

    第一种是直接在 页面上下载jenkins for windows 的安装包. 下载好了之后安装即可.

    第二种是下载jenkins的war包, 用java命令执行war包, 如java -jar jenkins.war

          运行时可以在后面添加一些参数,例如-httpPort=8082等等,这种情况就是防止端口被占用, 具体的参数列表如下


Command Line Parameter Description
--httpPort=$HTTP_PORT Runs Jenkins listener on port $HTTP_PORT using standard http protocol. The default is port 8080. To disable (because you're using https), use port -1.
--httpListenAddress=$HTTP_HOST Binds Jenkins to the IP address represented by $HTTP_HOST. The default is — i.e. listening on all available interfaces. 
For example, to only listen for requests from localhost, you could use: --httpListenAddress=
--httpsPort=$HTTP_PORT Uses HTTPS protocol on port $HTTP_PORT
--httpsListenAddress=$HTTPS_HOST Binds Jenkins to listen for HTTPS requests on the IP address represented by $HTTPS_HOST.
--ajp13Port=$AJP_PORT Runs Jenkins listener on port $AJP_PORT using standard AJP13 protocol. The default is port 8009. To disable (because you're using https), use port -1.
--ajp13ListenAddress=$AJP_HOST Binds Jenkins to the IP address represented by $AJP_HOST. The default is — i.e. listening on all available interfaces.
--argumentsRealm.passwd.$ADMIN_USER Sets the password for user $ADMIN_USER. If Jenkins security is turned on, you must log in as the $ADMIN_USER in order to configure Jenkins or a Jenkins project. NOTE: You must also specify that this user has an admin role. (See next argument below).
--argumentsRealm.roles.$ADMIN_USER=admin Sets that $ADMIN_USER is an administrative user and can configure Jenkins if Jenkins' security is turned on. SeeSecuring Jenkins for more information.
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=$DEBUG_PORT,server=y,suspend=n Sets debugging on and you can access debug on $DEBUG_PORT.
-logfile=$LOG_PATH/winstone_`date +"%Y%m-%d_%H-%M"`.log Logging to desired file
-XX:PermSize=512M -XX:MaxPermSize=2048M -Xmn128M -Xms1024M -Xmx2048M referring to these options for Oracle Java 


   运行完了之后,进入jenkins系统: http://<hostname>:你的端口号(默认8080)/

   选择菜单左边的管理JENKINS(Manage Jenkins), 找到安装windows服务(install as windows service)



  之后选择安装路径, 接下来的事就是可以去喝杯水,等着安装成功吧.



    在之前先安装几个插件. deploy plugin. (GIT plugin) optional

    安装插件的方法: 系统管理->插件管理->可选插件, 在里面找到所需要的,下接点安装就好了


    1. 建立一个job, 一般都是选择maven 项目. 如果你的项目没有用maven管理, 我还是建议你用吧.

    2. 进去第二个页面后, 在这里就要设置源代码管理工具, svn,git(用git之前要为jenkins装一个git 的plugin)等, 设置好你的源代码路径,设置好你的credential(用户名,密码), ssh key

    3. 设置job schedule, 点击页面上POLL SCM就显示出输入框,在里面输入你的计划. 例如我的是H/30 * * * *  每半小时查询一下是否有更新,如果有就开始构建.

    4. 自动构建的设置就已经完成了, 构建完的目标文件会存在$JENKINS_HOME$\jobs\$your_job_name$\workspace\target\ 这里.

    5. 如果需要自动部署的话,还需要配置一下. 在构建后操作那里, 选中deploy war/ear, 文件路径要选报相对路径,例如target/test.war, Context path里面填写你的项目名称, 之后再输入服务器的用户名密码等.如果用tomcat的话,需要用户具有manager-secret权限.之后再写上服务器URL

