


Opera is a solid, well built browser that is easy to customize once you become familiar with it. If you want to tweak how Opera handles actions such as viewing images or pdf files without saving them to your computer then here is how to do it.

Opera是一款功能强大且功能强大的浏览器,一旦您熟悉它,就可以轻松自定义它。 如果要调整Opera如何处理诸如查看图像或pdf文件之类的动作而不将其保存到计算机中,那么这里是操作方法。

之前 (Before)

For our first example we chose to view an image by itself without permanently saving it to our hard-drive.



As you can see the Open Image command opened the picture in Opera. For most people this is absolutely fine, but what if you want to use a specific photo app on your system to view the image? All that you need to do is tweak the action setting for that file type and all will be well.

如您所见,“ 打开图像”命令在Opera中打开了图片。 对于大多数人来说,这绝对没问题,但是如果您想在系统上使用特定的照片应用程序来查看图像怎么办? 您所需要做的就是调整该文件类型的操作设置,一切都会很好。


改变采取的行动 (Changing the Action Taken)

To access the action settings go to the Main Menu, then Settings, followed by Preferences.

要访问操作设置,请依次进入“ 主菜单”“设置”“首选项”


When the Preferences Window opens go to the Advanced Tab and click on Downloads. The first thing you will need to do is deselect the Hide file types opened with Opera option.

当“ 首选项”窗口打开时,转到“ 高级”选项卡 ,然后单击“ 下载” 。 您需要做的第一件事是取消选择“ 隐藏用Opera打开的文件类型”选项。


Now you are ready to scroll through the list until you locate the file type that you want to make changes for. In our example the file was a .jpg image. There are three listings showing jpg here, so all three will need to be modified or you may not get the desired result (as found during our tests). Select the desired listing and click Edit to make changes to it.

现在,您可以滚动列表,直到找到要更改的文件类型。 在我们的示例中,文件为.jpg图片。 这里有三个显示jpg的清单,因此这三个清单都需要修改,否则您可能无法获得理想的结果(在我们的测试中发现)。 选择所需的列表,然后单击“ 编辑”对其进行更改。

Note: You could do a quick search for the specific file type, but having a good look through the listing is helpful for becoming more familiar with this part of Opera’s settings.



The new window will show the current default action for that particular file type and the options that you can choose from. We could have chosen to use Windows Photo Viewer but we specifically wanted Paint.NET. If your favorite software app is not displayed in the Open with default application area, select Open with other application and click on Choose to browse for the exe file.

新窗口将显示该特定文件类型的当前默认操作以及您可以选择的选项。 我们可以选择使用Windows Photo Viewer,但是我们特别想要Paint.NET。 如果您喜欢的软件应用程序未显示在“ 使用默认应用程序打开”区域中,请选择“ 使用其他应用程序打开”,然后单击“ 选择”以浏览exe文件。


Locate the desired exe file for your favorite app, select it, and click Open.



That should have everything set up perfectly. Click OK to finish the change and close out the window.

那应该使一切设置完美。 单击确定以完成更改并关闭窗口。


Make certain to click OK when returned to the Preferences Window…clicking on the “X” to close the window will undo all the changes that you have just made.

返回到“ 首选项”窗口时,请确保单击“ 确定 …单击“ X”以关闭该窗口将撤消您刚进行的所有更改。



Once again we tried the same image shown above…



And it opened up perfectly in Paint.NET as desired.



另一个例子 (Another Example)

We decided to add another example where the default action is a little different. Here we chose to look at the pdf file settings and used the quick search function this time.

我们决定添加另一个示例,其中默认操作略有不同。 在这里,我们选择查看pdf文件设置,并且这次使用了快速搜索功能。

Note: The Hide file types opened with Opera setting automatically re-enables itself each time so make certain to deselect it.



This time you can see that the default action is to display a download dialogue. At this point you can choose to leave it as is, have the pdf files open in Opera, go with the default application shown, or choose your favorite. On our system the default application was exactly what we were looking for. Click OK when finished.

这次您可以看到默认操作是显示下载对话框。 此时,您可以选择保留原样,在Opera中打开pdf文件,使用显示的默认应用程序,或选择您喜欢的文件。 在我们的系统上,默认应用正是我们想要的。 完成后单击确定


As before make certain to click OK in the Preferences Window so that you do not lose the changes you have made. These kinds of tweaks will help you make Opera even more personalized and convenient in how it performs for you.

与以前一样,请确保在“ 首选项”窗口中单击“ 确定” ,以免丢失所做的更改。 这些调整将帮助您使Opera更个性化和更方便地执行。


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/26795/change-the-actions-for-file-types-in-opera/
