火狐 ie插件_在Firefox中获得增强的IE选项卡集成

火狐 ie插件_在Firefox中获得增强的IE选项卡集成

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Do you love the idea of having IE Tab integration in Firefox but wish that there were more features? Now you can enjoy that IE Tab integration along with the addition of cookie synchronization and access to Adblock Plus.

您是否喜欢在Firefox中集成IE Tab的想法,但希望有更多功能? 现在,您可以享受IE Tab集成以及cookie同步和对Adblock Plus的访问权。



Once you have installed the extension and restarted Firefox, the only noticeable UI difference that you will see is the small Firefox Icon in the lower right corner. This is what you will see if you hover your mouse over the icon…

一旦安装了扩展程序并重新启动Firefox,您将看到的唯一明显的UI差异就是右下角的小Firefox图标。 如果将鼠标悬停在图标上,这将显示出来。

Note: There is a toolbar button that you may add if you desire using the “Customize Toolbar Window”.


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This is the “Right Click Menu” for the icon. Notice that you can open the current webpage in an “External Application” as well as switching rendering engines or accessing the settings. The default “External Application” is Internet Explorer but can be set to a different browser if you desire (nice!).

这是图标的“右键菜单”。 请注意,您可以在“外部应用程序”中打开当前网页,以及切换渲染引擎或访问设置。 默认的“外部应用程序”是Internet Explorer,但可以根据需要将其设置为其他浏览器( 不错! )。

火狐 ie插件_在Firefox中获得增强的IE选项卡集成



You can access the options either through the “Add-ons Manager Window” or by using the “Right Click Menu” for the “Status Bar Icon”.


In the “Sites Filter Tab Area” you can modify or create rules for webpages…green dots signify a feature being active (for their respective columns).


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This is the “Right Click Menu” for the “Site Filter List”…


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In the “General Settings Tab Area” you can choose the features that are activated for the interface, actions to be taken when switching rendering engines, and if you would like to have Adblock Plus active in your IE Tabs.

在“常规设置选项卡区域”中,可以选择为界面**的功能,切换渲染引擎时要执行的操作以及是否要在IE选项卡中**Adblock Plus。

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Select the menu items that you would like to display in Firefox’s context menus in the “Context Menu Tab Area”.


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Make any desired modifications for the external browser used in the “External Application Tab Area”.


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Want to make certain that you have all of your favorite settings saved for a fresh install or to transfer to a portable version of Firefox? You can do so easily using the “Import/Export…” function.

是否要确保已保存所有喜爱的设置以进行全新安装或转移到便携式版本的Firefox? 您可以使用“导入/导出…”功能轻松地做到这一点。

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Coral IE Tab in Action


Ok…time to try things out! Here you can see the How-To Geek website open in a regular Firefox Tab…

好的,是时候尝试一下了! 在这里,您可以看到在常规Firefox选项卡中打开的How-To Geek网站…

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With the use of either the “Status Bar Icon” or the “Context Menus” you can easily switch to an IE Tab. Notice the display message at the top of the browser window area…just a helpful hint if the webpage does not display correctly the first time.

通过使用“状态栏图标”或“上下文菜单”,您可以轻松切换到IE选项卡。 请注意,浏览器窗口区域顶部的显示消息……如果该网页第一次无法正确显示,则只是一个有用的提示。

You can also see that the “Address Bar & Status Bar Icons” have changed to IE-based Icons…this makes it easy to always know which engine is open in a particular tab (very nice!).

您还可以看到“地址栏和状态栏图标”已更改为基于IE的图标……这使您很容易始终知道哪个引擎在特定选项卡中处于打开状态( 非常好! )。

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If you have been looking for extra features to compliment IE Tab integration in Firefox, then you are definitely going to enjoy using Coral IE Tab!

如果您一直在寻找额外的功能来补充Firefox中的IE Tab集成,那么您一定会喜欢使用Coral IE Tab!



Download the Coral IE Tab Extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

下载Coral IE标签扩展程序(Mozilla附加组件)

Download the Coral IE Tab extension (Extension Homepage)

下载Coral IE Tab扩展名(扩展名首页)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/4502/get-enhanced-ie-tab-integration-in-firefox/

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