确实符合这些字词,则该设备(无论是Google Glass,智能手机还是Xbox)都将打开并等待进一步的输入。

The low-power audio processor just listens for these words. It doesn’t listen for any other words, send what it hears to Google, or archive it for later. All this processing happens locally. Google Glass couldn’t be always listening and uploading to Google — it just wouldn’t have the battery power to upload the data or save it.

低功耗音频处理器只是听这些话。 它不会监听任何其他字词,不会将听到的声音发送给Google,也不会将其存档以备后用。 所有这些处理都在本地进行。 Google Glass不可能一直在监听并上传到Google –它只是没有电池电量来上传或保存数据。

如何判断是否有人在使用玻璃 (How to Tell If Someone is Using Glass)

You can tell if Google Glass is on. Look at the display above the person’s right eye. If it’s on, you’ll see a small light — you can see the tiny display that they’re seeing up close. By looking for this light, you can tell whether a Google Glass user is using their device or not.

您可以判断Google Glass是否打开。 查看该人右眼上方的显示屏。 如果打开,您将看到一个小灯-您可以看到他们近距离看到的小显示屏。 通过寻找这种光,您可以判断Google Glass用户是否正在使用他们的设备。

Google Glass can be activated by saying “OK Glass,” moving your head in a certain way, or using the touchpad on the frame. To take a video or photo, a Google Glass user has to say “OK Glass, take a picture,” press the camera button above their right eye, or wink — this last one is a recent development. By default, Glass only records 10 seconds of video when its wearer chooses to record a video. Glass isn’t surreptitiously capturing videos and photos of you — it should be pretty obvious if someone is taking videos and photos.

可以通过说“确定眼镜”,以某种方式移动头部或使用框架上的触摸板来**Google Glass。 要拍摄视频或照片,Google Glass用户必须说“ OK Glass,拍照”,然后按下其右眼上方的摄像头按钮或眨眨眼-这是最近的发展。 默认情况下,当Glass的佩戴者选择录制视频时,它仅录制10秒的视频。 Glass不会暗中捕获您的视频和照片-如果有人正在拍摄视频和照片,这应该很明显。

aero glass_不,并非总是记录:您需要了解的Google Glass

Let’s be honest. Google Glass isn’t much worse than a smartphone. People constantly walk around with their smartphones held up in front of them — we’ve even seen people do this in public restrooms, probably just to read text messages — and no one bats an eye. Those people could be taking photos and videos of you with their smartphone’s camera, but smartphones have just become normal. Someone holding up a smartphone probably isn’t recording you, and someone wearing Google Glass probably isn’t either.

说实话。 Google Glass并不比智能手机差很多。 人们不断地举着智能手机在他们面前走来走去-我们甚至已经看到人们在公共厕所里这样做,可能只是为了阅读短信-而且没人one目结舌。 这些人可能会使用智能手机的相机为您拍摄照片和视频,但是智能手机才刚刚变得很普通。 有人拿着智能手机没有在录您,有人戴着谷歌眼镜也没有在录您。

You don’t have to like Google Glass, and you may not want people using it in social situations with you — if only because it’s distracting — but you should at least understand how it works. Google Glass and other wearable gadgets will only become more widespread in the future.

您不必喜欢Google Glass,也可以不希望人们在社交场合中使用它(如果只是因为它分散了人们的注意力),但是您至少应该了解它的工作原理。 谷歌眼镜和其他可穿戴设备将在未来变得更加普及。

Image Credit: EricaJoy on Flickr, Ted Eytan on Flickr, Ted Eytan on Flickr, Ted Eytan on Flickr

图片来源: Flickr 上的 EricaJoy,Flickr上的 Ted Eytan,Flickr上的 Ted Eytan,Flickr上的 Ted Eytan


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