

Things are getting really interesting in the mobile development field.


Five years ago when you talked about application development you were most likely targeting web browsers, desktop computers, game platforms or very limited phone OS’s. On each of those platforms the vast majority of the input was via the user’s fingertips — text, buttons and joysticks.

五年前,当您谈论应用程序开发时,您最有可能瞄准的是Web浏览器,台式计算机,游戏平台或非常有限的电话操作系统。 在每个平台上,绝大多数输入都是通过用户的指尖(文本,按钮和操纵杆)进行的。

Today’s devices obviously offer so much more. Touch, GPS, compasses, accelerometers, and proximity detection to name just a few previously unavailable input modes. This has made possible a raft of new types of applications (and I’m not talking about iFart).

当今的设备显然提供了更多的功能。 触摸,GPS,指南针,加速度计和接近检测仅列举了一些以前不可用的输入模式。 这使得大量新类型的应用程序成为可能(我并不是在谈论iFart)。

Earlier in the year BunsenTech launched a pretty cool iPhone app aimed at the hardcore revhead called Dynolicious. The app uses iPhone’s hardware to track 0-60 acceleration, lateral G force, braking G’s and horsepower amongst other things.

在今年早些时候,BunsenTech推出了一款非常酷的iPhone应用程序,旨在实现名为Dynolicious的硬核推销 。 该应用程序使用iPhone的硬件来跟踪0-60加速度,横向重力,制动重力和马力。

Nifty stuff.


However, now an electric super bike has taken things a step further.


It’s perhaps impressive enough that the very slick-looking MotoCzysz E1pc runs at +120mph on three electric motors with zero emissions.

看起来非常光滑的MotoCzysz E1pc在零排放的三台电动机上以+ 120mph的速度运行可能令人印象深刻。


However, the real kicker for us developers is it uses an iPhone as it’s standard dashboard instrumentation — a bike with a data plan.

但是,对我们开发人员而言,真正的推动力是它使用iPhone作为其标准仪表板工具 -带有数据计划的自行车。

There are all sorts of reasons that I think this is super clever.


  • Building custom high-tech sensors and screens into a bike is expensive and requires years of testing to perfect. Having them already built-in to a phone that many developers already understand intimately should make development simpler and cheaper. This should be reflected on the ticket price, too.

    在自行车上构建定制的高科技传感器和屏幕非常昂贵,并且需要数年的测试才能完美。 使它们已经内置到许多开发人员已经非常了解的电话中应该会使开发更简单,更便宜。 这也应该反映在票价上。
  • The dashboard becomes easily upgradeable and can evolve as MotoCzysz improve and refine it.

  • Inevitably geeks, hackers and fans will hack their own dashboards and often come up with stuff way cooler than the default dashboard. You’ve got the possibility of a whole subculture of dashboard hackers evolving.

    极客,黑客和粉丝不可避免地会入侵自己的仪表板,并且往往会提供比默认仪表板更酷的功能。 您可能会逐渐发展仪表盘黑客的整个亚文化。
  • I assume you clip the phone out when you leave, so it could easily becomes the equivalent of a key/security device for the bike. In fact, why have a key?

    我假设您要在离开时将手机剪掉,这样它很容易相当于自行车的钥匙/安全装置。 其实为什么要有钥匙?

认知突围_移动应用:突围Could we be seeing the beginning of the iPhone (and other advanced mobile devices) becoming part of the default interface/input device for other devices — anything from scooters to ride-on mowers to ski boats to ultralight aircraft?

It sounds like a really interesting niche.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/mobile-apps-breaking-out-of-the-pocket/
