如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...

Extensions are one of the most important and great parts of the Google Chrome Browser. Google Chrome is mainly designed to run extensions in order to make it very extensible, flexible, and featureful. Google Chrome is designed like an operating system and extensions are the user applications of the operating system.

Extensions是Google Chrome浏览器最重要也是最重要的部分之一。 Google Chrome浏览器主要用于运行扩展程序,以使其具有很好的可扩展性,灵活性和功能性。 Google Chrome的设计类似于操作系统,而扩展程序是该操作系统的用户应用程序。

In this tutorial, we will examine the Google Chrome extension in a detailed way. We will start from scratch by installing extensions and then learn update, enable, disable, hide extensions.

在本教程中,我们将详细研究Google Chrome扩展程序。 我们将通过安装扩展程序从头开始,然后学习更新,启用,禁用,隐藏扩展程序。

Google Chrome扩展程序管理器 (Google Chrome Extension Manager)

Google Chrome provides an Extension Manager which can be accessed from the chrome://extension address. This address can be typed into the address bar like below. Alternatively, the Extension Manager can be opened from the Settings->More tools->Extensions like below.

Google Chrome提供了一个扩展程序管理器,可以从chrome://extension地址进行访问。 可以在地址栏中输入该地址,如下所示。 或者,可以从“ Settings ->“ More tools ->“ Extensions如下所示)中打开“扩展名管理器Settings

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Open Google Chrome Extension Manager
开启Google Chrome扩充功能管理员

The extension manager will look like below. We can see that there is a Search Extension bar in order to search and find an extension according to its name. This can be helpful if you are using a lot of extensions. There is also the Chrome Apps category which lists installed Chrome Applications provided as a builtin or 3rd party. In this list following information about the extensions is provided.

扩展管理器如下所示。 我们可以看到,有一个Search Extension栏,以便根据其名称搜索和查找扩展名。 如果您使用大量扩展名,这可能会有所帮助。 还有一个Chrome Apps类别,其中列出了以内置或第三方身份提供的已安装Chrome应用。 在此列表中,提供了有关扩展的以下信息。

Extension Name is the official name of the extensions.

Extension NameExtension Name的正式名称。

Description will provide short information about the extension function.


Details will open details of the extension which provides mode information like version, size, permissions, site access and also some configuration about incognito and remove button.


Remove button is used to remove the given extension easily.


Slider on the extension can be used to enable or disable the extension.


Search Extensions bar can be used to search extensions with their names and short descriptions.

Search Extensions栏可用于搜索扩展名及其简短说明。

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Google Chrome Extension Manager
Google Chrome扩展程序管理器

安装Chrome扩展程序(Install Chrome Extension)

Google Chrome extensions can be installed from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions address which the marketplace for the Google Chrome extensions. We will use the left upper search box in order to search and find extensions. In this case, we will search for translate term.

可以从https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions地址安装Google Chrome扩展程序,该地址指向Google Chrome扩展程序的市场。 我们将使用左上方的搜索框来搜索和查找扩展名。 在这种情况下,我们将搜索translate词。

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Search Google Chrome Extension
搜索Google Chrome扩展程序

The search results will be listed below. The search result will be listed according to relativity and popularity. Then we can use the Add to Chrome button in order to install a given extension.

搜索结果将在下面列出。 搜索结果将根据相对性和受欢迎程度列出。 然后,我们可以使用Add to Chrome按钮来安装给定的扩展程序。

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Install Google Chrome Extension
安装Google Chrome扩展程序

列出Chrome扩展程序信息(List Chrome Extension Information)

Extensions are listed in the previously explained Extensions page. More information about a specific Google Chrome extension can be listed by clicking Details button about the extension.

扩展列在前面说明的“扩展”页面中。 通过单击有关扩展的Details按钮,可以列出有关特定Google Chrome扩展的更多信息。

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
List Google Chrome Extension Information
列出Google Chrome扩展程序信息

The extension detail page will provide the following information.


如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
  • The description will provide a short description of the extension

  • The version will provide the version number of the current extension.

  • The size provides the storage space the extension uses which is less than 1 MB in this example.

    在此示例中,大小提供了扩展使用的存储空间,该存储空间小于1 MB。
  • Permissions provide the required permission for the extension like access web sites, read and modify data, copy, paste, etc.

  • Site Access provides whether this extension has specific site access.

  • Allow in Incognito will enable or disable this plugin in incognito or private mode. By default disabled for all extension to run in incognito.

    在隐身模式下允许将在隐身模式或私人模式下启用或禁用此插件。 默认情况下,所有扩展程序都无法在隐身模式下运行。
  • View in Chrome Web Store provides the URL for the extension in the Web Store.

    Chrome Web Store中的View提供了Web Store中扩展名的URL。
  • The source specifies the developer type of this extension. There is two value third-party or Google.

    源指定此扩展的开发人员类型。 有两个值third-partyGoogle

允许Chrome Incognito运行扩展程序 (Allow Chrome Incognito To Run Extension)

By default, Google Chrome Extensions do not run on the Incognito mode. Incognito mode or private mode is explicitly created to preserve the privacy of the user and some extensions can break user privacy protection. But if we need to run a specific extension in the incognito mode we can enable the extension for the incognito mode from the extension detail page. Just slide the slider to enable the extension in the private or incognito mode.

默认情况下,Google Chrome扩展程序不在隐身模式下运行。 显式创建隐身模式或私有模式是为了保留用户的隐私,某些扩展会破坏用户的隐私保护。 但是,如果我们需要在隐身模式下运行特定的扩展程序,则可以从扩展程序详细信息页面为隐身模式启用该扩展程序。 只需滑动滑块即可在私人或隐身模式下启用扩展。

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Allow Google Chrome Incognito To Run Extension
允许Google Chrome Incognito运行扩展程序

停用Chrome扩展程序(Disable Chrome Extension)

Google Chrome extensions are enabled by default after the installation. But in some cases, we may need to disable the extension. Disabling will not remove the extension permanently but prevent to work until enabled. This can be useful if we want to make some tests about the plugin or it may interfere with different plugins or specific cases. We can disable a Google Chrome extension from the extension list like below. We will just slide the slider to disable the given extension. When the extension is disabled the slider color will turn to the gray and if enabled it will be blue. Below we disabled Google Docs Offline extension.

安装后,默认情况下会启用Google Chrome扩展程序。 但是在某些情况下,我们可能需要禁用扩展。 禁用不会永久删除该扩展名,但会在启用前阻止其工作。 如果我们要对插件进行一些测试,或者它可能会干扰不同的插件或特定情况,则这将很有用。 我们可以从如下所示的扩展程序列表中禁用Google Chrome扩展程序。 我们将滑动滑块以禁用给定的扩展名。 禁用扩展名后,滑块颜色将变为灰色,如果启用,它将变为蓝色。 下面我们禁用了Google Docs Offline扩展。

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Disable Google Chrome Extension

Alternatively, we can disable a specific Google Chrome extension from the extension details page. In the detailed page, the On and Off configuration will enable or disable the plugin. Off is the disabled situation. We will turn off the slider like below in order to disable the extension.

或者,我们可以从扩展程序详细信息页面中禁用特定的Google Chrome扩展程序。 在详细页面中,“开和关”配置将启用或禁用插件。 禁用是禁用情况。 我们将如下所示关闭滑块,以禁用扩展程序。

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Disable Google Chrome Extension

删除Chrome扩展程序(Remove Chrome Extension)

If we do not need the extension furthermore we may remove the extension permanently. If we will need it later disabling is a better way which can be enabled later. We can remove extension from the extension details page of from extension list. First we will remove by using the extension details page thweew the Remove extension button which is located on the bottom.

如果我们不再需要该扩展程序,则可以永久删除该扩展程序。 如果以后需要,则禁用是一种更好的方法,可以稍后启用。 我们可以从扩展列表的扩展详细信息页面中删除扩展。 首先,我们将使用扩展名详细信息页面中的底部的“ Remove extension按钮进行Remove extension

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Remove Google Chrome Extension

Alternatively we can remove an extension from the extensions page by using the Remove button like below.

另外,我们可以使用如下所示的“ Remove按钮从扩展页面中Remove扩展。

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Remove Google Chrome Extension

The last step is we need to confirm the removal of the extension by clicking the Remove like below.


如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Remove Google Chrome Extension

报告关于Chrome扩展程序的滥用情况(Report Abuse About Chrome Extension)

Google Chrome provides hundred of thousands of extensions which are created by different parties. Some of the extensions are not secure even they are reviewed by Google. If we detect malicious events we can report this to Google as abusive. Just follow the removal steps and enable the Report abuse checkbox like below and click to the Remove button.

Google Chrome提供了数十万个由不同方创建的扩展程序。 某些扩展程序即使通过Google审核也不安全。 如果我们检测到恶意事件,我们可以将其举报给Google进行滥用。 只需按照删除步骤操作,并启用如下所示的Report abuse复选框,然后单击“删除”按钮即可。

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Report Abuse About Chrome Extension

在菜单栏中隐藏Chrome扩展程序(Hide Chrome Extension From the Menu Bar)

Most of the Chrome extension icons are located in the menu bar of the Google Chrome browser. If you are using a lot of extensions this will hurt your browsing experience or create different problems. We can hide the extension icon from the menu bar easily. Keep in mind that this will not remove or disable the extension and the extension will run like previously just the icon will disappear from the menu bar. Right-click to the extension icon you want to hide and select the Hide in Chrome menu like below.

大多数Chrome扩展程序图标位于Google Chrome浏览器的菜单栏中。 如果您使用大量扩展名,则会损害您的浏览体验或产生其他问题。 我们可以轻松地从菜单栏中隐藏扩展图标。 请记住,这不会删除或禁用扩展程序,并且扩展程序将像以前一样运行,只是图标将从菜单栏中消失。 右键点击要隐藏的扩展程序图标,然后选择“ Hide in Chrome menu如下所示。

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...
Hide Chrome Extension From the Menu Bar

扩展管理器扩展(Extension Manager Extension)

Extension Manager is a Google Chrome extension that provides easy extension management. It can be downloaded from the Google Chrome market place like a regular extension. Alternatively, you can use the following URL open the Extension Manager install page.

Extension Manager是Google Chrome扩展程序,可轻松进行扩展程序管理。 可以像常规扩展程序一样从Google Chrome市场上下载该文件。 或者,您可以使用以下URL打开Extension Manager安装页面。




Just click to the Add to Chrome button like below. This will install the Extension Manager.

只需点击如下所示的“ Add to Chrome按钮。 这将安装扩展管理器。

如何管理Google Chrome扩展程序? 添加,安装,更新,删除Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序...

Extension Manager provides basic features with useful and practical features like below.

Extension Manager提供了基本功能以及有用和实用的功能,如下所示。

  • One Key fast enable/disable an extension

  • Lightning Group: Quickly enable/disable extension groups according to the scene (except for locked or theme class extensions)

  • Smart Sort: intelligent sorting according to your frequency of use (default sort by name)

  • Right-click Menu: provides shortcut functions such as lock, uninstall, option configuration, the home page, APP running, etc.

  • Smart Search: Quickly find the extension you need with keywords or phrases

  • Reminder: display the extended status in real-time, remind reset after use, reduce resource consumption (except for locked or theme class extension)

  • View Selection: Provide list view and grid view, in line with user habits

  • Group management: general group and fixed group, flexible management

  • Extension Naming: Give your extension an alias you like

  • Automatic matching: You can turn extensions on and off according to different websites


翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-manage-google-chrome-extensions-add-install-update-remove-google-chrome-browser-extension/