

Firefox is highly configurable and there are lots add-ons for it. Addons make Firefox to be good. In this post, I list a set of the best add-ons that I use daily and make my life easier and happier.

Firefox是高度可配置的,并且有很多附加组件。 附加组件使Firefox变得更好。 在这篇文章中,我列出了我每天使用的一组最好的附加组件,它们使我的生活更轻松,更幸福。


Firefox基本插件 (Essential Firefox addons )

Screengrab! https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/screengrab-fix-version/

屏幕抓取! https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/screengrab-fix-version/

to make screenshots and save to files or to clipboard.


Foxy Gestures https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/foxy-gestures/


to allow you use mouse gesture to control Firefox.


Adblock Plus https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/

Adblock Plus https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/

if you would like to block ads.


特定用户的可选插件 (Optional addons for specific users )

dotEPUB https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dotepub/

dotEPUB https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/dotepub/

to convert webpages to ebooks.


User-Agent Switcher https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher-revived/


to switch user agents Firefox shows to websites.


All Downloader Professional https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/all-downloader-professional/

所有Downloader Professional https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/all-downloader-professional/

if you download frequently.


HTitle – Hide the top title. Linux users only.

HTitle –隐藏顶部标题。 仅Linux用户。

For Linux users only. Hide the title bar and if window is maximized so that the display space are fully used by Firefox.

仅适用于Linux用户。 隐藏标题栏,如果窗口最大化,则显示空间将被Firefox完全使用。

FoxyProxyProxy manager.


FoxyProxy is an advanced proxy management tool that completely replaces Firefox’s limited proxying capabilities. It offers more features than SwitchProxy, ProxyButton, QuickProxy, xyzproxy, ProxyTex, TorButton, etc.

FoxyProxy是一种高级代理管理工具,可以完全替代Firefox的有限代理功能。 它提供了比SwitchProxy,ProxyButton,QuickProxy,xyzproxy,ProxyTex,TorButton等更多的功能。

Tab Mix Plus – Improve the Tabs.

Tab Mix Plus –改进选项卡。

Tab Mix Plus enhances Firefox’s tab browsing capabilities. It add to Firefox features like duplicating tabs, controlling tab focus, tab clicking options, undo closed tabs and windows, plus much more.

Tab Mix Plus增强了Firefox的标签浏览功能。 它增加了Firefox功能,例如复制选项卡,控制选项卡焦点,选项卡单击选项,撤消关闭的选项卡和窗口等。

先前建议的插件(可能已经过时) (Previously suggested addons (may be already outdated) )

FireGestures – Control Firefox with mouse gestures/

FireGestures –使用鼠标手势控制Firefox /

A customizable mouse gestures extension which enables to execute various commands and user scripts with five types of gestures.


Flashblock – Block flash/

Flashblock –阻止Flash /

Never be annoyed by a Flash animation again! Blocks Flash so it won’t get in your way.

永远不会再被Flash动画烦恼了! 阻止Flash,因此不会挡住您的视线。

Screengrab (fix version) – Screenshot tool for webpages.

Screengrab(修复版) –网​​页的截图工具。

Screengrab! saves entire web pages as images. It will capture what you can see in the window, the entire page, just a selection, a particular frame.

屏幕抓取! 将整个网页另存为图像。 它将捕获您在窗口,整个页面,所选内容和特定框架中看到的内容。

Downthemall! – Download manager.

地下商场! - 下载管理器。

A great download manager/accelerator built inside Firefox. Be in full control over your downloads, dedicated speed and number of parallel connections at any time.

Firefox内置的出色下载管理器/加速器。 随时完全控制您的下载,专用速度和并行连接数。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/firefox-add-ons-for-easier-and-happier-web-life/
