在Windows 7或Vista上始终以管理员模式启动应用程序

Many utilities need to be run as administrator in order to function properly, especially older utilities that haven’t been updated to support Windows 7 or Vista yet.

为了使它们正常运行,需要以管理员身份运行许多实用程序,尤其是尚未更新为支持Windows 7或Vista的较旧的实用程序。

All shortcuts in Windows since Vista have a special property that you can set that will allow the application to run as Administrator. This works perfectly for creating a batch file to restart a service, for instance.

自Vista以来,Windows中的所有快捷方式都有一个特殊的属性,您可以设置该属性,使该应用程序以管理员身份运行。 例如,这非常适合创建批处理文件以重新启动服务。

To set this property, just right-click on any shortcut, and click the Advanced button on the Shortcut page to get to the Advanced Properties dialog.


在Windows 7或Vista上始终以管理员模式启动应用程序

You’ll see a dialog with a checkbox for “Run as administrator”.


在Windows 7或Vista上始终以管理员模式启动应用程序

From now on, the application will always run as administrator if you use the shortcut to launch it. (You’ll be prompted by UAC if you have it enabled).

从现在开始,如果您使用快捷方式启动应用程序,则该应用程序将始终以管理员身份运行。 (如果启用了UAC,则会提示您)。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/always-start-an-application-in-administrator-mode-on-windows-vista/