



Your laptop’s got a trackpad, you use a mouse for gaming, and you’re tired of manually switching settings constantly. Here’s how to separate both devices and how to set up a hotkey to switch between two settings on one device.

您的笔记本电脑配有触控板,您使用鼠标进行游戏,又厌倦了不断手动切换设置。 这是分离两个设备的方法,以及如何设置热键以在一台设备上的两个设置之间切换。

两台设备,两种速度,两种选择 (Two Devices, Two Speeds, Two Options)

There are two programs that can do this for you, each one with caveats. The first is Mouse Speed Switcher, a simple utility that allows for multiple input devices and multiple settings.

有两个程序可以为您执行此操作,每个程序都有警告。 第一个是Mouse Speed Switcher ,这是一个简单的实用程序,可用于多个输入设备和多个设置。


Mouse Speed Switcher supports hotkeys, too. Unfortunately for us, it’s nagware; you’ll get both full functionality and reminders every so often to register/buy a product key, which costs € 7.50.

鼠标速度切换器也支持热键。 对我们来说不幸的是,它是na。 您将获得全部功能并经常提醒您注册/购买产品**,费用为7.50欧元。

Our second option is Autosensitivity, a .NET-based utility that’s targeted at laptops that manages separate speeds between your trackpad and your external mouse.

我们的第二个选项是Autosensitivity ,这是一个基于.NET的实用程序,针对便携式计算机,可管理触控板和外部鼠标之间的单独速度。


The issue here is that it’s still in development and there are a few known issues, such as it detecting an external mouse when waking from sleep. On the other hand, it’s free and doesn’t nag you. Personally, I use Autosensitivity and I’ve had no real issues. It works great for when I want a high speed on my touchpad, but I can turn my laser mouse’s sensitivity down a bit when I’m playing Minecraft.

这里的问题是它仍在开发中,并且存在一些已知的问题,例如从睡眠中醒来时检测到外部鼠标。 另一方面,它是免费的,不会烦您。 就个人而言,我使用自动感应功能,但没有任何实际问题。 当我想在触摸板上实现高速操作时,它非常有用,但是在玩Minecraft时,我可以将激光鼠标的灵敏度调低一点。

AutoHotKey脚本 (AutoHotKey Script)

What if you’ve only got one device but want to switch between two sensitivities quickly? Sounds like a job for AHK! Here’s a simple script that will do what you want quickly.

如果您只有一台设备但想在两种灵敏度之间快速切换怎么办? 听起来像是AHK的工作! 这是一个简单的脚本,可以快速完成您想要的操作。

#F1::DllCall(“SystemParametersInfo”, Int,113, Int,0, UInt,14, Int,2) ;normal sensisivity #F2::DllCall(“SystemParametersInfo”, Int,113, Int,0, UInt,6, Int,2) ;low sensitivity #F3::DllCall(“SystemParametersInfo”, Int,113, Int,0, UInt,20, Int,2) ;high sensitivity

#F1 :: DllCall(“ SystemParametersInfo”,Int,113,Int,0,UInt,14,Int,2);正常灵敏度#F2 :: DllCall(“ SystemParametersInfo”,Int,113,Int,0,UInt,6 ,Int,2);低灵敏度#F3 :: DllCall(“ SystemParametersInfo”,Int,113,Int,0,UInt,20,Int,2);高灵敏度

You’ll see that this is a DLL call, as the more straight-forward approach of just changing registry values doesn’t quite work. The important values are the UInt values here, the third number in each row. How did we get those numbers? Well, let’s take a quick look at the pointer settings pane:

您将看到这是一个DLL调用,因为仅更改注册表值的更直接的方法不太起作用。 重要的值是此处的UInt值,即每行中的第三个数字。 我们如何获得这些数字? 好,让我们快速看一下指针设置窗格:


The little tick marks that I’ve outlined in red are the key. The value of the first one is 0, and the others add 2 points to the score. My touchpad setting from the screenshot is on the eighth notch, which is a value of 14. If you look at the AHK script above, I’ve set my hotkeys as follows:

我用红色概述的小刻度线是关键。 第一个值为0,其他值加2分。 屏幕快照中的触摸板设置位于第8个档位,值为14。如果您查看上面的AHK脚本,则我的热键设置如下:

  • Win+F1: Normal mouse sensitivity; mine is 14.

    Win + F1:正常鼠标灵敏度; 我的是14。
  • Win+F2: Low mouse sensitivity; mine is 6. If you turn yours all the way down, that value is 0.

    Win + F2:鼠标灵敏度低; 我的是6。如果您完全拒绝,则该值为0。
  • Win+F3: High mouse sensitivity; mine is turned all the way up to 20.

    Win + F3:高鼠标灵敏度; 我的一直到20。

You can edit the script to your liking from the .zip below, or if you don’t mind my settings, you can use the bundled .exe.


Mouse Sensitivity AHK Script and Executable Files


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/45366/how-to-set-different-speeds-for-your-trackpad-and-external-mouse/
