PL / SQL Developer工具安装

This tutorial will guide you to install the PL/SQl developer tool on your computer. As we now know, PL/SQL is Oracle’s proprietary and is an extension of SQL. There are two ways to execute PL/SQL programs.

1. Browser Based 2. Standalone Application

Browser Based Application

Yes, you can execute your PL/SQL programs in your web browser in the same way as you do in a standalone application. The software which helps you do this is Oracle Application Express. It helps in development of web applications, PL/SQL and even SQL programs online. Oracle Application Express software enables you to design, develop and deploy responsive, beautiful and database-driven applications using only your web browser. For better compatibility, prefer using the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Go to link:

Make an ID preferably given on the right hand top corner of the page. Thereafter, Click on “Get Started”. 

You have 3 options now.

1. Download on OTN (Oracle Technology Network)
2. Cloud Service
3. Free Workspace

You can actually try any one of them. Look at their descriptions. Click on  the following marked options on the site and then click “Next”.

1. Free Workspace
2. Application Development
3. Fill in your name and other details
4. Fill in the Schema name and memory space and keep it around 40MB.
5. Fill in other Details and then click Next

Standalone Application

PL / SQL Developer工具安装

For this, you can either opt for:

1. Oracle Database Express Edition 11G 2. Oracle Express Edition

The first software is actually sufficient to run PL/SQL programs. However, if you want a specialized environment for executing PL/SQL programs, download the second software as well.

Note: Oracle Database Express Edition 11G is mandatory to install.

Oracle Database Express Edition 11G:

Oracle Application Express:

Installation Steps For Oracle Database Express Edition 11G

1. Download the software file from the above mentioned link.
2. Run the downloaded file and Choose ‘Accept Agreement License’ option and Click ‘Next’.
PL / SQL Developer工具安装
3. Select the destination folder for installation of the software. Keep it default location if you’re a beginner. Click ‘Next’.

4. Specify the Database Password and remember it for further use as it will be needed to start the Database from cmd. Click ‘Next’.
PL / SQL Developer工具安装

5. Click on further ‘Next’ buttons and then click on ‘Finish’ button as it arrives.

6. Now we need to run the Oracle 11g software by clicking Start>Oracle Database 11G Edition>Database Home Page.
PL / SQL Developer工具安装
7. It will ask you for Username and Password. Username shall be SYSTEM or SYS and Password is the one which you have entered before during installation.
8. Select the following: Administration>Database Users>Create User and then Log out.
PL / SQL Developer工具安装

9. Now you can re-login the new Username and Password (if applicable) and work accordingly.
Be ready with the final installation of PL/SQL developer tool and get onto real programming stuff now.
本教程将指导您在计算机上安装PL / SQl开发人员工具。 众所周知,PL / SQL是Oracle的专有财产,是SQL的扩展。 有两种执行PL / SQL程序的方法。



是的,您可以在Web浏览器中以与在独立应用程序中相同的方式执行PL / SQL程序。 Oracle Application Express是帮助您完成此任务的软件。 它有助于在线开发Web应用程序,PL / SQL甚至SQL程序。 Oracle Application Express软件使您可以仅使用Web浏览器来设计,开发和部署响应性强,美观且由数据库驱动的应用程序。 为了获得更好的兼容性,请使用最新版本的Google Chrome或Mozilla Firefox。

转到链接: https : //

最好在页面的右上角提供一个ID。 此后,单击“入门”。



您实际上可以尝试其中任何一个。 看他们的描述。 单击站点上以下标记的选项,然后单击“下一步”。



PL / SQL Developer工具安装


1. Oracle Database Express版11G 2. Oracle Express版

实际上,第一个软件足以运行PL / SQL程序。 但是,如果要使用特殊的环境来执行PL / SQL程序,则也请下载第二个软件。

注意:必须安装Oracle Database Express Edition 11G。

Oracle Database Express版11G: http : //

Oracle Application Express: http : //

Oracle Database Express Edition 11G的安装步骤

PL / SQL Developer工具安装
3.选择用于安装软件的目标文件夹。 如果您是初学者,请将其保留为默认位置。 点击下一步'。

4.指定数据库密码,并记住它以备将来使用,因为从cmd启动数据库将需要它。 点击下一步'。
PL / SQL Developer工具安装


6.现在,我们需要通过单击开始> Oracle Database 11G版本>数据库主页来运行Oracle 11g软件。
PL / SQL Developer工具安装
7.它将询问您用户名和密码。 用户名应为SYSTEM或SYS,密码是您在安装过程中输入的密码。
PL / SQL Developer工具安装

准备好最终安装PL / SQL开发人员工具并立即开始真正的编程工作。
