jetpack 2.3.1_将WordPress.com功能添加到您的网站:Jetpack指南

jetpack 2.3.1

If you want to use most of the features offers for your self-hosted website, you’ll love Jetpack. Jetpack serves as a bridge between numerous modules and your self hosted WordPress site. Jetpack comes with stats, Photon CDN and automated Related Posts, just to name a few prominent features.

如果您想使用WordPress.com为自托管的WordPress.org网站提供的大多数功能,您会喜欢Jetpack的 。 Jetpack充当众多WordPress.com模块与您自托管的WordPress网站之间的桥梁。 Jetpack附带WordPress.com统计信息,Photon CDN和自动相关帖子,仅举几个突出的功能。

I’ve used Jetpack on my sites in the past, but the significant negative impact on the loading time made me decide to drop it. I always like to try out things on my live sites, so using two sample articles from my current network of sites, I will see whether Jetpack has matured.

过去,我曾在自己的网站上使用过Jetpack,但由于对加载时间的重大负面影响,我决定放弃它。 我一直喜欢在现场站点上尝试一些事情,因此,使用当前站点网络中的两篇示例文章,我将了解Jetpack是否已经成熟。

Jetpack currently has 33 small and large modules, five of which I will investigate further. I will also see what effect these features have on my sites loading time, if any.

Jetpack目前拥有33个小型和大型模块,我将进一步研究其中的五个。 我还将看到这些功能对我的网站加载时间有什么影响(如果有)。

安装Jetpack (Installing Jetpack)

jetpack 2.3.1_将WordPress.com功能添加到您的网站:Jetpack指南

Jetpack is installed in the same way as any other WordPress plugin. After installing and activating it, you need to connect it to a account. Once connected, you can choose which module to activate and configure it if needed. I provided a link to the relevant documentation though, where you will find instructions on how to set up each module.

Jetpack的安装方式与其他任何WordPress插件相同。 安装并**它后,您需要将其连接到WordPress.com帐户。 连接后,您可以根据需要选择要**的模块并进行配置。 不过,我提供了到相关文档的链接,您将在其中找到有关如何设置每个模块的说明。

光子 (Photon)

jetpack 2.3.1_将WordPress.com功能添加到您的网站:Jetpack指南

Demo article #1


Photon is a CDN for your images and is one of the most popular features of Jetpack. All you need to do is turn on the module, and it automatically loads all of your images into the CDN.

Photon是图像的CDN,并且是Jetpack最受欢迎的功能之一。 您需要做的就是打开模块,它会自动将所有图像加载到CDN中。

Naturally, I ran some tests to see if it actually benefited site loading time. I won’t be discussing here whether you need a CDN for your WordPress site or not since I’ve already written about CDNs before). I just wanted to see how fast my images would load with a CDN.

自然,我进行了一些测试以查看它是否确实使站点加载时间受益。 我不会在这里讨论您是否需要WordPress网站的CDN,因为我之前已经写过关于CDN的文章 。 我只想查看CDN加载图像的速度。

My demo site is hosted in the UK, and I used for testing, with a UK testing location. I must say, I was very impressed. Loading the images from the free Photon CDN was as fast as when loaded from my high-priced WordPress optimized hosting provider.

我的演示站点托管在英国,我使用GTMetrix.com进行了测试,并在英国进行了测试。 我必须说,我印象深刻。 从免费的Photon CDN加载图像的速度与从我的高价WordPress优化托管服务提供商加载图像的速度一样快。

To be certain, I decided to test it on another page, which already had a load time of less than one second, but had multiple images on it.


jetpack 2.3.1_将WordPress.com功能添加到您的网站:Jetpack指南

Demo article #2


Surprisingly, it came in with even better results. Even though we’re talking milliseconds here, Photon was about 20% faster and certainly more consistent in loading times. Because multiple .wp sub-domains are used, it also allows for parallel downloading of multiple images to further increase loading time.

令人惊讶的是,它取得了更好的结果。 即使我们在这里说的是毫秒,Photon的速度也要快20%左右,并且在加载时间上肯定更加一致。 因为使用了多个.wp子域,所以它还允许并行下载多个图像,以进一步增加加载时间。

I’ve tested a lot of CDNs in the past and have rarely seen such impressive results, so a big ‘Yes’ to Photon.


WordPress.com统计 ( Stats)

jetpack 2.3.1_将WordPress.com功能添加到您的网站:Jetpack指南 Stats used to be a nice feature when Google Analytics wasn’t that common. But its tracking script always had horrible loading times, sometimes taking up to a second.

当Google Analytics(分析)不那么常见时,WordPress.com统计信息曾经是一个不错的功能。 但是其跟踪脚本的加载时间总是很糟糕,有时可能需要一秒钟。

Gone are those days. The script for Stats loads as quickly as Google Analytics and its statistics are very convenient for a quick look from within your dashboard. What I especially like is that it shows the links that have been clicked on your site (similar to Google Analytics events).

那些日子已经一去不复返了。 WordPress.com统计信息的脚本的加载速度与Google Analytics(分析)一样快,从仪表板内部快速查看非常方便。 我特别喜欢的是它显示了您的网站上已单击的链接(类似于Google Analytics(分析)事件)。

You can also view ‘enhanced stats’ on your account about your site, although enhanced maybe a bit exaggerated. It gives you a graphical presentation of your demographics along with which post was published on a specific day.

您也可以在WP.com帐户上查看有关站点的“增强的统计信息”,尽管增强功能可能有些夸张。 它为您提供了人口统计信息的图形化显示以及在特​​定日期发布的帖子。 Stats is nothing fancy, but it does give enough information for a quick peek into your stats. Stats没什么花哨的,但它确实提供了足够的信息,可让您快速查看您的统计信息。

宣传 (Publicize)

jetpack 2.3.1_将WordPress.com功能添加到您的网站:Jetpack指南

This is one module I was particularly interested in; connecting a site to your social accounts can be a hassle. Not with Publicize, which allows you to connect six social accounts. After a few minutes it works like a charm (except for Google+). I republished my demo article and saw it popping up on almost all accounts right away.

这是我特别感兴趣的一个模块。 将网站连接到您的社交帐户可能会很麻烦。 不能与Publicize一起使用,这使您可以连接六个社交帐户。 几分钟后,它会像超级按钮一样工作(Google+除外)。 我重新发布了演示文章,并立即看到它在几乎所有帐户上弹出。

It was also published to Path, but you need their app to see it. Posting to Google+ failed (reason unknown), which is unfortunate since the set up looked pretty easy. Five out of six social media accounts is still pretty neat though.

它也已发布到Path,但是您需要他们的应用程序才能看到它。 发布到Google+失败(原因不明),这很不幸,因为设置看起来非常简单。 不过,六分之三的社交媒体帐户仍然非常简洁。

分享 (Sharing)

jetpack 2.3.1_将WordPress.com功能添加到您的网站:Jetpack指南

I am not a big fan of adding share buttons with counters because of the additional load time they bring. But I must say, Jetpack Sharing makes it very easy to include all the popular social network buttons on your site.

我不喜欢在计数器上添加共享按钮,因为它们带来了额外的加载时间。 但是我必须说,Jetpack共享使您可以轻松地在您的站点中包含所有流行的社交网络按钮。

You just drag-and-drop all the networks you want to have included to the designated area, after which the sharing buttons get displayed on your posts. It comes with all relevant counters and just couldn’t be easier.

您只需将要包含的所有网络拖放到指定区域,然后共享按钮就会显示在您的帖子上。 它带有所有相关的计数器,只是再简单不过了。

When you run your page on GTMetrix again you will be quite shocked though, since each of these nifty little scripts add a few tens of seconds load time to your page. That’s why I turned them off again after making the screenshots. Adding them works like a charm though, just consider the negative side effects.

当您再次在GTMetrix上运行页面时,您会感到非常震惊,因为这些漂亮的小脚本中的每一个都会为页面增加几十秒的加载时间。 这就是为什么我在截屏后再次将其关闭。 尽管添加它们的过程就像一种魅力,但只需考虑负面影响即可。

监控 (Monitor)

jetpack 2.3.1_将WordPress.com功能添加到您的网站:Jetpack指南

Monitor is a simple yet powerful feature. Once turned on, your site is checked every five minutes with increments of one hour, as long as your site is down. You are notified by email of the status of your site. Many services ask a good deal of money for this functionality, so this is a great free alternative.

监视器是一个简单而强大的功能。 一旦打开,只要您的站点关闭,就会每五分钟检查一次您的站点,以一小时为增量。 电子邮件会通知您您的网站状态。 许多服务要求使用此功能很多钱,因此这是一个不错的免费选择。

You don’t get any monthly uptime reports, or visual presentations of any kind of history. You just receive the email alerts, and as long as you aren’t receiving any emails, your site is still live.

您没有任何每月的正常运行时间报告,也没有任何历史记录的可视化演示。 您仅会收到电子邮件警报,只要您没有收到任何电子邮件,您的网站就仍然可以使用。

更多模块! (More modules!)

While the aforementioned modules are the most prominent features, if you ask me, there are still 28 more modules. I will quickly run through each one of them, with links pointed to more detailed information on

尽管上述模块是最突出的功能,但如果您问我,还有28个模块。 我将快速浏览其中的每一个,并提供指向Jetpack.me上更详细信息的链接。

Beautiful Math Makes use of the Latex markup language for writing complex mathematical equations, formulas, and more. Never heard of it myself, but it might come in handy if you’re running a mathematical blog.

美丽的数学利用Latex标记语言编写复杂的数学方程式,公式等。 我自己从未听说过它,但是如果您正在运行一个数学博客,它可能会派上用场。

Carousel Make a full-screen photo slider of your embedded galleries, including EXIF data.


Contact Form Add a simple contact form to your site.


Custom CSS Included by most themes nowadays, but in case it’s not, this module allows for adding custom CSS without the need for a child theme.


Enhanced Distribution (WordPress Firehose) This module should actually be included in the default WordPress installation, as it allows for picking up your content by users of the Firehose. Other sites can pick up your content and link back to you.

增强分发(WordPress Firehose)该模块实际上应包括在默认WordPress安装中,因为它允许 Firehose的用户提取您的内容。 其他站点可以提取您的内容并链接回您。

Extra Sidebar Widgets Comes with eight extra widgets in cases where your theme doesn’t provide for these already (think of a Facebook Like box, Twitter Timeline, and so on.)

额外的侧边栏小部件带有八个额外的小部件,以防您的主题尚未提供这些小部件(例如Facebook Like框,Twitter时间轴等)。

Google Integration Confirms authorship of your articles to Google, and comes with a direct link to your personal Google+ profile below each article.


Gravatar Hovercards Gravatars are the first thing I turn off when building a new site because of the excessive loading times of the (externally hosted) images. If you do turn on Gravatars, this module is a nice way of expanding a user’s information when hovering over its avatar.

Gravatar Hovercards由于(外部托管)图像的加载时间过长,我在构建新站点时首先关闭了Gravatar。 如果您确实打开了Gravatar,则该模块是将鼠标悬停在其头像上时扩展用户信息的一种好方法。

Infinite Scroll Automatically adds the next post to the article a visitor is currently reading. Your theme has to allow this functionality and it will severely reduce your page views (which matters if you run ads).

无限滚动自动将下一篇文章添加到访问者当前正在阅读的文章中。 您的主题必须具有此功能,并且这将严重降低您的网页浏览量(如果您投放广告则很重要)。

Jetpack Comments Enhances your comment field by allowing users to login with their, Facebook, Twitter or Google+ accounts.

Jetpack评论通过允许用户使用其,Facebook,Twitter或Google+帐户登录来增强您的评论字段。 Single Sign On Connect with the login system from so visitors don’t need to register separately on your site for interaction.


JSON API Authorize external application to connect to your blog with’s OAuth2 authentication system.

JSON API授权外部应用程序使用WordPress.com的OAuth2身份验证系统连接到您的博客。

Likes Not to be confused with Facebook Likes, has its own Likes system which you can enable for your content.

Likes不要与Facebook Likes混淆,WordPress.com拥有自己的Likes系统,您可以为其内容启用。

Markdown Allow Markdown content to be used when making a new post.


Mobile Theme A quick way to use a mobile theme for your site, if your regular theme hasn’t included one. Not the best looking theme though.

移动主题如果您的常规主题未包含移动主题,则这是一种为网站使用移动主题的快速方法。 虽然不是最好看的主题。

Notifications Receive notification when logged in to WordPress in the navigation bar, or on your mobile if you install the app. You can receive notification for new comments, blog posts or even noteworthy stats increases.

通知在导航栏到WordPress登录时,或在您的手机,如果你安装的应用程序接收通知。 您可以收到有关新评论,博客文章甚至值得注意的统计数据增加的通知。

Omnisearch Allows for searching through all of your content (including media) by adding a search box in your WordPress admin. You can even include external sources.

Omnisearch可以通过在WordPress管理员中添加搜索框来搜索所有内容(包括媒体)。 您甚至可以包括外部资源。

Post by Email Post new articles to your site by mailing your stuff to a designated email address.


Proofreading Uses the After the Deadline Proofreading service to check for spelling, grammar and style.


Related Posts Use the infrastructure to determine the most relevant posts to each article and show them under each post. Much recommended by most hosting providers instead of hosting locally due to extensive use of server resources.

相关文章使用WordPress.com基础结构来确定与每篇文章最相关的文章,并在每篇文章下显示它们。 由于服务器资源的大量使用,大多数托管服务提供商建议不要使用本地托管服务。

Shortcode Embeds Embed content from sites like Youtube, Flickr, Vimeo, SoundCloud and many more by using convenient shortcodes.


Site Verification Easily verify your site with Google, Bing and Pinterest.


Subscriptions Allow your visitors to signup to comment notification and new posts by email. For an example see this page and scroll down to the comments. Requires Jetpack Comments to be turned on.

订阅允许您的访问者注册来通过电子邮件评论评论通知和新帖子。 有关示例,请参见此页面并向下滚动到注释。 需要打开Jetpack评论。

Tiled Galleries Show your images in a rectangular mosaic, a square mosaic, and a circular grid.


VaultPress Subscription based backup service on the same infrastructure as


VideoPress Paid service to upload videos to and show them on your site.


Widget Visibility Use display rules to decide where to show a specific widget or not.

窗口小部件可见性使用显示规则来确定在何处显示特定窗口小部件。 Shortlinks One of the shortest link shorteners around and kept tidily clean by the guys.


围捕 (Rounding up)

Jetpack is a really extensive plugin with mostly useful tools, all but two of which are free. The loading time horrors are something from the past; just be sure to keep an eye on loaded scripts, and don’t turn on modules which you don’t really use, and you should be fine.

Jetpack是一个非常广泛的插件,具有大多数有用的工具,但其中有两个都是免费的。 加载时间的恐惧来自过去。 只需确保注意加载的脚本,并且不要打开不真正使用的模块,就可以了。

I would advise you to read this article by the Jetpack team as well: Top 5 Best Practices when using Jetpack on client websites

我建议您也阅读Jetpack团队的这篇文章: 在客户端网站上使用Jetpack时的5个最佳实践

Photon is my favorite module, please let me know in the comments which is yours.



jetpack 2.3.1