增加Windows 7 Media Center中的跳过和重播间隔

Are you looking for a way to fine tune your skip forward and back intervals in Media Center for Windows 7? Today we show you how to make a couple changes in the registry so you can customize the skip and replay intervals.

您是否正在寻找一种方法来调整Media Center for Windows 7中的前进和后退间隔? 今天,我们向您展示如何在注册表中进行一些更改,以便您可以自定义跳过和重放间隔。

For video and recorded TV playback, Media Center has a default skip forward time of 29 seconds and the replay (skip back) time of 7 seconds.  These settings may be fine for some, but you might want to increase those intervals a bit to give yourself a few less clicks when skipping though commercial breaks. Since Microsoft doesn’t provide a setting for this in Media Center, we’re going to have to change the values in the registry.

对于视频和录制的电视播放,Media Center的默认跳过时间为29秒,重播(向后)时间为7秒。 这些设置对某些用户来说可能很好,但是您可能希望稍微增加这些间隔,以使自己在跳过广告时段时少点击几下。 由于Microsoft在Media Center中没有为此提供设置,因此我们将不得不更改注册表中的值。

增加Windows 7 Media Center中的跳过和重播间隔

Warning: Backing up the registry before making any changes is strongly advised. You can check out our previous article on registry backup, if you’re not already familiar with the process.

警告:强烈建议在进行任何更改之前备份注册表。 如果您还不熟悉此过程则可以查看我们先前有关注册表备份的文章

To access the Registry, click Start, type “regedit” into the Windows search box, and hit “Enter.” If prompted by the UAC to allow changes, click “Yes.”

要访问注册表,请单击“开始”,在Windows搜索框中键入“ regedit”,然后单击“ Enter”。 如果UAC提示允许更改,请单击“是”。

增加Windows 7 Media Center中的跳过和重播间隔

In the Registry Editor browse to HKEY_CURRENT_ USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Settings\VideoSettings

在注册表编辑器中,浏览到HKEY_CURRENT_ USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Media Center \ Settings \ VideoSettings

增加Windows 7 Media Center中的跳过和重播间隔

Click once on the VideoSettings key to display the values on the right panel. Find the SkipAheadInterval value on the right panel and double click.

VideoSettings键上单击一次,以在右侧面板上显示值。 找出 右侧面板上的SkipAheadInterval值,然后双击。

增加Windows 7 Media Center中的跳过和重播间隔

This will display the Edit DWORD Value window. Click on the Decimal radio button. You should now see 29000 listed under Value data.  The value data is listed in milliseconds, so 29000 milliseconds is 29 seconds.

这将显示“ 编辑DWORD值”窗口。 单击十进制单选按钮。 现在,您应该在值数据下看到29000。 值数据以毫秒为单位列出,因此29000毫秒为29秒。

增加Windows 7 Media Center中的跳过和重播间隔

To set the skip interval to one minute, change the value to 60000. For two minutes, 120000, etc. Click “OK” when you’ve finished.


增加Windows 7 Media Center中的跳过和重播间隔

Now, to change the replay interval, scroll up in the right panel to find the InstantReplayInterval value and double-click it.


增加Windows 7 Media Center中的跳过和重播间隔

Click on the Decimal radio button and once again you will see the value data in milliseconds. Change the value data to your preferred replay interval time in milliseconds and click “OK.”

单击“ 十进制”单选按钮,您将再次看到以毫秒为单位的值数据。 将数值数据更改为首选的重放间隔时间(以毫秒为单位),然后单击“确定”。

增加Windows 7 Media Center中的跳过和重播间隔

Close out of the Registry and you’re done! If your Windows Media Center is currently running, you’ll need to restart it before your changes will take effect.

关闭注册表,您就完成了! 如果您的Windows Media Center当前正在运行,则需要重新启动它才能使更改生效。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/10762/increase-skip-and-replay-intervals-in-windows-7-media-center/