app engine_Google提示App Engine定价

app engine

app engine_Google提示App Engine定价As we wrote in October when Google
revealed the product road map for their cloud computing product App Engine, one of the things Google is aiming to have online by early next year is a pricing model for developers to purchase extra resources. It has been difficult for developers to budget for App Engine without knowing how it compares to other cloud hosting platforms in terms of cost.

披露其云计算产品App Engine 的产品路线图时所写的那样,Google计划在明年初之前将其上线的一件事是开发人员购买额外资源的定价模型。 对于开发者来说,在不了解与成本方面相比它与其他云托管平台相比如何的情况下,很难为其预算App Engine。

Today, Google hinted at the App Engine pricing model with a sneak preview on their blog.

今天,Google 博客上进行了预览,以暗示了App Engine的定价模式

Though specifics on the actual costs of App Engine are likely to change before the billing system opens its doors next year, Google did talk about how the system will work. The billing system for App Engine will operate similar to the system in place at AdWords. Developers will set a daily budget for their app, which can be allocated on a granular level across bandwidth, CPU, and storage.

尽管有关App Engine实际成本的细节可能会在明年计费系统开放之前有所改变,但Google确实谈到了该系统的工作方式。 App Engine的结算系统的运作方式与AdWords现有的系统类似。 开发人员将为他们的应用设置每日预算,可以在带宽,CPU和存储上进行细粒度分配。

Google currently offers its service for free with daily usage quotas. According to a screenshot of the beta interface for the new billing manager that Google released today (below), the free quotas will still be around after Google implements the billing system next year. Google will only dip into your daily budget if and when your app exceeds its free quota.

Google目前免费提供每日使用配额的服务。 根据Google今天(下图)发布的新帐单管理器Beta版界面的屏幕截图,在Google明年实施帐单系统后,免费配额仍将存在。 只有当您的应用超出免费配额时,Google才会投入您的每日预算。

Also released today, a system status monitoring site and a quota monitoring dashboard. The uptime monitoring site was part of Google’s Q1 plans for App Engine that we reported on in October. Also included on the roadmap, a service for storing and serving large files, datastore import and export utility for large datasets, and support for a new runtime language.

今天还发布了一个系统状态监视站点和一个配额监视仪表板。 正常运行时间监控网站是我们在10月份报告的Google针对App Engine的第一季度计划的一部分。 路线图上还包括用于存储和提供大文件的服务,用于大型数据集的数据存储导入和导出实用程序,以及对新的运行时语言的支持。

app engine_Google提示App Engine定价


app engine