echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

echo 3 drop

echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

The Amazon Echo always seemed like a perfect device to use as an intercom within your house. This is now a reality, as Amazon has released its “Drop In” feature on all Echo devices. Here’s how to set it up.

亚马逊Echo总是看起来像是您家中对讲机的完美设备。 这已经成为现实,因为亚马逊已在所有Echo设备上发布了其“ Drop In ”功能。 设置方法如下。

This feature works not only amongst your own Echo devices in your house, but you can also use it with friends and family if they have it set up as well. However, that means that those contacts can talk to you on your Echo without you having to “pick up” the phone—which can definitely be off putting for some. Thankfully, you have to allow certain contacts to Drop In before they can use the feature. You can also restrict Drop In to only Echos in your house, if you prefer, or disable it completely.

此功能不仅可以在您自己的房屋中的Echo设备中使用,而且还可以与朋友和家人一起使用(如果他们也已设置)。 但是,这意味着这些联系人可以在您的Echo上与您交谈,而无需您“拿起”电话-肯定可以省去一些。 值得庆幸的是,您必须允许某些联系人加入才能使用该功能。 如果愿意,还可以将“插入”限制为仅在家中的“回声”,或者将其完全禁用

Before you start going intercom crazy, there are a couple of things you need to enable in the Alexa app first.


为您的Echo设备启用Drop In (Enable Drop In for Your Echo Devices)

You’ll need to enable the Drop In feature on all of your Echo devices that you want to use it with. We found that it was enabled by default on all of our Echos (which, frankly, is a little annoying), but just in case, you’ll probably want to check. To do this, start by opening up the Alexa app on your phone and tapping on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.

您需要在要使用它的所有Echo设备上启用“插入”功能。 我们发现默认情况下我们所有的Echo都启用了此功能(坦率地说,这有点烦人),但以防万一,您可能需要检查一下。 为此,请先打开手机上的Alexa应用程序,然后点击屏幕左上角的菜单按钮。

echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

Select “Settings” at the bottom.


echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

Select an Echo Device that you want to enable Drop In on.


echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

Scroll down a bit and tap on “Drop In”.

向下滚动一点,然后点击“ Drop In”。

echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

Select either “On” or “Only My Household”. The latter option will only allow drop-in calls from your own Echo devices.

选择“打开”或“仅我的家庭”。 后一种选项仅允许从您自己的Echo设备进行直接通话。

echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

You’ll need to enable Drop In for each Echo device, so repeat the above steps for every Echo that you want Drop In enabled on.

您需要为每个Echo设备启用Drop In,因此对要启用Drop In的每个Echo重复上述步骤。

为您的联系人资料启用投递 (Enable Drop In for Your Contact Profile)

There’s one more thing you need to enable before using the Drop In feature, and that’s giving yourself permission to drop in on your Echo devices. It’s kind of weird and doesn’t make much sense, but it’s required before you can begin using the feature.

使用“插入”功能之前,您还需要启用另一项功能,这是使您自己有权插入Echo设备。 这有点奇怪,没有多大意义,但是在开始使用该功能之前,这是必需的。

To do this, open up the Alexa app and tap on the Conversations tab at the bottom if it isn’t already selected.


echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

Tap on the Contacts button up in the top-right corner.


echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

Select your name at the top.


echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

Tap on the toggle switch next to “Contact can Drop in anytime”.


echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

When the pop-up window appears, tap on “OK”.


echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

This is also the same setting that you would enable for other contacts, giving them permission to drop in on you whenever they want, only you’re enabling it for yourself.


如何使用回音作为对讲机 (How to Use Your Echo as an Intercom)

If you have multiple Echo devices in your household, you can use them as an intercom system of sorts, allowing you to talk to someone from across the house. To do this, simply just say “Alexa, drop in on Kitchen Echo”.

如果您的家庭中有多个Echo设备,则可以将它们用作各种对讲系统,从而使您可以与整个房屋中的某人交谈。 为此,只需说“ Alexa,加入Kitchen Echo”即可。

echo 3 drop_如何通过Drop In将Amazon Echo用作对讲机

You’ll need to say the name of that particular Echo device, so if it’s called “Living Room Echo”, you’ll need to say “Living Room Echo”, although I’ve gotten away with just saying “Living Room”.

您需要说出该特定Echo设备的名称,因此,如果它被称为“ Living Room Echo”,则需要说“ Living Room Echo”,尽管我只是说了“ Living Room”。

Once the connection is established, you’ll immediately begin hearing the other end and you can begin talking to the other person. There are no buttons to push or anything, as the microphone is hot for the entire duration.

建立连接后,您将立即开始听到另一端的声音,并且可以开始与对方通话。 由于麦克风在整个过程中都很热,因此没有按键或其他任何按钮。

If you don’t want to simply drop in and immediately begin chatting, you can still perform a normal call and have the Echo ring first, requiring the person on the other end to answer. To do this, just say “Alexa, call Kitchen Echo”.

如果您不想简单地插话并立即开始聊天,您仍然可以执行普通呼叫并先让Echo振铃,然后要求另一端的人接听电话。 为此,只需说“ Alexa,叫Kitchen Echo”即可。

At the end, whether it’s a drop in or a call, just say “Alexa, hang up” and the communication will end.

最后,无论是接听还是打电话,只要说“ Alexa,挂断电话”,通讯就会结束。

Of course, you can also drop in on other contacts that aren’t in your household by saying “Alexa, drop in on David”, but it only works if they’ve enabled Drop In for you and have given you permission.

当然,您还可以通过说“ Alexa,请戴上David”加入不在您家庭中的其他联系人,但只有在他们为您启用了“戴上”并得到您的许可后,该选项才起作用。


echo 3 drop