Windows 10将很快在Alt + Tab中显示Edge浏览器选项卡

Windows 10将很快在Alt + Tab中显示Edge浏览器选项卡

Alt+Tab is useful for switching between windows, but it can’t help you find that browser tab you had open in one of your windows. Soon, Windows 10 will show all your open Edge browser tabs alongside your windows.

Alt + Tab对于在窗口之间切换非常有用,但是它无法帮助您找到在一个窗口中打开的浏览器选项卡。 很快,Windows 10将在窗口旁边显示所有打开的Edge浏览器选项卡。

When this change is available, you can just use the new Microsoft Edge browser normally. When you Alt+Tab, all your browser tabs will appear as their own thumbnail—as if they were their own browser windows.

当此更改可用时,您可以正常使用新的Microsoft Edge浏览器 。 当您Alt + Tab时 ,所有浏览器选项卡将显示为它们自己的缩略图-就像它们是自己的浏览器窗口一样。

Windows 10将很快在Alt + Tab中显示Edge浏览器选项卡

Don’t like this? That’s fine. Microsoft says you can disable it from Settings > System > Multitasking. You can also set it to only show your last three or five browser tabs so tab overload doesn’t swamp your Alt+Tab switcher, too.

不喜欢这个吗 没关系。 Microsoft说您可以从“设置”>“系统”>“多任务处理”将其禁用。 您还可以将其设置为仅显示最后三个或五个浏览器标签,这样标签过载也不会淹没您的Alt + Tab切换器。

This feature is just for Microsoft Edge right now, but we could easily see it coming to other web browsers. Edge is based on the same Chromium code that forms the basis for Chrome, for example—Google might enable this feature in Google Chrome, too. It’s easy to see Mozilla Firefox taking advantage of it as well.

此功能目前仅适用于Microsoft Edge,但我们可以很容易地看到它进入其他Web浏览器。 例如,Edge基于构成Chrome的基础的相同Chromium代码-Google可能也在Google Chrome中启用此功能。 很容易看到Mozilla Firefox也能利用它。

Windows 10’s Alt+Tab switcher was previously going include all tabs based on the Sets feature, but Sets never made it to a stable build of Windows 10. It looks like this tabs-in-Alt-Tab will just come to web browsers for now.

Windows 10的Alt + Tab切换器以前曾包含基于Sets功能的所有选项卡 ,但是Sets从来没有使其成为Windows 10的稳定版本 。 看来,此Alt-Tab选项卡现在仅会出现在Web浏览器中。

Microsoft revealed this feature on July 1, 2020. It’s part of an Insider build of Windows 10 and requires Microsoft Edge 83 or newer. It likely won’t arrive in a stable build of Windows 10 until at least November 2020.

微软于2020年7月1日发布了此功能。它是Windows 10 Insider版本的一部分,需要Microsoft Edge 83或更高版本。 至少要到2020年11月,Windows 10的稳定版本可能才会出现。

This is just one of the many interesting features found in July 1’s Windows Insider build (version 20161). Microsoft is also making Windows 10’s tiles match up with your light or dark theme much better and improving the tablet experience on 2-in-1 devices.

这只是7月1日的Windows Insider构建(版本20161)中发现的许多有趣功能之一。 微软还使Windows 10的图块与您的亮或暗主题更好地匹配,并改善了二合一设备上的平板电脑体验。
