1505.Deep Ranking for Person Re-identification via Joint Representation Learning论文笔记

1505.Deep Ranking for Person Re-identification via Joint Representation Learning
1505.Deep Ranking for Person Re-identification via Joint Representation Learning论文笔记

1505.Deep Ranking for Person Re-identification via Joint Representation Learning论文笔记
1.特征表达和相似性度量学习往往分开优化或者序列化的处理来进行ReID任务,且传统方法很难有迁移和好的场景泛化能力,因此作者提出一种one ranking unit+deepCNN方法实现特征表达和基于特征选择的度量学习有效整合在一个learning-to-rank framework 框架ranking model里进行联合表达学习,one ranking unit用于训练时输入样本的采样和格式处理,根据标签把probe的真匹配放在top位置,然后将top和prob水平拼接为一个方形图像,和其他负样本对组成的方形图像一起输入deepCNN网络,该网络会学到一个像素图像到相似度得分的转换函数,从而输出最终的相似度得分,其过程相当于learn-to-rank得到正确的top-k检索输出。
2.ranking unit sampling为CNN网络提供输入方形拼接好的图像+deepCNN为全连接输出而不是cosine等二值输出,这样正样本对可以少于负样本对,对这种样本对的不平衡性有更好的适应性+the pre-training strategy+Relaxing the cross-view constraint+Data augmentation,且在无finetune下也有好的泛化性能。
4.Experimental Settings/ 在VIPeRdataset (a) and CUHK-01 dataset(b)做了很多比较实验
5.Comparison with State-of-the-art Methods/
6.Comparision with CNN-based Person Re-identification Algorithms/
7.Evaluation of Open-World Scenarios/
8.Comparison of Performance across Datasets/
9.Evaluations and Analysis:Contribution of joint representation learning;Ranking versus direct binary classification;Contribution of pre-training;Analysis of ranking unit sampling
10.作者重点与MLF(Marginal Fisher Analysis)+LADF(Locally-Adaptive Decision Function)/DML(Deep Metric Learning)/FPNN(filter pairing neural network)/kLFDA(Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis) 做了实验比较。另外分析了所提深度模型预训练的有效性,对二值分类和本模型采用的ranking 算法做了比较。
11.presents an extensive comparison with state-of-the-art algorithms, and we analyze each component of our method. analyze each component of the framework for a fair self-evaluation, and further discuss key elements that may improve performance in a re-identification framework.

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作者应用了FPNN的joint representation of two images联合特征表达思想,在此基础上引入learning-to-rank思想,通过CNN网络使similarities of image pairs directly from image pixels变二值分类输出为学习一个度量变换函数,输出相似度得分,用于rank。