



Need to report an issue that you encountered while using your Chromebook, or maybe you want to give some feedback to help improve Chrome OS? Reporting a problem or sending in feedback is an easy process and here’s how to do it.

是否需要报告您在使用Chromebook时遇到的问题,或者您想提供一些反馈意见以帮助改进Chrome操作系统? 报告问题或发送反馈是一个简单的过程,这是解决问题的方法。

There are two ways to report a problem on your Chromebook: asking for help in the Google Central forum and reporting an issue directly to Google. Asking for help on the forum is useful when you’re looking for guidance with an issue from an actual person. Submitting your issue directly to Google, on the other hand, is for when the problem isn’t severe, and you aren’t looking for a direct answer with a potential fix that could help you immediately.

有两种方法可以在Chromebook上报告问题:在Google Central论坛中寻求帮助,以及直接向Google报告问题。 当您寻求有关实际问题的指导时,在论坛上寻求帮助会很有用。 另一方面,将问题直接提交给Google则是针对问题不严重的情况,并且您不是在寻找直接的解决方案,而该解决方案可以立即为您提供帮助。

如何报告问题 (How to Report a Problem)

Whenever you want to report a problem with your Chromebook, you should follow a few steps before submitting anything. This due diligence prevents the oversaturation of similar issues taking over, making it impossible for team members to sift through legitimate questions.

每当您要报告Chromebook的问题时,都应按照一些步骤操作,然后再提交任何内容。 这种尽职调查可防止类似问题的接管过饱和,使团队成员无法筛选合法问题。

Head on over to the Chromebook Central forum—an active, searchable community for users to discuss bugs and feature requests—and see if anyone else has experienced the same issue as you. You can use the search bar at the top to narrow down results on posts from other users.

前往Chromebook Central论坛(一个活跃的,可搜索的社区,供用户讨论错误和功能请求),看看是否有人遇到过与您相同的问题。 您可以使用顶部的搜索栏来缩小其他用户发帖的结果。


Often, someone has already encountered the problem you’re experiencing, and there’s a good chance that, by searching the forum, you’ll find an answer.


If you can’t find what you need, then it’s time to post a question regarding the issue you’re having on the forum. This is where Product Experts and other knowledgable Chromebook live and are more than happy to help you iron out any of the kinks you might be experiencing.

如果找不到所需的内容,那么该在论坛上发布有关您所遇到问题的问题了。 产品专家和其他知名的Chromebook在这里生活,非常乐意帮助您解决可能遇到的任何问题。

Scroll to the bottom of the Chromebook Central page and click on “Ask Now” to start your own thread.



Next, enter a question into the field provided and click “Continue.”



If you’ve avoided the preliminary step in which you were supposed to search the forums for similar problems, the form prompts you with some related questions that have already been asked. Click on one of the links to redirect to that page.

如果您避免了应该在论坛中搜索类似问题的准备步骤,那么该表单会提示您一些已经被问到的相关问题。 单击链接之一以重定向到该页面。


If those don’t pertain to you and your issue, then go ahead and choose a category for your question and the channel of Chrome OS you’re currently running, then click “Continue.”



Entering a category and OS channel isn’t necessary but could help the community answer your question a lot faster.


Finally, in the field provided, enter all the details and information regarding your issue and attach any pictures, using the paperclip icon, that could help as well. Make sure you have “Subscribe to Updates” ticked, so you receive notifications when people respond, complete the reCAPTCHA, and then click “Post.”

最后,在提供的字段中,输入有关您的问题的所有详细信息,并使用回形针图标附加所有图片,这也可能会有所帮助。 确保选中“订阅更新”,这样当人们做出回应时,您会收到通知,完成reCAPTCHA,然后单击“发布”。


Providing as much information as possible in the field above helps whoever answers you know exactly what you’re asking. Avoiding doing this could result in someone asking you for more information, delaying the process even further, or, ultimately, in nobody answering your problem. If you “Subscribed to Updates,” you will receive an email anytime someone replies to your question.

在上面的字段中提供尽可能多的信息可以帮助回答您的人准确地知道您的要求。 避免这样做可能导致某人向您询问更多信息,甚至进一步延误了该过程,或者最终导致没人回答您的问题。 如果您是“订阅更新”,则当有人回答您的问题时,您将收到一封电子邮件。

如何提交反馈报告 (How to Submit Feedback Reports)

Feedback reports are one of the main mechanisms by which Chrome OS users can provide feedback about the project. The information provided here often won’t garner an individual response but is investigated and used to improve future versions of Chrome OS.

反馈报告是Chrome OS用户可以提供有关项目反馈的主要机制之一。 此处提供的信息通常不会获得个别答复,但会被调查并用于改进Chrome OS的未来版本。

You can send feedback or information regarding a problem directly from the operating system. All you have to do is press Alt+Shift+I on your keyboard, and a window will appear asking you to fill out a few bits of information.

您可以直接从操作系统发送反馈或有关问题的信息。 您所要做的就是按键盘上的Alt + Shift + I,将出现一个窗口,要求您填写一些信息。

In this window, you should include a detailed description of your feedback, or if this is regarding a problem try to recreate what went wrong and the steps required to reproduce the issue, the URL—if it matters for this problem—your email (or you can submit anonymously), and any files that could help in diagnosing your problem. Optionally, the feature takes a screenshot and logs your system and app information when you press the command but only attaches them if you click the boxes next to each item. Finally, click “Send” to submit your problem.

在此窗口中,您应该提供反馈的详细说明,或者如果是关于问题的,请尝试重新创建出问题的地方以及重现问题所需的步骤,URL(如果对此问题很重要)-您的电子邮件(或您可以匿名提交),以及任何有助于诊断问题的文件。 (可选)该功能会截取屏幕截图,并在您按下命令时记录您的系统和应用程序信息,但是只有在您单击每个项目旁边的框时才附加它们。 最后,单击“发送”以提交您的问题。


Submitted reports filed this way aren’t publically accessible and not typically reviewed individually. Don’t expect an answer when submitting feedback/reports via this method. To submit a public report that could be answered and resolved more quickly, head back to the Chromebook Central forum and ask a new question there.

以这种方式提交的提交报告无法公开访问,并且通常不需单独审核。 通过这种方法提交反馈/报告时,不要期望得到答案。 要提交可以更快得到答复和解决的公开报告,请返回Chromebook Central论坛并在此处提出一个新问题。

