如何在iPhone,iPad和Mac上格式化Apple Notes

如何在iPhone,iPad和Mac上格式化Apple Notes
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Apple Notes is the fastest way to capture thoughts and take notes on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. But you can do more than just taking plain text notes. Here’s how to format and organize your notes on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Apple Notes是捕捉想法并在iPhone,iPad和Mac上做笔记的最快方法。 但是,您不仅可以做纯文本笔记,还可以做更多的事情。 这是在手机,平板电脑或计算机上格式化和整理笔记的方法。

如何在iPhone和iPad上格式化Apple Notes (How to Format Apple Notes on iPhone and iPad)

When you start a new note in Apple Notes, the app converts the first line into the title of the note You can change this by going to opening the Settings app > Notes > New Notes Starts With. The rest of the note is just plain text.

在Apple Notes中启动新笔记时 ,应用程序会将第一行转换为笔记标题。您可以通过打开“设置”应用程序>“笔记”>“新笔记开始于”来更改此标题。 笔记的其余部分只是纯文本。

If you’re using Apple Notes to take class notes or for research purposes, you can use formatting tools like headings, lists, indentations, and more. It’s just that these features aren’t exactly obvious for a new user.

如果您使用Apple Notes做课堂笔记或用于研究目的,则可以使用诸如标题,列表,缩进等格式工具。 仅仅是这些功能对于新用户而言并不十分明显。

After opening a new note, tap on the screen to bring up the keyboard. Here, tap on the “Aa” button right above the keyboard. This is where all the text formatting tools live.

打开新笔记后,点击屏幕以调出键盘。 在这里,点击键盘上方的“ Aa”按钮。 这是所有文本格式设置工具所在的位置。

如何在iPhone,iPad和Mac上格式化Apple Notes

The keyboard will be replaced by a new formatting toolbar that’s split into three rows.


如何在iPhone,iPad和Mac上格式化Apple Notes

From the first row, you can switch the text to Title, Heading, Subheading, Body, and Monospaced. Monospaced is a new font style (the only other font available in Notes app).

从第一行,您可以将文本切换为“标题”,“标题”,“副标题”,“正文”和“等距”。 等宽字体是一种新的字体样式(Notes应用程序中唯一可用的其他字体)。

如何在iPhone,iPad和Mac上格式化Apple Notes

From the middle row, you can manipulate selected text using the Bold, Italics, Underline, or Strikethrough formats.


如何在iPhone,iPad和Mac上格式化Apple Notes

The last row is split into two sections. The left section has three different bullet styles (dashes, numbered, and circles). From the right section, you can indent or outdent selected text.

最后一行分为两部分。 左侧部分具有三种不同的项目符号样式(破折号,编号和圆圈)。 在右侧部分,您可以缩进或突出选定的文本。

如何在iPhone,iPad和Mac上格式化Apple Notes

The checklist feature is separate from the formatting toolbar. To add a checklist, tap on the Checklist icon from the toolbar above the keyboard (right next to the “Aa” button).

清单功能与格式工具栏是分开的。 要添加清单,请在键盘上方的工具栏中点击“清单”图标(“ Aa”按钮旁边)。

Now, you can simply start writing your checklist. Hit the Enter key to add a new line. To stop the checklist, just press the Enter key on an empty line.

现在,您只需开始编写清单。 按下Enter键以添加新行。 要停止检查清单,只需在空白行按Enter键即可。

如何在iPhone,iPad和Mac上格式化Apple Notes

To start a simple list, all you have to do is type the “-” symbol and then start typing to create a dashed list. Press Enter to add another entry. To create a numbered list start by typing “1.” and then write the first entry on the list.

要开始一个简单的列表,您所要做的就是键入“-”符号,然后开始键入以创建一个虚线列表。 按Enter键添加另一个条目。 要创建编号列表,请输入“ 1”。 然后将第一个条目写在列表中。

如何在Mac上格式化Apple Notes (How to Format Apple Notes on Mac)

Formatting notes on your Mac is even easier, and the styling is the same as the Notes app on the iPhone and iPad. As long as you’re using the same Apple ID account on all devices and you’ve enabled iCloud sync for Notes, you’ll find all your iPhone and iPad notes on your Mac.

在Mac上格式化便笺更加容易,其样式与iPhone和iPad上的便笺应用相同。 只要您在所有设备上使用相同的Apple ID帐户,并且为Notes启用了iCloud同步 ,就可以在Mac上找到所有的iPhone和iPad笔记。

Launch the “Notes” app on your Mac, and select a note from the sidebar. You’ll find the “Aa” formatting button right in the top toolbar. The Notes Mac app also has great support for keyboard shortcuts (we’ll talk about them in the next section).

在Mac上启动“笔记”应用程序,然后从边栏中选择一个笔记。 您会在顶部工具栏中找到“ Aa”格式按钮。 Notes Mac应用程序还对键盘快捷键提供了极大的支持(我们将在下一部分中讨论它们)。

To format some text, select it and then click on the “Aa” button.

要格式化某些文本,请选择它,然后单击“ Aa”按钮。

如何在iPhone,iPad和Mac上格式化Apple Notes

From here, you can select the following options: Title, Heading, Subheading, Body, Monpspaced, Bulleted List, Dashed List, and Numbered List. The Notes app on the Mac formats the first line as title text automatically, to change this, go to Preferences > Notes Start With.

在这里,您可以选择以下选项:标题,标题,副标题,正文,等宽间隔,项目符号列表,虚线列表和编号列表。 Mac上的Notes应用程序自动将第一行格式化为标题文本,要更改此设置,请转至“首选项”>“ Notes起始于”。

Just like the iPhone and iPad, you can start a dashed list with the “-” symbol and a numbered list by typing “1.” before the first entry.

就像iPhone和iPad一样,您可以用“-”符号开始一个虚线列表,并通过键入“ 1”开始一个带编号的列表。 在第一次进入之前。

To create a checklist, click on the “Checklist” icon from the toolbar. To end the checklist, press the Enter key on the last empty checklist line.

要创建清单,请单击工具栏上的“清单”图标。 要结束清单,请在最后一个空白清单行上按Enter键。

如何在iPhone,iPad和Mac上格式化Apple Notes

On the Mac, you can even increase and decrease the font size of the selected text using the Command+(+) and Command+(-) keyboard shortcuts.

在Mac上,您甚至可以使用Command +(+)和Command +(-)键盘快捷键来增大和减小所选文本的字体大小。

iPad和Mac的格式化快捷方式 (Formatting Shortcuts for iPad and Mac)

If you’re using the Notes app on your iPad with an external keyboard or if you’re using a Mac, formatting notes becomes much faster with the help of keyboard shortcut:


  • Title: Shift+Command+T

    标题: Shift + Command + T

  • Heading: Shift+Command+H

    标题: Shift + Command + H

  • Subheading: Shift+Command+J

    副标题: Shift + Command + J

  • Body: Shift+Command+B

    正文: Shift + Command + B

  • Monospaced: Shift+Command+M

    等距: Shift + Command + M

  • Checklist: Shift+Command+L

    清单: Shift + Command + L

  • Mark as Checked: Shift+Command+U

    标记为已选中: Shift + Command + U

  • Bold: Command+B

    粗体: Command + B

  • Underline: Command+U

    下划线: Command + U

  • Italic: Command+I

    斜体: Command + I

  • Indent: Command+[

    缩进: Command + [

  • Outdent: Command+]

    突出: Command +]

Do you store private information in Apple Notes? Lock it down!

您是否将私人信息存储在Apple Notes中? 锁定它

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/667829/how-to-format-apple-notes-on-iphone-ipad-and-mac/