Deep Learning 学习随记(八)CNN(Convolutional neural network)理解




前面Andrew Ng的讲义基本看完了。Andrew讲的真是通俗易懂,只是不过瘾啊,讲的太少了。趁着看完那章convolution and pooling, 自己又去翻了翻CNN的相关东西。


后,一副图像变成了好多副特征图(feature map)这时候再进行convolution时,该怎么办呢?所以去瞅了瞅CNN的相关论文。

CNN最经典的案例应该是LeNet-5这个数字识别的任务了吧。这里可以看下Yann Lecun大牛网页, 以及tutorial:。



Deep Learning 学习随记(八)CNN(Convolutional neural network)理解



1. 关于每一个C层的feature map的个数。


2. 关于后面的C层。比如S2到C3,并不是一一对应的。

也就是说,并不是对S2中的每一个feature map与后面16个卷积核进行卷积。而是取其中几个。看了下面图应该很容易理解:

Deep Learning 学习随记(八)CNN(Convolutional neural network)理解

纵向是S2层的6个feature map,横向是C3的16个卷积核,X表示两者相连。比如说,第0个卷积核,只用在了前面3个feature map上,把这3个卷积结果加权相加或者平均就得到C3层的第一个(如按照上图标示应该是第0个)feature map。至于这个对应表示怎么来的,也不得而知啊,应该也是经验或者通过大量实验得来的吧。这点还不是很清楚...当然,如果想全部相连也不是不可以,只是对5个相加或者进行加权平均而已(比如第15号卷积核)。

3. 关于每一层的卷积核是怎么来的。

从Andrew的讲义中,我们是先从一些小patch里用稀疏自编码学习到100个特征(隐层100个单元),然后相当于100个卷积核(不知这样理解对不对)。这样子后面的卷积层的核怎么做呢?每一层都用前一层pooling(或者降采样)后得到的feature map再进行一次自编码学习?。这里就想到了去看toolbox里的CNN的代码,但感觉不是同一个套路:


Deep Learning 学习随记(八)CNN(Convolutional neural network)理解
function net = cnnsetup(net, x, y)    inputmaps = 1;    mapsize = size(squeeze(x(:, :, 1)));    for l = 1 : numel(net.layers)   %  layer        if strcmp(net.layers{l}.type, 's')            mapsize = mapsize / net.layers{l}.scale;            assert(all(floor(mapsize)==mapsize), ['Layer ' num2str(l) ' size must be integer. Actual: ' num2str(mapsize)]);            for j = 1 : inputmaps                net.layers{l}.b{j} = 0;            end        end        if strcmp(net.layers{l}.type, 'c')            mapsize = mapsize - net.layers{l}.kernelsize + 1;            fan_out = net.layers{l}.outputmaps * net.layers{l}.kernelsize ^ 2;            for j = 1 : net.layers{l}.outputmaps  %  output map                fan_in = inputmaps * net.layers{l}.kernelsize ^ 2;                for i = 1 : inputmaps  %  input map                    net.layers{l}.k{i}{j} = (rand(net.layers{l}.kernelsize) - 0.5) * 2 * sqrt(6 / (fan_in + fan_out));                end                net.layers{l}.b{j} = 0;            end            inputmaps = net.layers{l}.outputmaps;        end    end    % 'onum' is the number of labels, that's why it is calculated using size(y, 1). If you have 20 labels so the output of the network will be 20 neurons.    % 'fvnum' is the number of output neurons at the last layer, the layer just before the output layer.    % 'ffb' is the biases of the output neurons.    % 'ffW' is the weights between the last layer and the output neurons. Note that the last layer is fully connected to the output layer, that's why the size of the weights is (onum * fvnum)    fvnum = prod(mapsize) * inputmaps;    onum = size(y, 1);    net.ffb = zeros(onum, 1);    net.ffW = (rand(onum, fvnum) - 0.5) * 2 * sqrt(6 / (onum + fvnum));end
Deep Learning 学习随记(八)CNN(Convolutional neural network)理解


里面inputmaps是上一层的feature map数。outputmaps当前层的feature map数。 其中有一行代码是 

net.layers{l}.k{i}{j} = (rand(net.layers{l}.kernelsize) - 0.5) * 2 * sqrt(6 / (fan_in + fan_out));



Deep Learning 学习随记(八)CNN(Convolutional neural network)理解
function net = cnnff(net, x)    n = numel(net.layers);    net.layers{1}.a{1} = x;    inputmaps = 1;    for l = 2 : n   %  for each layer        if strcmp(net.layers{l}.type, 'c')            %  !!below can probably be handled by insane matrix operations            for j = 1 : net.layers{l}.outputmaps   %  for each output map                %  create temp output map                z = zeros(size(net.layers{l - 1}.a{1}) - [net.layers{l}.kernelsize - 1 net.layers{l}.kernelsize - 1 0]);                for i = 1 : inputmaps   %  for each input map                    %  convolve with corresponding kernel and add to temp output map                    z = z + convn(net.layers{l - 1}.a{i}, net.layers{l}.k{i}{j}, 'valid');                end                %  add bias, pass through nonlinearity                net.layers{l}.a{j} = sigm(z + net.layers{l}.b{j});            end            set number of input maps to this layers number of outputmaps            inputmaps = net.layers{l}.outputmaps;        elseif strcmp(net.layers{l}.type, 's')            %  downsample            for j = 1 : inputmaps                z = convn(net.layers{l - 1}.a{j}, ones(net.layers{l}.scale) / (net.layers{l}.scale ^ 2), 'valid');   %  !! replace with variable                net.layers{l}.a{j} = z(1 : net.layers{l}.scale : end, 1 : net.layers{l}.scale : end, :);            end        end    end    %  concatenate all end layer feature maps into vector    net.fv = [];    for j = 1 : numel(net.layers{n}.a)        sa = size(net.layers{n}.a{j});        net.fv = [net.fv; reshape(net.layers{n}.a{j}, sa(1) * sa(2), sa(3))];    end    %  feedforward into output perceptrons    net.o = sigm(net.ffW * net.fv + repmat(net.ffb, 1, size(net.fv, 2)));end
Deep Learning 学习随记(八)CNN(Convolutional neural network)理解



Deep Learning 学习随记(八)CNN(Convolutional neural network)理解
for j = 1 : net.layers{l}.outputmaps   %  for each output map         %  create temp output map         z = zeros(size(net.layers{l - 1}.a{1}) - [net.layers{l}.kernelsize - 1 net.layers{l}.kernelsize - 1 0]);         for i = 1 : inputmaps   %  for each input map             %  convolve with corresponding kernel and add to temp output map             z = z + convn(net.layers{l - 1}.a{i}, net.layers{l}.k{i}{j}, 'valid');         end         %  add bias, pass through nonlinearity         net.layers{l}.a{j} = sigm(z + net.layers{l}.b{j});end
Deep Learning 学习随记(八)CNN(Convolutional neural network)理解





Deep Learning 学习随记(八)CNN(Convolutional neural network)理解