将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...


将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

7Plus is a very useful, free tool for Windows 7 and Vista that adds a lot of features to Windows, such as the ability to add tabs to Windows Explorer, set up hotkeys for common tasks, and other settings to make working with Windows easier.

7Plus是一个非常有用的免费工具,适用于Windows 7和Vista,它为Windows添加了许多功能,例如能够向Windows资源管理器添加选项卡,为常见任务设置热键以及其他使Windows易于使用的设置。

7Plus is powered by AutoHotkey and allows most of the features to be fully customized. You can also create your own features by creating custom events.

7Plus由AutoHotkey驱动,可以对大多数功能进行完全自定义。 您还可以通过创建自定义事件来创建自己的功能。

7Plus does not need to be installed. Simply extract the files from the .zip file you downloaded (see the link at the end of this article) and double-click on the 7plus.exe file.

7Plus不需要安装。 只需从下载的.zip文件中提取文件(请参阅本文末尾的链接),然后双击7plus.exe文件。

将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

If the User Account Control dialog box displays, click Yes to continue.


NOTE: You may not see this dialog box, depending on your User Account Control settings.

注意:根据您的“ 用户帐户控制”设置 ,您可能看不到此对话框。

将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

The following dialog box displays asking if you want to view a list of the features. Click Yes or No as desired.

将显示以下对话框,询问您是否要查看功能列表。 根据需要单击“是”或“否”。

将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

If you clicked Yes to view the features, your default browser opens to the following webpage.


将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

When you run 7Plus, it places an icon in the system tray, providing access to the main Settings window and some other options, such as the ability to temporarily suspend the hotkeys. To access the settings, right-click on the icon and select Settings from the popup menu.

当您运行7Plus时,它将在系统托盘中放置一个图标,使您可以访问“设置”主窗口和其他一些选项,例如临时挂断热键的功能。 要访问设置,请右键单击该图标,然后从弹出菜单中选择“设置”。

将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

The 7plus Settings window displays showing the All Events screen. Here you can edit existing events, enable, disable, and delete events, and create new custom events. For information about events, click the Help button.

显示“ 7plus设置”窗口,显示“所有事件”屏幕。 在这里,您可以编辑现有事件,启用,禁用和删除事件,以及创建新的自定义事件。 有关事件的信息,请单击“帮助”按钮。

将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

Click Explorer in the tree to select settings for use in Windows Explorer. For example, you can choose to have F2 toggle between highlighting the filename only, the extension only, or the full name when renaming a file.

单击树中的资源管理器以选择要在Windows资源管理器中使用的设置。 例如,重命名文件时,可以选择让F2在仅突出显示文件名,仅扩展名或全名之间切换。

将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

7Plus also allows you to add tabs to Windows Explorer. Click Explorer Tabs in the tree on the left and select the Use Tabs in Explorer to turn on the feature. Change the settings as desired.

7Plus还允许您将选项卡添加到Windows资源管理器。 单击左侧树中的“资源管理器选项卡”,然后选择“资源管理器中的使用选项卡”以打开该功能。 根据需要更改设置。

将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

The tabs display in the title bar of the Explorer window. Press Ctrl + T to create a new tab and Ctrl + W to close the current tab.

这些选项卡显示在资源管理器窗口的标题栏中。 按Ctrl + T创建一个新标签,然后按Ctrl + W关闭当前标签。

NOTE: We encountered a strange behavior when using tabs in Windows Explorer. The tabs hang around after you close the Explorer window. They eventually go away, however, and do not affect how the tabs and Explorer work.

注意:在Windows资源管理器中使用选项卡时,我们遇到了奇怪的行为。 关闭“资源管理器”窗口后,这些选项卡会徘徊。 但是,它们最终消失了,并且不影响选项卡和资源管理器的工作方式。

将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

7Plus has a Fast Folders feature that allows you to use the numbers on the number keypad to quickly access folders you use often. Click on Fast Folders in the tree on the left and select the Integrate Fast Folders into explorer folder band bar check box to turn on the feature in Windows Explorer.

7Plus具有快速文件夹功能,可让您使用数字键盘上的数字来快速访问您经常使用的文件夹。 单击左侧树中的“快速文件夹”,然后选中“将快速文件夹集成到资源管理器文件夹带状栏”复选框以打开Windows资源管理器中的功能。

NOTE: If you currently have an Explorer window open, you need to close it and open a new window for the changes to take affect.


将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

To use this feature, navigate to a folder you access often in Explorer. Press Ctrl + number pad key to assign that folder to that number pad key. Then, all you do to access that folder is press that number pad key and the folder opens in the current Explorer window.

要使用此功能,请导航到您经常在资源管理器中访问的文件夹。 按Ctrl +数字键盘键可将该文件夹分配给该数字键盘键。 然后,您只需按该数字键盘键即可访问该文件夹,并且该文件夹在当前资源管理器窗口中打开。

The numbers with the associated folder names display on the folder band bar.


将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

Some common settings from different areas of Windows are consolidated on the Windows Settings screen.


将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

To apply your changes click the Apply button in the lower, right corner of the 7plus Settings window.


将code添加到上下文菜单_通过将选项卡添加到资源管理器,创建上下文菜单项等来轻松调整Windows 7和Vista...

There are many more settings to explore in 7Plus that allow you to customize Windows to suit you.


Download 7Plus from http://code.google.com/p/7plus/downloads/list.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/126416/easily-tweak-windows-7-and-vista-by-adding-tabs-to-explorer-creating-context-menu-entries-and-more/
