media传输协议_在Windows 7 Media Center中远程安排和流式传输录制的电视

media传输协议_在Windows 7 Media Center中远程安排和流式传输录制的电视


Have you ever been away from home and suddenly realized you forgot to record your favorite program? Now Windows 7 Media Center, users can schedule recordings remotely from their phones or mobile devices with Remote Potato.

您是否曾经出过家,突然意识到自己忘了录制自己喜欢的节目? 现在是Windows 7 Media Center,用户可以使用Remote Potato从他们的电话或移动设备远程安排录制时间。

How it Works


Remote Potato installs server software on the host computer running Windows 7 Media Center. Once the software is installed, we’ll need to do some port forwarding on the router and setup an optional dynamic DNS address. When setup is completed, we will access the application through a web based interface. Silverlight is required for Streaming recorded TV, but scheduling recordings can be done through an HTML interface.

Remote Potato在运行Windows 7 Media Center的主机上安装服务器软件。 安装软件后,我们需要在路由器上进行一些端口转发,并设置可选的动态DNS地址。 设置完成后,我们将通过基于Web的界面访问该应用程序。 流录制的电视需要Silverlight,但是可以通过HTML界面来安排录制时间。

Installing Remote Potato


Download and install Remote Potato on the Media Center PC. (See download link below) If you plan to stream any Recorded TV, you’ll also want to install the streaming pack located on the same page. It isn’t required to stream all shows, only shows that require the AC3 audio codec.

在Media Center PC上下载并安装Remote Potato。 (请参阅下面的下载链接)如果您打算流式传输任何Recorded TV,您还需要安装位于同一页面上的流式软件包。 不需要流式传输所有节目,仅需要AC3音频编解码器的节目即可。

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Click Yes to allow Remote Potato to add rules to the Windows Firewall for remote access. You’ll likely need to accept a few UAC prompts.

单击“ 是”以允许“远程马铃薯”将规则添加到Windows防火墙以进行远程访问。 您可能需要接受一些UAC提示。

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When notified that the rules were added, click OK.

当通知您已添加规则时,请单击“ 确定”。

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Remote Potato will then prompt you to allow administrator privileges to reserve a URL for it’s web server. Click Yes.

然后,Remote Potato将提示您允许管理员特权为其Web服务器保留URL。 单击是。

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Remote Potato server will start. Click on the configuration button at the right to to reveal the settings tabs.

远程Potato服务器将启动。 单击右侧的配置按钮以显示设置选项卡。

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One the General tab, you’ll have the option to run Remote Potato on startup and minimized in the System Tray. If you’re running Media Center on a dedicated HTPC, you’ll probably want to enable both startup options.

在“ 常规”选项卡中,您可以选择在启动时运行“远程马铃薯”,并在“系统托盘”中将其最小化。 如果在专用HTPC上运行Media Center,则可能需要启用两个启动选项。

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Forwarding Ports on Your Router


You’ll need to forward a couple ports on your router. By default, these will be ports 9080 and 9081. In this example we’re using a Linksys WRT54GL router, however, the steps for port forwarding will vary from router to router.

您需要在路由器上转发几个端口。 默认情况下,它们将是端口9080和9081。在此示例中,我们使用Linksys WRT54GL路由器,但是,端口转发的步骤因路由器而异。

On the Linksys configuration page, click on the Applications & Gaming Tab, and then the Port Range Forward tab.

在Linksys配置页上,单击“ 应用程序和游戏”选项卡 ,然后单击“ 端口范围转发”选项卡。

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Under Application, type in a name of your choosing. In both the Start and End boxes, type the port number 9080. Enter the local IP address of your Media Center computer in the IP address column. Click the check box under Enable. Repeat the process on the next line, but this time use port 9081.

在“ 应用程序”下 ,输入您选择的名称。 在“ 开始”和“ 结束”框中,键入端口号9080 。 在“ IP地址”列中输入Media Center计算机的本地IP地址。 单击启用下的复选框 。 在下一行重复该过程,但是这次使用端口9081

When finished, click the Save Settings button.

完成后,单击“ 保存设置”按钮。

Note: It’s highly recommended that you configure the home computer running Media Center & Remote Potato with a static IP address.

注意:强烈建议您使用静态IP地址配置运行Media Center和Remote Potato的家用计算机。

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Find your IP Address


You’ll need to find the IP address assigned to your router from your ISP. There are many ways to do this but a quick and easy way is to visit a site like (link available below) The current external IP address of your router will be displayed in the browser.

您需要从ISP找到分配给路由器的IP地址。 有许多方法可以做到这一点,但是一种快速简便的方法是访问诸如checkip.dyndns.org之类的网站(下面提供链接)。路由器的当前外部IP地址将显示在浏览器中。

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Dynamic DNS


This is an optional step, but  it’s highly recommended. Many routers, such as the Linksys WRT54GL we are using, support Dynamic DNS (DDNS). What Dynamic DNS allows you to do is affiliate your home router’s external IP address to a domain name. Every time your home router is assigned a a new IP address by your ISP, the domain name is updated to point to your new IP address.

这是一个可选步骤,但强烈建议您这样做。 许多路由器,例如我们正在使用的Linksys WRT54GL,都支持动态DNS(DDNS)。 动态DNS允许您执行的操作是将家用路由器的外部IP地址关联到域名。 每次由ISP为家庭路由器分配一个新的IP地址时,域名都会更新为指向您的新IP地址。

Remote Potato’s user interface is accessed over the Internet is by connecting to your router’s IP address followed by a colon and the port number. (Ex: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9080) Instead of constantly having to look up and remember an IP address, you can use DDNS along with a 3rd party provider like, to sign up for a free domain name and configure it to be updated each time your router is assigned a new IP address.

通过连接到路由器的IP地址,后跟冒号和端口号,可以通过Internet访问Remote Potato的用户界面。 (例如:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9080)您无需经常查找和记住IP地址,而可以与其他第三方提供商(例如一起使用DDNS来注册免费域名和将其配置为在每次为路由器分配新的IP地址时进行更新。

Go to the website (See link at the end of the article) and sign up for a free Domain name. You’ll need to register and confirm by email.

转到DynDNS.com网站(请参阅文章结尾的链接)并注册免费的域名。 您需要通过电子邮件注册并确认。

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Once you’ve signed in and selected your domain name click Activate Services.


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You’ll get a confirmation message that your domain name has been activated.


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On the Linksys WRT54GL click on the Setup tab an then DDNS. Select, or if you prefer to use their service, from the drop down list.

在Linksys WRT54GL上,单击“ 设置”选项卡,然后单击“ DDNS”。 从下拉列表中选择DynDNS.org或如果您希望使用它们的服务)。

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With DynDNS, you’ll need to fill in your username and password you signed up with at the DynDNS website and the hostname you chose.


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Note: You can connect over your local network with the IP Address of the computer running Remote Potato followed by a colon and the port number. Ex:

注意:您可以使用运行Remote Potato的计算机的IP地址,后跟冒号和端口号,通过本地网络进行连接。 例如:

Logging in Remote Potato and Recording a Show

登录 远程马铃薯 并录制节目

Once you connect, you’ll see the start page. To view the TV listings, click on TV Guide.

连接后,您将看到开始页面。 要查看电视列表,请单击“ 电视指南”。

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You’ll then see your guide listings.


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There are a few ways to navigate the listings. At the top left, you can click on any of the preset time buttons to jump to  the listings at that time of the day.  Click on the arrows to the right and left of the day and date at the top center to proceed to the previous or next day. Or, jump to a specific day with the date and date buttons at the top right.

有几种方法可以浏览列表。 在左上角,您可以单击任何预设时间按钮以跳至当天的那个时间。 单击顶部和顶部日期和日期的左右箭头可继续到前一天或第二天。 或者,使用右上角的日期和日期按钮跳至特定日期。

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To setup a recording, click on a program.


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You can choose to record the individual show or the entire series by clicking on Record Show or Record Series.

您可以通过单击“ 录制节目”或“ 录制系列”来选择录制单个节目或整个系列。

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Remote Potato on Mobile Devices


Perhaps the coolest feature of Remote Potato is the ability to schedule recording from your phone or mobile device. Note: For any devices or computers without Silverlight, you will be prompted to view the HTML page.

Remote Potato最酷的功能也许是可以从手机或移动设备安排录制时间。 注意:对于没有Silverlight的任何设备或计算机,将提示您查看HTML页面。

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Select Browse Listings.


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Select your program to record.


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In the Program Details, select Record Show to record the single episode or Record Series to record all instances of the series.

在“节目详细信息”中,选择“ 录制节目”以录制单集,或选择“ 录制系列”以录制该系列的所有实例。

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You will then see a red dot on the program listing to indicate that the show is scheduled for recording.


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Streaming Recorded TV


Click on Recorded TV from the home screen to access your previously recorded TV programs. Click on the selection you wish to stream.

从主屏幕上单击“录制的电视”以访问您以前录制的电视节目。 单击您要流式传输的选择。

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Click on Play.


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If you receive this error message, you’ll need to install the streaming pack for Remote Potato. This is found on the same download page as installation files. (See link below)

如果收到此错误消息,则需要为Remote Potato安装流包。 在与安装文件相同的下载页面上找到该文件。 (请参阅下面的链接)

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The Begin from slider allows you to start playback from the start (by default) or a different time of the program by moving the slider.


The Quality (bitrate) setting  allows you to choose the quality of the playback. We found the video quality on the Normal setting to be pretty lousy, and Low was just pointless. High was the best overall viewing experience as it provided smooth quality video playback. We experienced significant stuttering during playback using the Ultra High setting.

质量 (比特率)”设置使您可以选择播放的质量。 我们发现“ 普通”设置下的视频质量很差,而“ 低”则毫无意义。 是最佳的整体观看体验,因为它可以提供流畅的高质量视频播放。 在使用“ 超高”设置的播放过程中,我们出现了严重的卡顿现象。

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  Click Start when you are ready to begin.


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When playback begins you’ll see a slider at the top right.


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Move the slider left or right to increase or decrease the size of the video. There’s also a button to switch to full screen.

向左或向右移动滑块可增加或减小视频的大小。 还有一个按钮可以切换到全屏。

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Media Center users who travel frequently or are always on the go will likely find Remote Potato to be a blessing. Since being released earlier this year, updates for Remote Potato have come fast and furious. The latest beta release includes support for streaming music and photos. If you like those nice network TV logos, check out our article on adding TV channel logos to Windows Media Center.

经常旅行或总是出门在外的Media Center用户可能会发现Remote Potato是个幸运。 自从今年早些时候发布以来,Remote Potato的更新迅猛。 最新的Beta版本包括对流音乐和照片的支持。 如果您喜欢那些漂亮的网络电视徽标,请查看有关将电视频道徽标添加到Windows Media Center的文章

Downloads and Links


Download Remote Potato and Streaming Pack


Find your IP address


Sign Up for a Domain Name at


