5.3 以太坊源码详解3


type Transaction struct {
    data txdata // 交易数据
    // caches
    hash atomic.Value // 交易哈希
    size atomic.Value // 交易大小
    from atomic.Value // 交易来源

type txdata struct {
    AccountNonce    uint64 //发送者发起的交易的总数量
    Price, GasLimit *big.Int // gas价格与上线
    Recipient       *common.Address `rlp:"nil"` // nil means contract creation // 接收者的地址,如果该地址为空,代表其是一个合约的创建者
    Amount          *big.Int // 此次交易所转的以太币的数量
    Payload         []byte // 其他数据
    V               byte     // signature // 交易签名数据
    R, S            *big.Int // signature 交易签名数据


type (
    Hash    [hashLength]byte // 哈希值
    Address [addressLength]byte // 地址
func BytesToHash(b []byte) Hash {
    var h Hash
    return h


type Block struct {
    header       *Header // 区块头
    uncles       []*Header // 叔区块
    transactions Transactions // 交易
    receipts     Receipts // 接收者
    // caches
    hash atomic.Value // 哈希
    size atomic.Value // 区块大小
    // Td is used by package core to store the total difficulty
    // of the chain up to and including the block.
    Td *big.Int // 总的难度值
    // ReceivedAt is used by package eth to track block propagation time.
    ReceivedAt time.Time // 接收时间


type Header struct {
    ParentHash  common.Hash    // Hash to the previous block 上一个区块哈希
    UncleHash   common.Hash    // Uncles of this block 叔区块的哈希
    Coinbase    common.Address // The coin base address 矿工接收奖励的地址
    Root        common.Hash    // Block Trie state “State DB”的“state tired”的RLP的根节点的哈希值
    TxHash      common.Hash    // Tx sha “state db”中“state tired”的RLP根节点哈希值
    ReceiptHash common.Hash    // Receipt sha “receipt tire”的RLP的根节点的哈希值
    Bloom       Bloom          // Bloom 布隆过滤器
    Difficulty  *big.Int       // Difficulty for the current block 区块难度
    Number      *big.Int       // The block number 区块号
    GasLimit    *big.Int       // Gas limit 理论上的gas上限
    GasUsed     *big.Int       // Gas used 区块内所有交易执行所产生的gas的总和
    Time        uint64         // Creation time 区块创建时间
    Extra       []byte         // Extra data
    MixDigest   common.Hash    // for quick difficulty verification
    Nonce       BlockNonce // 随机数


// NewBlock creates a new block. The input data is copied,
// changes to header and to the field values will not affect the
// block.
// The values of TxHash, UncleHash, ReceiptHash and Bloom in header
// are ignored and set to values derived from the given txs, uncles
// and receipts.
func NewBlock(header *Header, txs []*Transaction, uncles []*Header, receipts []*Receipt) *Block {
    b := &Block{header: copyHeader(header), Td: new(big.Int)}
    // TODO: panic if len(txs) != len(receipts)
    if len(txs) == 0 {
        b.header.TxHash = emptyRootHash
    } else {
        b.header.TxHash = DeriveSha(Transactions(txs))
        b.transactions = make(Transactions, len(txs))
        copy(b.transactions, txs)
    if len(receipts) == 0 {
        b.header.ReceiptHash = emptyRootHash
    } else {
        b.header.ReceiptHash = DeriveSha(Receipts(receipts))
        b.header.Bloom = CreateBloom(receipts)
        b.receipts = make([]*Receipt, len(receipts))
        copy(b.receipts, receipts)
    if len(uncles) == 0 {
        b.header.UncleHash = emptyUncleHash
    } else {
        b.header.UncleHash = CalcUncleHash(uncles)
        b.uncles = make([]*Header, len(uncles))
        for i := range uncles {
            b.uncles[i] = copyHeader(uncles[i])
    return b



5.3 以太坊源码详解3