widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

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Would you like to have an email address from your own domain, but prefer Gmail’s interface and integration with Google Docs?  Here’s how you can add the free Google Apps Standard to your site and get the best of both worlds.

您想拥有自己网域的电子邮件地址,但更喜欢Gmail的界面以及与Google Docs的集成吗? 您可以按照以下方法将免费的Google Apps Standard添加到您的网站,并充分利用这两个方面。

Note: To signup for Google Apps and get it setup on your domain, you will need to be able to add info to your WordPress blog or change Domain settings manually.

注意 要注册Google Apps并在您的域上进行设置,您将需要能够将信息添加到WordPress博客或手动更改域设置。

Getting Started


Head to the Google Apps signup page (link below), and click the Get Started button on the right.  Note that we are signing up for the free Google Apps which allows a max of 50 users; if you need more than 50 email addresses for your domain, you can choose Premiere Edition instead for $50/year.

转到Google Apps注册页面( 下面的链接 ),然后单击右侧的“入门”按钮。 请注意,我们正在注册免费的Google Apps,最多可容纳50个用户; 如果您的域需要50个以上的电子邮件地址,则可以选择Premiere Edition ,费用为每年50美元。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Select that you are the Administrator of the domain, and enter the domain or subdomain you want to use with Google Apps.  Here we’re adding Google Apps to the techinch.com site, but we could instead add Apps to mail.techinch.com if needed…click Get Started.

选择您是域的管理员,然后输入要用于Google Apps的域或子域。 在这里,我们将Google Apps添加到techinch.com网站,但是如果需要,我们可以将Apps添加到mail.techinch.com ……点击“入门”

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Enter your name, phone number, an existing email address, and other Administrator information.  The Apps signup page also includes some survey questions about your organization, but you only have to fill in the required fields.

输入您的姓名,电话号码,现有电子邮件地址和其他管理员信息。 Apps注册页面还包含一些有关您的组织的调查问题,但您只需填写必填字段。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

On the next page, enter a username and password for the administrator account.  Note that the user name will also be the administrative email address as username@yourdomain.com.

在下一页上,输入管理员帐户的用户名和密码。 请注意,该用户名也将作为用户名 @ yourdomain.com的管理电子邮件地址。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Now you’re ready to authenticate your Google Apps account with your domain.  The steps are slightly different depending on whether your site is on WordPress.com or on your own hosting service or server, so we’ll show how to do it both ways.

现在,您可以使用您的域对您的Google Apps帐户进行身份验证了。 根据您的网站位于WordPress.com还是您自己的托管服务或服务器上,步骤会稍有不同,因此,我们将展示两种方法。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Authenticate and Integrate Google Apps with WordPress.com

通过WordPress.com对Google Apps进行身份验证和集成

To add Google Apps to a domain you have linked to your WordPress.com blog, select Change yourdomain.com CNAME record and click Continue.

要将Google Apps添加到已链接到WordPress.com博客的域中,请选择“ 更改yourdomain.com CNAME记录” ,然后单击“ 继续”

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Copy the code under #2, which should be something like googleabcdefg123456.  Do not click the button at the bottom; wait until we’ve completed the next step.

复制#2下的代码,该代码应类似于googleabcdefg123456 。 不要单击底部的按钮; 等到我们完成下一步。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Now, in a separate browser window or tab, open your WordPress Dashboard.  Click the arrow beside Upgrades, and select Domains from the menu.

现在,在单独的浏览器窗口或标签中,打开WordPress仪表板。 点击升级旁边的箭头,然后从菜单中选择

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Click the Edit DNS link beside the domain name you’re adding to Google Apps.

点击您要添加到Google Apps的域名旁边的Edit DNS链接。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Scroll down to the Google Apps section, and paste your code from Google Apps into the verification code field.  Click Generate DNS records when you’re done.

向下滚动到Google Apps部分,然后将Google Apps中的代码粘贴到验证码字段中。 完成后,单击生成DNS记录

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

This will add the needed DNS settings to your records in the box above the Google Apps section.  Click Save DNS records.

这会将所需的DNS设置添加到Google Apps部分上方的框中的记录中。 单击保存DNS记录。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Now, go back to the Google Apps signup page, and click I’ve completed the steps above.

现在,返回Google Apps注册页面,然后点击我已完成上述步骤

Authenticate Google Apps on Your Own Server

在您自己的服务器上对Google Apps进行身份验证

If your website is hosted on your own server or hosting account, you’ll need to take a few more steps to add Google Apps to your domain.  You can add a CNAME record to your domain host using the same information that you would use with a WordPress account, or you can upload an HTML file to your site’s main directory.  In this test we’re going to upload an HTML file to our site for verification.

如果您的网站托管在您自己的服务器或托管帐户上,则您需要采取一些其他步骤将Google Apps添加到您的域中。 您可以使用与WordPress帐户相同的信息将CNAME记录添加到您的域名托管服务商,也可以将HTML文件上载到站点的主目录。 在此测试中,我们将HTML文件上传到我们的网站进行验证。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Copy the code under #1, which should be something like googleabcdefg123456.  Do not click the button at the bottom; wait until we’ve completed the next step first.

复制#1下的代码,该代码应类似于googleabcdefg123456 。 不要单击底部的按钮; 等到我们先完成下一步。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Create a new HTML file and paste the code in it.  You can do this easily in Notepad: create a new document, paste the code, and then save as googlehostedservice.html.  Make sure to select the type as All Files or otherwise the file will have a .txt extension.

创建一个新HTML文件,并将代码粘贴到其中。 您可以在记事本中轻松完成此操作:创建一个新文档,粘贴代码,然后另存为googlehostedservice.html 。 确保将类型选择为“ 所有文件” ,否则文件的扩展名为.txt。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Upload this file to your web server via FTP or a web dashboard for your site.  Make sure it is in the top level of your site’s directory structure, and try visiting it at yoursite.com/googlehostedservice.html.

通过FTP或网站的网站信息中心将此文件上传到您的网络服务器。 确保它位于网站目录结构的顶层,然后尝试通过yoursite.com/googlehostedservice.html对其进行访问。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Now, go back to the Google Apps signup page, and click I’ve completed the steps above.

现在,返回Google Apps注册页面,然后点击我已完成上述步骤

Setup Your Email on Google Apps

在Google Apps上设置您的电子邮件

When this is done, your Google Apps account should be activated and ready to finish setting up.  Google Apps will offer to launch a guide to step you through the rest of the process; you can click Launch guide if you want, or click Skip this guide to continue on your own and go directly to the Apps dashboard.

完成此操作后,您的Google Apps帐户应已**并可以完成设置。 Google Apps将提供一个指南,以逐步指导您完成其余过程; 您可以根据需要单击“ 启动指南” ,也可以单击“ 跳过该指南”以自己继续操作,并直接转到Apps仪表板。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

If you choose to open the guide, you’ll be able to easily learn the ropes of Google Apps administration.  Once you’ve completed the tutorial, you’ll be taken to the Google Apps dashboard.

如果您选择打开指南,则可以轻松学习Google Apps管理的精髓。 完成本教程后,您将被带到Google Apps仪表板。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Most of the Google Apps will be available for immediate use, but Email may take a bit more setup.  Click Activate email to get your Gmail-powered email running on your domain.

大多数Google Apps都可以立即使用,但是电子邮件可能需要更多设置。 点击**电子邮件 ,使您的Gmail支持的电子邮件在您的域中运行。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Add Google MX Records to Your Server

将Google MX记录添加到您的服务器

You will need to add Google MX records to your domain registrar in order to have your mail routed to Google.  If your domain is hosted on WordPress.com, you’ve already made these changes so simply click I have completed these steps.  Otherwise, you’ll need to manually add these records before clicking that button.

您需要将Google MX记录添加到您的域名注册商,以便将邮件路由到Google。 如果您的域托管在WordPress.com上,则您已经进行了这些更改,因此只需单击我已完成这些步骤即可 。 否则,您需要在单击该按钮之前手动添加这些记录。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Adding MX Entries is fairly easy, but the steps may depend on your hosting company or registrar.  With some hosts, you may have to contact support to have them add the MX records for you.  Our site’s host uses the popular cPanel for website administration, so here’s how we added the MX Entries through cPanel.

添加MX条目相当容易,但是步骤可能取决于您的托管公司或注册商。 对于某些主机,您可能必须与支持人员联系以让他们为您添加MX记录。 我们网站的主机使用流行的cPanel进行网站管理,因此这是我们通过cPanel添加MX条目的方式。

Add MX Entries through cPanel


Login to your site’s cPanel, and click the MX Entry link under Mail.

登录到您网站的cPanel,然后点击Mail下的MX Entry链接。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Delete any existing MX Records for your domain or subdomain first to avoid any complications or interactions with Google Apps.  If you think you may want to revert to your old email service in the future, save a copy of the records so you can switch back if you need.

请先删除您的域或子域的任何现有MX记录,以免造成任何麻烦或与Google Apps进行交互。 如果您认为将来可能希望恢复到旧的电子邮件服务,请保存记录的副本,以便在需要时可以切换回去。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Now, enter the MX Records that Google listed.  Here’s our account after we added all of the entries to our account.

现在,输入Google列出的MX记录。 将所有条目添加到我们的帐户后,这就是我们的帐户。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Finally, return to your Google Apps Dashboard and click the I have completed these steps button at the bottom of the page.

最后,返回到您的Google Apps信息中心,然后点击页面底部的我已完成这些步骤按钮。

Activating Service


You’re now officially finished activating and setting up your Google Apps account.  Google will first have to check the MX records for your domain; this only took around an hour in our test, but Google warns it can take up to 48 hours in some cases.

现在,您已经正式完成**和设置您的Google Apps帐户。 Google首先必须检查您域的MX记录; 在我们的测试中,此过程仅花费了大约一个小时,但是Google警告,在某些情况下,它最多可能需要48个小时。

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You may then see that Google is updating its servers with your account information.  Once again, this took much less time than Google’s estimate.

然后,您可能会看到Google正在使用您的帐户信息更新其服务器。 再一次,这花费的时间少于Google的估计。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

When everything’s finished, you can click the link to access the inbox of your new Administrator email account in Google Apps.

完成所有操作后,您可以单击链接以访问Google Apps中新的管理员电子邮件帐户的收件箱。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Welcome to Gmail … at your own domain!  All of the Google Apps work just the same in this version as they do in the public @gmail.com version, so you should feel right at home.

欢迎使用Gmail…在您自己的域中! 在此版本中,所有Google Apps的工作方式都与@ gmail.com公共版本中的工作方式完全相同,因此您应该有宾至如归的感觉。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

You can return to the Google Apps dashboard from the Administrative email account by clicking the Manage this domain at the top right.

您可以通过点击右上角的管理此域 ,从管理电子邮件帐户返回Google Apps信息中心。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

In the Dashboard, you can easily add new users and email accounts, as well as change settings in your Google Apps account and add your site’s branding to your Apps.

在控制台中,您可以轻松添加新用户和电子邮件帐户,以及更改Google Apps帐户中的设置,并将网站的品牌添加到您的Apps中。

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Your Google Apps will work just like their standard @gmail.com counterparts.  Here’s an example of an inbox customized with the techinch logo and a Gmail theme.

您的Google Apps将像其标准@ gmail.com一样运行。 这是一个使用techinch徽标和Gmail主题自定义收件箱的示例。

widows apps_将免费的Google Apps添加到您的网站或博客

Links to Remember


Here are the common links to your Google Apps online.  Substitute your domain or subdomain for yourdomain.com.

以下是在线访问Google Apps的常用链接。 用您的域或子域替换yourdomain.com

Dashboard https://www.google.com/a/cpanel/yourdomain.com
Email https://mail.google.com/a/yourdomain.com
Calendar https://www.google.com/calendar/hosted/yourdomain.com
Docs https://docs.google.com/a/yourdomain.com
Sites https://sites.google.com/a/yourdomain.com
仪表板 https://www.google.com/a/cpanel/ yourdomain.com
电子邮件 https://mail.google.com/a/ yourdomain.com
日历 https://www.google.com/calendar/hosted/ yourdomain.com
文件 https://docs.google.com/a/ yourdomain.com
网站 https://sites.google.com/a/ yourdomain.com



Google Apps offers you great webapps and webmail for your domain, and let’s you take advantage of Google’s services while still maintaining the professional look of your own domain.  Setting up your account can be slightly complicated, but once it’s finished, it will run seamlessly and you’ll never have to worry about email or collaboration with your team again.

Google Apps为您的域提供了出色的webapp和网络邮件,让您在充分利用Google服务的同时仍保持自己域的专业外观。 设置您的帐户可能会有些复杂,但是一旦完成,它将无缝运行,您不必再担心电子邮件或与团队合作的麻烦。

Signup for the free Google Apps Standard

注册免费的Google Apps Standard

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/18891/add-free-google-apps-to-your-website-or-blog/

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