Opera GX:什么是“游戏浏览器”?

Opera GX:什么是“游戏浏览器”?

Opera just released “Opera GX” and advertises it as the world’s first gaming browser. Beyond the gaming-inspired theme and Razer Chroma integration, there’s a very interesting CPU and RAM limiter feature. But will it speed up your PC gaming?

Opera刚刚发布了“ Opera GX ”,并将其宣传为世界上第一个游戏浏览器。 除了以游戏为主题的主题和Razer Chroma集成之外,还有一个非常有趣的CPU和RAM限制器功能。 但这会加快您的PC游戏速度吗?

什么是Opera GX? (What Is Opera GX?)

Opera GX is a desktop web browser for Windows PCs. Despite the name, it’s a browser meant for use within games, as Steam’s built-in browser works in the Steam overlay. It’s not available for game consoles like the Xbox One or PlayStation 4, either.

Opera GX是Windows PC的桌面Web浏览器。 尽管名称如此,但它是供游戏中使用的浏览器,因为Steam的内置浏览器可在Steam叠加层中使用。 它也不适用于Xbox One或PlayStation 4等游戏机。

Like the standard version of Opera, Opera GX is based on Chromium, the open-source project that forms the basis for the Google Chrome web browser and the upcoming Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser. Websites should look the same as in Chrome, and you can install Chrome extensions in this browser, too.

像Opera的标准版本一样,Opera GX基于Chromium,该开放源代码项目构成了Google Chrome浏览器和即将推出的基于Chromium的Microsoft Edge浏览器的基础 。 网站的外观应与Chrome浏览器相同,您也可以在此浏览器中安装Chrome扩展程序

This gaming browser is free and was released in “Early Access” on June 11, 2019—during E3.


什么是游戏浏览器? (What Is a Gaming Browser?)

Don’t expect Opera GX to improve your gaming performance dramatically. This browser mostly includes features built for “gamers”: A gaming-inspired theme with Razer Chroma integration, built-in gaming news and deals, a Twitch panel, and sound effects by a game soundtrack designer.

不要指望Opera GX显着改善游戏性能。 该浏览器主要包含为“游戏玩家”构建的功能:具有Razer Chroma集成的游戏灵感主题,内置游戏新闻和交易,Twitch面板以及游戏配乐设计师的音效。

The only feature that could boost your performance is “GX Control”: Built-in RAM and CPU limiters that can restrict how much memory and CPU time your web browser will use.

可以提高性能的唯一功能是“ GX Control”:内置的RAM和CPU限制器,可以限制Web浏览器将使用多少内存和CPU时间。

游戏主题(与Razer Chroma集成) (A Gaming Theme (With Razer Chroma Integration))

Opera GX:什么是“游戏浏览器”?

The first thing you’ll notice is the theme: Opera GX takes “gaming browser” to heart, going for a dark theme and bright colors typical of gaming peripherals and PCs. With a quick click on the “Easy Setup” icon at the top right corner of the browser, you can select one of a few pre-selected colors—or any color you like—for the browser’s highlights. Customizable wallpapers are available, too.

您会注意到的第一件事是主题:Opera GX吸引了“游戏浏览器”的注意,它采用了游戏外围设备和PC所特有的深色主题和鲜艳色彩。 通过快速单击浏览器右上角的“简易设置”图标,可以为浏览器的突出显示选择几种预选的颜色之一(或任意喜欢的颜色)。 还提供可定制的墙纸。

This browser even features Razer Chroma integration. Activate the “Razer Chroma” option here, and any color you choose in the browser will be duplicated on any Chroma-enabled accessories you own like Razer’s DeathAdder Elite gaming mouse or BlackWidow keyboard. It’s a slick way to tweak your browser theme and RGB lightning all at once.

该浏览器甚至具有Razer Chroma集成功能。 在此处**“ Razer Chroma”选项,您在浏览器中选择的任何颜色都会复制到您拥有的任何启用Chroma的配件上,例如Razer的DeathAdder Elite游戏鼠标BlackWidow键盘 。 这是一种同时调整浏览器主题和RGB闪电的巧妙方法。

GX控件:RAM和CPU限制器 (GX Control: RAM and CPU Limiters)

Opera GX:什么是“游戏浏览器”?

Beyond the theme and Razer Chroma integration, the most interesting feature is something the browser calls “GX Control.”

除了主题和Razer Chroma集成之外,最有趣的功能是浏览器称为“ GX Control”。

Click the GX Control button in the sidebar, and you’ll get a panel with a “RAM Limiter” and “CPU Limiter.” For example, you could force the browser to use only 3 GB of your system’s 12 GB of RAM or limit it to 10% of your system’s CPU resources.

单击侧栏中的GX控制按钮,您将获得一个带有“ RAM Limiter”和“ CPU Limiter”的面板。 例如,您可以强制浏览器仅使用系统12 GB RAM中的3 GB或将其限制为系统CPU资源的10%。

This is a pretty unique feature. Leaving it enabled all the time will make your browser slower, of course. But if you’d rather not manually close tabs to free up resources for games, the limiters could perhaps help.

这是一个非常独特的功能。 当然,始终保持启用状态会使您的浏览器变慢。 但是,如果您不想手动关闭选项卡以释放游戏资源,则限制器可能会有所帮助。

It’s unclear whether you’ll get a performance boost from this, of course. Windows is supposed to manage resources automatically, and your browser should get out of the way while you’re playing a game. But that doesn’t always work correctly, which is why gamers tend to close their browsers and not leave 100 tabs open in the background while playing games.

当然,还不清楚您是否将从中获得性能提升。 Windows应该自动管理资源,并且在玩游戏时浏览器应该不会妨碍您。 但这并不总是能正常工作,这就是为什么游戏玩家趋向于关闭浏览器并且在玩游戏时不会在后台打开100个选项卡。

“Before Opera GX, gamers often shut down their browsers to not slow down their gaming experience. We came up with the GX Control feature to make people’s games run more smoothly without requiring them to compromise on what they do on the web,” explains Opera’s Maciej Kocemba.

“在Opera GX之前,游戏玩家通常会关闭浏览器,以免降低游戏体验。 我们想出了GX控件功能,可以使人们的游戏运行更加流畅,而又不影响他们在网络上所做的一切。” Opera的Maciej Kocemba 解释说

It’s also worth noting that this browser won’t speed up web games in any way. Its performance features are exclusively about getting out of the way and limiting resources available to web pages.

还值得注意的是,该浏览器不会以任何方式加快网络游戏的速度。 它的性能功能专门用于避免干扰和限制可用于网页的资源。

游戏浏览器还包含什么? (What Else Does a Gaming Browser Include?)

Opera GX:什么是“游戏浏览器”?

This browser is built for gamers. The “GX Corner” panel sits at the left corner of your tab bar at all times. It features news about upcoming games and a deals aggregator with links to games on sale. It also features a “Daily News” section which, by default, provides you with a dedicated stream of gaming news.

该浏览器专为游戏玩家打造。 “ GX角落”面板始终位于选项卡栏的左角落。 它包含有关即将推出的游戏的新闻,以及一个带有待售游戏链接的交易汇总器。 它还具有“每日新闻”部分,默认情况下,该部分为您提供专用的游戏新闻流。

The sidebar features a built-in Twitch panel where you can browse the channels you follow, see who’s online streaming right now, and even get notifications when a channel you’re following starts live streaming.


Opera GX also plays “GX Sound” sound effects, including when you hover over icons on the Speed Dial (New Tab) page. Opera is proud of this, boasting that they were “composed in collaboration with sound designer Rubén Rincón and the band Berlinist, who recently received a nomination in the BAFTA Games Awards for Gris game original soundtrack.” If you don’t like them, you can disable them.

Opera GX还可以播放“ GX声音”音效,包括将鼠标悬停在快速拨号(新标签)页面上的图标上时。 Opera对此感到自豪,夸口说他们是“与声音设计师RubénRincón和柏林乐队合作组成的,后者最近因Gris游戏原声而获得了BAFTA游戏大奖的提名。” 如果您不喜欢它们,可以禁用它们。

您还将获得普通的Opera浏览器功能 (You’ll Get Normal Opera Browser Features, Too)

Opera GX also touts several other features found in Opera. For example, messengers are also available in the sidebar—Facebook Messenger, ********, Vkontakte, and WhatsApp are integrated, and you can chat right from your browser’s interface.

Opera GX还吹捧Opera中的其他一些功能。 例如,边栏中还提供了Messenger-集成了Facebook Messenger,********,Vkontakte和WhatsApp,您可以从浏览器的界面直接聊天。

Like Opera, Opera GX also features a built-in adblocker, free v*n, and a “video pop out” feature that lets you play a video in a smaller overlay outside your web browser. Opera promises a “Video over game” feature is coming so you can watch a video walkthrough or another video on top of a game while you’re playing it, but that isn’t available yet.

像Opera一样,Opera GX还具有内置的adblocker, 免费的v*n和“视频弹出”功能,可让您在网络浏览器外部以较小的覆盖层播放视频。 Opera承诺将提供“视频游戏”功能,因此您可以在播放视频时观看视频演练或游戏顶部的其他视频,但尚不可用。

你应该使用它吗? (Should You Use It?)

Opera GX:什么是“游戏浏览器”?

If you love the look or want features like Razer Chroma and Twitch integration, then go ahead and use Opera GX. Despite the unusual look, this is a pretty standard Chromium browser that should work just like Chrome with websites.

如果您喜欢外观或想要Razer Chroma和Twitch集成等功能,请继续使用Opera GX。 尽管外观不寻常,但这是一个非常标准的Chromium浏览器,其工作方式应与Chrome浏览器的网站一样。

That’s the main attraction here, however: The aesthetic and the built-in game culture features like Twitch integration and gaming news. The initial version of Opera GX even identifies its version number as “LVL 1.”

但是,这是这里的主要吸引力:美学和内置的游戏文化功能(例如Twitch集成和游戏新闻)。 Opera GX的初始版本甚至将其版本号标识为“ LVL 1”。

The limiters are one of the most interesting features we’ve seen in a browser in a while and could be worth playing with. Don’t expect huge performance increases, however. And watch out: If you leave those enabled all the time, you’ll just end up using a slower browser.

限制器是我们一段时间以来在浏览器中看到的最有趣的功能之一,可能值得一试。 但是,不要期望性能会大大提高。 并注意:如果始终将其启用,则最终将使用速度较慢的浏览器。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/424744/opera-gx-what-is-a-gaming-browser-anyway/