




   Fixed-point continuation for l1-minimization methodology and convergence

   Convergence of fixed point continuation algorithms for matrix rank minimization

   Fixed point and Bregman iterative methods for matrix rank minimization


  不动点迭代  http://blog.csdn.net/jbb0523/article/details/52459797?reload


  不动点迭代可以参考 Numerical Analysis (美)Timothy Sauer    这本书



%% test script
% initialize matrix
add_bias = 0;
if ispc
    % reorth.f isn't compiled for Windows, but this shouldn't be an
    % issue, because the .m file version is pretty fast

%% Setup a matrix

for s1 = 1:1
    % if you're daring, try with complex numbers:
    COMPLEX = false;
    NOISE_LEVEL= 0.0;
    n1 = 400; n2 = 180; r = 50;
    if COMPLEX
        X = (randn(n1,r)+1i*randn(n1,r))*(randn(r,n2)+1i*randn(r,n2))/2;
        X = randn(n1,r)*randn(r,n2)+rand(n1,n2)*NOISE_LEVEL;
    W = rand(n2,1);
    Y = sign(X*W-mean(X*W)+rand(n1,1)*NOISE_LEVEL);
    % add in noise, if desired
    sigma = 0;
    % sigma = .05*std(data);
    % data = data + sigma*randn(size(data));
    df = r*(n1+n2-r);
    oversampling = 5;
    m = min(5*df,round(.90*n1*n2) );
    p  = m/(n1*n2);
    Omega{1} = sort(randsample(n1*n2,m));  %   Omega = randperm(n1*n2); Omega = Omega(1:m);
    Omega{2} = sort(randsample(n1,round(p*n1)));
    data{1} = X(Omega{1});
    data{2} = Y(Omega{2});
    % % --- adding bias term (all ones to X)----
    % X = [X ones(n1,1)];
    % Omega{1} = [sort(randsample(n1*n2,m))  ; (n1*n2+(1:n1))'];
    % data{1} = X(Omega{1});
    % % -----------------------------
    missingX = ones(n1,n2);
    missingY = ones(n1,1);
    missingX(Omega{1}) = 0;
    missingY(Omega{2}) = 0;
    if add_bias == 1
        missingX((n1*(n2-1)+1):(n1*n2)) = 0;
    missingX = logical(missingX);
    missingY = logical(missingY);
    fprintf('Matrix completion: %d x %d matrix, rank %d, %.1f%% observations\n',...
    fprintf('\toversampling degrees of freedom by %.1f; noise std is %.1e\n',...
        m/df, NOISE_LEVEL );
    string1 = sprintf('Matrix completion: %d x %d matrix, rank %d, %.1f%% observations\n',...
    string2 = sprintf('\toversampling degrees of freedom by %.1f; noise std is %.1e\n',...
        m/df, NOISE_LEVEL );
    if ~isreal(X), disp('Matrix is complex'); end
    % Set parameters and solve
    tau = 5*sqrt(n1*n2);
    delta = 1.2/p;
    maxiter = 500;
    tol = 1e-4;
    % Approximate minimum nuclear norm solution by FPC algorithm
    % This version of FPC uses PROPACK for the multiplies
    %   It is not optimized, and the parameters have not been tested
    % The version in the FPC paper by Shiqian Ma, Donald Goldfarb and Lifeng Chen
    %   uses an approximate SVD that will have different properties;
    %   That code may be found at http://www.columbia.edu/~sm2756/FPCA.htm
    tol = 1e-3;
    % lambda_set = [0.005 0.5 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000];
    lambda_set = [0.0005 0.005 0.05 0.5 1 5];
    % mu_final_set = [0.000001 0.00001 0.0001] ;
    mu_final_set = [0.000001 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 ] ;
    fprintf('\nSolving by FPC...\n');
    for i = 1:length(lambda_set)
        for j = 1:length(mu_final_set)
            lambda = lambda_set(i);
            mu_final = mu_final_set(j);
            [U,S,V,numiter] = TMC([n1 n2,1],Omega,data,mu_final,lambda,maxiter,tol);
            Z = U*S*V';
            %         OmegaAll = [Omega{1} ;n1*(n2)+Omega{2}]; % if FPC_kh1 is used
            OmegaAll = [Omega{1} ;n1*(n2+1)+Omega{2}]; % if FPC_kh2 is used
            Yp = Z(:,end);
            Xp = Z(:,1:end-1);
            Yp_miss = Yp(missingY); % missingY is mask of missing data, Omega is location of known data
            Xp_miss = Xp(missingX);
            % accuracy on Y prediction
            %        [acc(j,i,s1), sen(j,i,s1), spe(j,i,s1)] = AccSenSpe(Yp_miss,Y(missingY));
            acc(j,i) = sum(sign(Yp_miss) == Y(missingY))/length(Yp_miss); 
            re_X(j,i,s1) = norm(Xp_miss - X(missingX),'fro')/norm(X(missingX),'fro');
            re_whole(i,j) = norm([X ones(n1,1) Y]-Z,'fro')/norm([X ones(n1,1) Y],'fro'); % if FPC_kh2 is used
            %         re_whole(j,i,s1) = norm([X Y]-Z,'fro')/norm([X Y],'fro'); % if FPC_kh1 is used
            % Show results
            fprintf('The recovered rank is %d\n',length(diag(S)) );
            fprintf('The relative error on Omega is: %d\n', norm([data{1}; data{2}]-Z(OmegaAll))/norm([data{1}; data{2}]))
            %         fprintf('The relative recovery error is: %d\n', norm([X ones(n1,1) Y]-Z,'fro')/norm([X ones(n1,1) Y],'fro'))
            % fprintf('The relative recovery in the spectral norm is: %d\n', norm([X Y]-Z)/norm([X Y]))
            fprintf('The relative recovery error on missing X is: %.4f\n', re_X(j,i));
            fprintf('Output Y prediction accuracy is: %.3f\n', acc(j,i));
            result.rank(j,i,s1) =  length(diag(S));
            %         result.acc = acc;
            %         result.sen = sen;
            %         result.spe = spe;
            result.re_X = re_X;
            result.re_whole = re_whole;
            result.info = [string1 string2];
% save result_random_test3_FPC_kh1 result
% save result_random_test1_FPC_kh2_extrabreak result
[mean(re_X,3) ;mean(re_Y,3) mean(result.rank,3)]



% - add bias term and set different lambda for output y.
% matrix completion FPC_kh, target output same importance: use lambda for output label and non-label
% Finds mininum  mu ||X||_* + 1/2 || A(X) - b ||_2^2
%   where A(X) is the projection of X onto the set of indices
%   in Omega.
% For efficiency, the algorithm uses continuation (i.e. a series of
%   mu, aka the "outer loop"), until mu = mu_final.
% Reference:
%   "Fixed point and Bregman iterative methods for matrix
%       rank minimization."
%   Shiquian Ma, Donald Goldfarb, Lifeng Chen, October 2008
%   ftp://ftp.math.ucla.edu/pub/camreport/cam08-78.pdf
% function [U,S,V,numiter]  = FPC_kh3(X,Y,mu_final,lambda, maxiter,tol)
% Input: X- input features matrix (square loss function)
%        Y - output label (logistic loss function) or scores matrix (square
%        loss function)
%        mu_final- parameter for the nuclear norm
%        lambda - parameter for the output target
%        maxiter controls maximum number of iterations per inner loop
%        tol - target error level
% Outputs:
%   U,V and Sigma are singular vectors and singular values, where
%       X = U*Sigma*V'
%   numiter is the number of iterations over all inner and outer loops
% code by Stephen Becker, [email protected], March 2009
% May 2009: adding support for complex matrices
% Jan 2013: edited by Henry Thung, add parameter lambda

function [U,S,V,numiter]  = TMC(n,Omega,b,mu_final,lambda, maxiter,tol,varargin)
% function [U,S,V,numiter]  = FPC_kh3(X,Y,mu_final,lambda, maxiter,tol)
[lambda2, lambda3] = parseinput(varargin);
% lambda2 = 0.01;
% lambda3 = 0.01;
initial_Rank = 6;
% Data assignment
OmegaX = Omega{1};
OmegaY = Omega{2};
bX = b{1};
bY = b{2};

% -- some parameters:
% GYmethod = 'logistic_mask'; % default
% GXmethod = 'regression_mask'; % default
GYmethod = 'logistic_avg'; % default
GXmethod = 'regression_avg'; % default
if strcmp(GYmethod,'logistic_mask')
    tau = 2; % recommended that tau is between 1 and 2
elseif strcmp(GYmethod, 'logistic_avg');
    tau = 1/min(length(OmegaX),length(OmegaY)*3.8/lambda)/2;
% tau = 10000;
eta_mu = 1/4;   % how much to decrease mu at every step

if nargin < 7 || isempty(tol)
    tol = 1e-4;
if nargin < 6 || isempty(maxiter)
    maxiter = 500;
if nargin < 5 || isempty(lambda)
    lambda = 2;

if length(n) ~= 3,
    error('The length of n should be 3: Row no., X column no., Y column no!');
    n1 = n(1); n2 = n(2); n3 = n(3); % size of matrix [X Y] where size(Y) = n1x1

% USE PROPACK when matrix is very big e.g. 1000x1000
% if n1*n2 < 100*100, SMALLSCALE = true; else SMALLSCALE = false; end
% incre = 5;
r = 1;
% s = r + 1;  % estimate new rank
% normb = norm([bX; bY]);

% Initialization of X,Y,Z0
X = zeros(n1, n2);
maskX = zeros(n1, n2);
Y = zeros(n1, n3);
maskY = zeros(n1, n3);

[iX, jX] = ind2sub([n1,n2], OmegaX);
[iY, jY] = ind2sub([n1,n3], OmegaY);

for i = 1:length(OmegaX)
    X(iX(i),jX(i)) = bX(i); % recovering the matrix X
    maskX(iX(i),jX(i)) = 1;
for i = 1:length(OmegaY)
    Y(iY(i),jY(i)) = bY(i); % recovering the matrix Y
    maskY(iY(i),jY(i)) = 1;

% --- add bias term to X ----
n2 = n2+1;
X(:,n2) = ones(n1,1);
maskX(:,n2) = ones(n1,1);
% ------------------------

% spliting Y into label and regression part
Y2 = Y(:,2:end); % Y regress
maskY2 = maskY(:,2:end);
Y1 = Y(:,1); % Y label
maskY1 = maskY(:,1);

[U,Sigma,V] = svds([X Y],initial_Rank); % rank 6 initial approximation!
Z0 = U*Sigma*V';
Z = Z0;

% Gradient Calculation
ZX = Z(:,1:n2); % extract X part of the Z=[X Y]
ZY1 = Z(:,n2+1); % extract Y part of the Z=[X Y]
ZY2 = Z(:,n2+2:end); % extract Y part of the Z=[X Y]

switch GYmethod
    case 'logistic_mask' % default
        GY1 = -(lambda*Y1./(1+exp(Y1.*ZY1))).*maskY1; % Initial gradient of Y is same as logistic_avg
    case 'logistic_avg'
        GY1 = -(lambda*Y1./(1+exp(Y1.*ZY1))/length(find(Y1))).*maskY1; % gradient at Y
    case 'regression_mask'
        GY1 = (ZY1-Y1).*maskY1;
    case 'regression_avg'
        GY1 = (ZY1-Y1)/length(find(Y1)).*maskY1; % gradient at Y
        error('no such choice of GYmethod!');

% error test
if (length(bY)-length(find(Y1)))<0
    error('Error found! inconsistent length');

switch GXmethod
    case 'regression_mask' % initial gradient of X is same as regresion_avg
        GX = lambda3*(ZX-X).*maskX; % gradient at X
        GY2 = lambda2*(ZY2-Y2).*maskY2; % gradient at Y2
    case 'regression_avg'
        GX = lambda3*(ZX-X)/length(bX).*maskX;
        GY2 = lambda2*(ZY2-Y2)/(length(bY)-length(find(Y1))).*maskY2;
        error('no such choice of GXmethod!');
G = [GX GY1 GY2]; % Gradient matrix
mu = normest( Z , 1e-2 );

% U = zeros(n1,1);
% V = zeros(n2+n3,1);
% S = 0;
relResid = 2;

numiter = 0;

while mu > mu_final
    mu = max(mu * eta_mu,mu_final);
    if VERBOSE, fprintf('FPC, mu = %f\n',mu); end
    if VERBOSE == 1, fprintf('\tIteration:      '); end
    new_loss = 0;
    %     s = 2*r + 1;  % estimate new rank for next iteration
    for k = 1:maxiter
        numiter = numiter + 1;
        if VERBOSE==1, fprintf('\b\b\b\b%4d',k);  end
        % Gradient Calculation
        %     ZY = Z(:,n2); % extract Y part of the Z=[X Y]
        % %     GY = -(lambda*Y./(1+exp(Y.*ZY))/length(bY)).*maskY; % gradient at Y
        %     GY = (ZY-Y)/length(bY).*maskY; % gradient at Y
        %     ZX = Z(:,1:n2-1); % extract X part of the Z=[X Y]
        %     GX = (ZX-X)/length(bX).*maskX; % gradient at X
        %     G = [GX GY]; % Gradient matrix
        % Perform a SVD
        [U,Sigma,V] = svd(full(Z - tau*G),'econ');
        % Shrink:
        sigma = diag(Sigma); r = sum(sigma > tau*mu);
        U = U(:,1:r); V = V(:,1:r);
        sigma = sigma(1:r) - tau*mu;
        S = diag(sigma);
        %     s = r + 1;  % estimate new rank for next iteration
        % update P(X) and g(X) = P*(P(X)-b)
        Z = U*S*V';
        Z(:,n2) = 1; % set back the value for the bias term to one.
        ZX = Z(:,1:n2);
        ZY1 = Z(:,n2+1); % extract Y part of the Z=[X Y]
        ZY2 = Z(:,n2+2:end); % extract Y part of the Z=[X Y]
        ZY = Z(:,n2+1:end);
        Xc = ZX(OmegaX);
        Yc = ZY(OmegaY);
        nYlabel = sum(maskY(:,1)); % number of known Y label
        x = [Xc;Yc(nYlabel+1:end)];
        resid = x - [bX; bY(nYlabel+1:end)]; % logistic residual is not take into consideration
        switch GYmethod
            case 'logistic_mask' % default
                GY1 = -(lambda*Y1./(1+exp(Y1.*ZY1))).*maskY1; % Initial gradient of Y is same as logistic_avg
            case 'logistic_avg'
                GY1 = -(lambda*Y1./(1+exp(Y1.*ZY1))/length(find(Y1))).*maskY1; % gradient at Y
            case 'regression_mask'
                GY1 = (ZY1-Y1).*maskY1;
            case 'regression_avg'
                GY1 = (ZY1-Y1)/length(find(Y1)).*maskY1; % gradient at Y
                error('no such choice of GYmethod!');
        % error test
        if (length(bY)-length(find(Y1)))<0
            error('Error found! inconsistent length');
        switch GXmethod
            case 'regression_mask' % initial gradient of X is same as regresion_avg
                GX = lambda3*(ZX-X).*maskX; % gradient at X
                GY2 = lambda2*(ZY2-Y2).*maskY2; % gradient at Y2
            case 'regression_avg'
                GX = lambda3*(ZX-X)/length(bX).*maskX;
                GY2 = lambda2*((ZY2-Y2)/(length(bY)-length(find(Y1)))).*maskY2;
                error('no such choice of GXmethod!');
        %      GX = (ZX-X);
        G = [GX GY1 GY2]; % Gradient matrix
        %      G = [ZX-X ZY-Y];    % like SVT
        %     try
        %         updateSparse(G,resid,indx);
        %     catch
        %         l = lasterror;
        %         if strcmpi( l.identifier, 'MATLAB:UndefinedFunction')
        %             % mex file not installed, so do this instead:
        %             G = updateSparse_slow(G,resid,indx);
        %         else
        %             % some other error (unexpected)
        %             rethrow(lasterror)
        %         end
        %     end
        %     old_relResid = relResid;
        %     relResid = norm(resid)/normb;
        normb = norm([bX; bY(nYlabel+1:end)]);
        old_relResid = relResid;
        relResid = norm(resid)/normb;
        if VERBOSE == 2
            fprintf('iteration %4d, rank is %2d, rel. residual is %.1e\n',k,r,relResid);
        %     if (relResid < tol)
        %         break
        %     end
        % use stopping criteria 4.1 ("gtol")
        % need to compute spectral norm
        %     if ~rem(k,5)
        %         if SMALLSCALE
        %             sigma_max = norm( U*V' - full(G)/mu );
        %         else
        %             A = @(x) U*(V'*x) - (G*x)/mu;
        %             At= @(x) V*(U'*x) - (G'*x)/mu;
        %             sigma_max = lansvd(A,At,n1,n2,1,'L');
        %         end
        %         if sigma_max - 1 < tol
        %             break
        %         end
        %     end
        old_loss = new_loss;
        nuclearNorm = mu*sum(diag(S));
        y_loss = lambda*sum(log(1+exp(-Yc(1:nYlabel).*bY(1:nYlabel))))/nYlabel ...
            + lambda2*sum((Yc(nYlabel+1:end)-bY(nYlabel+1:end)).^2)/(2*(length(bY)-nYlabel));
        x_loss = lambda3*sum((Xc-bX).^2)/(2*length(bX));
        new_loss = nuclearNorm + y_loss + x_loss;
        if k>1 && new_loss-old_loss  > 1e-3 % break when error is increasing
        % Above stopping criteria rarely applies, so add this one also:
        if k > 1 && ( abs( relResid - old_relResid) / old_relResid ) < tol
        if (relResid > 1e5)
    if VERBOSE == 1
        fprintf('\n\tRelative Residual is %.3f%%\n',100*relResid);
        fprintf('\tObjective function, Y loss and X loss: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f\n',new_loss, y_loss, x_loss);
        fprintf('\tRank is %d\n',r);

function [lambda2 lambda3] = parseinput(X)
lambda2 = 1;
lambda3 = 1;
switch length(X)
    case 0 % default, do nothing
    case 1
        if isfield(X{1},'lambda2')
            lambda2 = X{1}.lambda2;
        if isfield(X{1},'lambda3')
            lambda3 = X{1}.lambda3;
        if isfield(X{1},'lambda2')
            lambda2 = X{1}.lambda2;
        if isfield(X{1},'lambda3')
            lambda3 = X{1}.lambda3;
        disp('Too many input, only get lambda2 and lamnda 3, other input are ignored.')