禁用qt add-in_如何确保完全禁用Amazon Echo的“ Drop In”功能

禁用qt add-in_如何确保完全禁用Amazon Echo的“ Drop In”功能

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禁用qt add-in_如何确保完全禁用Amazon Echo的“ Drop In”功能

Not everyone is excited about Amazon’s “Drop In” intercom-like feature. But Amazon enables it by default—even if you choose “Later” at the splash screen. So here’s how to turn it off entirely.

并非所有人都对亚马逊的“ Drop In”对讲功能感到兴奋。 但是Amazon默认情况下会启用它-即使您在初始屏幕上选择“稍后”。 所以这是完全关闭它的方法。

Amazon’s recent Echo update builds on the new Echo calling/messaging platform they released earlier this year. It allows people from your contacts list (including other echos in your house) to “drop in” any time they want to chat with you—like an intercom.

亚马逊最近的Echo更新建立在他们今年早些时候发布的新Echo呼叫/消息平台上 。 它使您联系人列表中的人员(包括您房屋中的其他回声)可以在他们想与您聊天时随时“插入”,例如对讲机。

Technically, this feature is opt-in—you have to approve certain contacts before they can drop in on you. But the feature itself is still enabled by default, which is strange (and annoying). If you like the feature and enjoy using it either as an instant-calling tool between you and your friends (or just as an intercom system in your house), that’s great. But if you don’t want anything to do with the feature, we’ve got you covered.

从技术上讲,此功能是可选功能-您必须先批准某些联系人,然后才能加入您。 但是默认情况下仍启用该功能本身,这很奇怪(很烦人)。 如果您喜欢此功能,并且喜欢将其用作您和您的朋友之间的即时呼叫工具(或作为您房屋中的对讲系统),那就太好了。 但是,如果您不希望与该功能有任何关系,我们将为您服务。

First things first, you’ll disable any enabled “drop-in” contact settings you’ve set (if you’ve tried the feature out). If you haven’t used the feature, you probably don’t have any contacts set to allow drop-ins, but it doesn’t hurt to double check.

首先,您将禁用已设置的所有启用的“嵌入式”联系人设置(如果您尝试过该功能)。 如果您尚未使用该功能,则可能没有设置任何允许插入的联系人,但是再次检查也不会有任何伤害。

Open up the Alexa app on your mobile device and select the messaging icon in the middle of the bottom navigation bar, then click on the contacts icon in the upper right corner, as seen below.


禁用qt add-in_如何确保完全禁用Amazon Echo的“ Drop In”功能

Within the Contacts menu, select all of the contacts (one at a time) that you’ve enabled the drop in feature with. If you’ve only used the drop in feature as an intercom, then the only contact you’ll need to worry about is your own.

在“联系人”菜单中,选择启用了下拉功能的所有联系人(一次选择一个)。 如果您仅将插入功能用作对讲机,则您唯一需要担心的联系人就是您自己的联系人。

禁用qt add-in_如何确保完全禁用Amazon Echo的“ Drop In”功能

Toggle “Contact can Drop In anytime” to off.


禁用qt add-in_如何确保完全禁用Amazon Echo的“ Drop In”功能

Repeat this process for any other contacts you may have enabled.


Next, we recommend toggling the “drop in” settings on each individual Echo unit. Strangely, even though you’re not fully opted in to the drop in feature when you receive the update, the Alexa app automatically turns on the “drop in” feature on every Echo connected to your account. Even though technically this doesn’t fully activate the system until you pair it with an approved contact, this didn’t sit very well with us. If we skip a setup step by selecting “later” that doesn’t, in our minds, translate to “OK we’ll start the process for you and partially enable it.”

接下来,我们建议在每个单独的Echo单元上切换“插入”设置。 奇怪的是,即使您在收到更新时没有完全选择使用插入功能,Alexa应用程序也会自动在连接到您帐户的每个Echo上打开“插入”功能。 即使从技术上讲,直到您将其与经过批准的联系人配对后,它才能完全**系统,但这与我们的配合并不理想。 如果我们通过选择“稍后”跳过设置步骤,但在我们看来,该步骤不会翻译为“确定,我们将为您启动该过程并部分启用它。”

Open up the Alexa app again and select the menu icon in the upper right corner. Note that the app is now complaining that we disabled its access to the phone’s contact list. That’s because we went even further and removed the Contacts permission from the Alexa app—which isn’t entirely necessary, but we did it anyway. You can read more on how to do this for iPhones and Android.

再次打开Alexa应用程序,然后选择右上角的菜单图标。 请注意,该应用程序现在抱怨我们已禁止其访问手机的联系人列表。 这是因为我们走得更远,并从Alexa应用程序中删除了“联系人”权限-并不是完全必要的,但是我们还是这么做了。 您可以阅读有关如何在iPhone 和Android执行此操作的更多信息。

禁用qt add-in_如何确保完全禁用Amazon Echo的“ Drop In”功能

Within the menu, select “Settings”.


禁用qt add-in_如何确保完全禁用Amazon Echo的“ Drop In”功能

Within the Settings menu, select any of your Echo devices that are drop in compatible, like the Echo and Echo Dot seen here.

在“设置”菜单中,选择任何兼容的Echo设备,例如此处显示的Echo和Echo Dot。

禁用qt add-in_如何确保完全禁用Amazon Echo的“ Drop In”功能

In the settings for each individual device, select “Drop In”.


禁用qt add-in_如何确保完全禁用Amazon Echo的“ Drop In”功能

Select “Off”.


禁用qt add-in_如何确保完全禁用Amazon Echo的“ Drop In”功能

Congratulations! After wading through far too many menus you’ve successfully toggled off every single setting related to the new drop in feature and you can go back to using your Echo the way you did in the pre-Echo-messaging days.

恭喜你! 在浏览了太多菜单之后,您已经成功关闭了与新功能下降相关的每个设置,并且可以像在回显消息传递之前那样重新使用Echo。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/314659/how-to-ensure-your-amazon-echos-drop-in-feature-is-complete-disabled/

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