



While the Contacts app on macOS is good at being your phone book, it’s also useful for keeping track of detailed personal info and connections. Here’s how to add someone new to your list.

尽管macOS上的联系人应用程序很适合用作电话簿,但它对于跟踪详细的个人信息和联系也很有用。 这是将新朋友添加到您的列表的方法。

如何在macOS上添加联系人 (How to Add Contacts on macOS)

Open the Contacts app on your Mac from the Dock, your Applications folder, or by searching for it with Command+Space.

在Mac上,从Dock,“应用程序”文件夹或通过使用Command + Space搜索来打开“联系人”应用程序。


You’ll see a list of all of your Contacts. Click on any one of them, and press the + button at the bottom to add a new contact.

您会看到所有联系人的列表。 单击其中任何一个,然后按底部的+按钮以添加新的联系人。


You can also add contacts with the hotkey Command+N, for “new.”

您也可以使用快捷键Command + N添加联系人,以表示“新建”。

You’ll see a form which you can fill out with all the contact info you have. First is the name, separated into first and last, though the last name is optional.

您会看到一个表格,可以填写您拥有的所有联系信息。 名字是名字,分为名字和姓氏,尽管姓氏是可选的。


Further down the list, you’ll find the contacts card is quite thorough, giving you options for birthday, address, and even multiline personal notes about them. You don’t have to fill these all out; you can add a contact with just a phone or email.

在列表的最下方,您会发现通讯录非常详尽,为您提供了生日,地址甚至是多行个人注释的选项。 您不必全部填写; 您可以仅通过电话或电子邮件添加联系人。

Under the name at the top, there’s an option for the contact’s place of work. If the contact is a business, you can check the “Company” box to flip these two options around.

在顶部的名称下,有一个联系人工作地点的选项。 如果联系人是企业,则可以选中“公司”框来翻转这两个选项。


You can still add a personal name, but the business name will be what shows up in the contact list.


如何添加联系人组 (How to Add Contact Groups)

The Contacts app has groups for organization. You can add a contact group the same way you’d add contacts, but by selecting “New Group” from the dropdown.

联系人应用程序具有组织的组。 您可以使用与添加联系人相同的方式添加联系人组,但从下拉列表中选择“新建组”。


You can also use the hotkey Shift+Command+N to add groups. Groups will show up in the sidebar, and you can add an existing contact to the group by dragging the contact over it.

您也可以使用热键Shift + Command + N添加组。 组将显示在边栏中,您可以通过将现有联系人拖到组上来将其添加到组中。


You can rename groups by highlighting them and pressing Enter, and you can delete them by highlighting them and pressing Delete.


如何将联系人与iCloud同步 (How to Sync Contacts With iCloud)


Contacts should sync with iCloud automatically so long as you are signed in to your iCloud account and have it enabled in the settings. To make sure it’s on, open up the System Preferences from the Dock or your applications folder, and click the “iCloud” settings. If you’re signed in, make sure “Contacts” is checked.

只要您登录到iCloud帐户并在设置中启用了联系人,联系人便应自动与iCloud同步。 为了确保它已打开,请从Dock或您的应用程序文件夹中打开“系统偏好设置”,然后单击“ iCloud”设置。 如果您已登录,请确保选中“联系人”。

For everything to sync properly, you’ll need to sign in on your iPhone and any other connected device and make sure you’ve enabled iCloud on those as well. New contacts you add or edit on your phone or Mac will sync between the two.

为了使所有内容正确同步,您需要在iPhone和任何其他连接的设备上登录,并确保同时在这些设备上启用了iCloud。 您在手机或Mac上添加或编辑的新联系人将在两者之间同步。

