微软将合并UWP和Win32 Apps与项目重聚

微软将合并UWP和Win32 Apps与项目重聚

Windows 10 is fragmented between new Univeral Windows Platform (UWP) apps and classic desktop (Win32) apps. At Build 2020, Microsoft announced Project Reunion to help fix that, merging the two platforms and helping fix the mistakes of the Windows 8 past.

Windows 10分为新的通用Windows平台(UWP)应用程序和经典桌面(Win32)应用程序。 在Build 2020中,Microsoft宣布了Project Reunion来帮助解决此问题,合并两个平台并帮助解决Windows 8过去的错误。

Here’s the problem: With Windows 8, Microsoft created a new application platform separate from the classic Windows desktop application model. Windows 10 moved to “Universal Windows Platform” apps, which are different—but still largely distinct from classic desktop apps.

问题是:在Windows 8中,Microsoft创建了一个与经典Windows桌面应用程序模型不同的新应用程序平台。 Windows 10迁移到了“通用Windows平台”应用程序,它们虽然有所不同,但仍与传统的桌面应用程序大不相同。

For any Windows developer with a traditional desktop application, many new Windows platform features have been restricted to the Universal Windows Platform model. Microsoft has been working on this for years, making more modern features available to classic desktop apps.

对于具有传统桌面应用程序的任何Windows开发人员,许多新的Windows平台功能都仅限于通用Windows平台模型。 微软多年来一直致力于此工作,使经典桌面应用程序可以使用更多现代功能。

Now, with Project Reunion, Microsoft says it’s going even further.

现在,借助Project Reunion,微软表示它的发展甚至还要进一步。

Frank Shaw, Microsoft’s corporate vice president of communications, said in a presentation:


Project Reunion, for the first time, breaks down barriers to unify the Windows platform and decouple it from the OS, allowing for seamless innovation across our Win32 and UWP APIs.

团圆计划(Project Reunion)首次打破了统一Windows平台并将其与OS分离的障碍,从而实现了Win32和UWP API的无缝创新。

Microsoft offered a bit more description on the project:


The newly announced Project Reunion is an evolution of the Windows developer platform that will make it more agile, modern and open.

新发布的Project Reunion是Windows开发人员平台的改进,它将使其更加敏捷,现代和开放。

The effort will streamline how developers modernize existing apps and create new ones by reducing fragmentation between the Windows API and Universal Windows Platform. It will provide a common, backward-compatible platform for existing code and for the latest client platform innovations.

通过减少Windows API和通用Windows平台之间的碎片,这项工作将简化开发人员现代化现有应用程序并创建新应用程序的方式。 它将为现有代码和最新的客户端平台创新提供一个通用的,向​​后兼容的平台。

But what exactly is Project Reunion? How much will it combine the two platforms, how easy will it be for developers to use, and what does it mean for the future of Windows applications?

但是“团圆计划”到底是什么? 它会在两个平台上结合多少,对开发人员来说将有多么容易使用,这对Windows应用程序的未来意味着什么?

Those are all good questions and ones that will have to wait until Microsoft releases more detailed information about Project Reunion throughout Build 2020. We’ll bring you more details when Microsoft provides them.

这些都是很好的问题,必须等到Microsoft在整个Build 2020中发布有关Project Reunion的更详细的信息。当Microsoft提供它们时,我们将为您提供更多详细信息。

Microsoft says it will publish more detailed information on the Windows Developer blog.

微软表示将在Windows Developer博客上发布更详细的信息。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/673351/microsoft-will-merge-uwp-and-win32-apps-with-project-reunion/