使用GameSrv,DOSBox在Windows 10上运行BBS Door Games,并通过WSL进行telnet乐趣

使用GameSrv,DOSBox在Windows 10上运行BBS Door Games,并通过WSL进行telnet乐趣

I continue to enjoy seeing what can be done with WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) but even more fun is combining CMD.exe (the Windows console), Ubuntu on Windows (WSL), and DOSBox (an x86 emulator that lets you run OLD programs in original DOS that no longer run natively on Windows). What kind of cool stuff can I do today?

我继续欣赏WSL(适用于Linux的Windows子系统)可以做什么,但更有趣的是结合了CMD.exe(Windows控制台),Windows上的Ubuntu(WSL)和DOSBox (可让您运行OLD的x86模拟器)不再在Windows上本地运行的原始DOS中的程序)。 我今天能做些什么酷事?

I did a lightning talk this week at NDC London where I started with a text file that included a CR/LF, Git autocrlf, then talked about typewriters, what a Carriage really is, then the Teletype Model 33, the Altair 8800, the ASCII chart, then ANSI art, and finally moved on to BBS's and BBS Door Games. I'll do a more extensive post later and I'm going to turn this into a full conference talk, but for the demo I ran a few BBS Door Games under Windows 10. Why? Because it's awesome and history is lovely.

本周在NDC伦敦进行了一次闪电演讲,从一个包含CR / LF, Git autocrlf的文本文件开始,然后谈论了打字机,什么是马车,然后是Teletype Model 33Altair 8800和ASCII图表,然后是ANSI艺术,最后转到BBS和BBS Door Games。 稍后我将进行更广泛的发布,并将其变成一个完整的会议演讲,但是对于演示,我在Windows 10下运行了一些BBS Door Games 。 为什么? 因为它很棒,历史也很可爱。

You can try setting up what I'm going to describe in this post, or you can try telnet'ing to a BBS like the CaveBBS here: telnet://cavebbs.homeip.net. You might also want to telnet://towel.blinkenlights.nl for ASCII-based Star Wars! Originally we would call (like literally dial-up one to one) a BBS but ubiquitous internet added telnet as a nice option that persists today. Door Games were ASCII/ANSI games that the BBS would shell out to, passing the connection over. When the game extended, the BBS picked up the phone and kept the connection. TradeWars is/was the most well-known Door Game and we'd play it for months. TradeWars was the Elite Dangerous of the BBS set. ;)

您可以尝试设置我将在本文中描述的内容,也可以尝试在此处远程登录到诸如CaveBBS之类的BBS: telnet://cavebbs.homeip.net 。 您可能还想通过telnet://towel.blinkenlights.nl进行基于ASCII的《星球大战》! 最初,我们将BBS(实际上是一对一地拨号)称为BBS,但是无处不在的Internet添加了telnet,这是一个很好的选择,并且一直持续到今天。 门禁游戏是BBS会外壳的ASCII / ANSI游戏,将连接传递过来。 当游戏扩展时,BBS拿起电话并保持连接。 TradeWars是/曾经是最著名的Door Game,我们已经玩了几个月。 TradeWars是BBS场景中的“精英危险人物”。 ;)

So the question is, could we play DOS-based 16-bit Door Games today? Yes.

所以问题是,今天我们可以玩基于DOS的16位Door Games吗? 是。

GameSrv can be used to bring your old DOS based BBS server into the new millennium. It'll act as a front-end and accept telnet connections before passing them off to the DOS BBS software.

GameSrv可用于将基于DOS的旧BBS服务器带入新的千年。 在将其传递给DOS BBS软件之前,它将充当前端并接受telnet连接。

Rick Parrish has a BBS door game server for Windows and Linux that he's written in open source C# called GameSrv. You may know Rick from his fTelnet browser based app. fTelnet lets you connect to Bulletin Board Systems from the comfort of your browser. A locally-run cross-platform option for connecting to BBS's is SyncTERM.

Rick Parrish拥有用于Windows和Linux的BBS门禁游戏服务器,他使用开源C#编写的GameSrv编写。 您可能从基于fTelnet浏览器的应用程序中了解Rick。 fTelnet使您可以从浏览器的舒适性连接到公告板系统。 用于连接BBS的本地运行的跨平台选项是SyncTERM

Go get SyncTerm, Rick's GameSrv Full, as well as DOSBox 0.73. You'll be able to telnet into your BBS with Ubuntu's (Bash on Windows/WSL) built in Telnet but you may run into issues with local echo (you'll want to Ctrl-] then type "mode char") as well as some missing extended ASCII characters that BBS's loved to draw menus with. While WSL's ANSI support is good, these missing characters cause hiccups. SyncTerm is totally custom with a whole host of Bitmapped fonts and a lot of custom work around extended control sequences. You should also try out EtherTerm, Qodem and NetRunner as other cool BBS-friendly terminal options.

去获得SyncTermRick的GameSrv Full以及DOSBox 0.73 。 您将可以使用Telnet内置的Ubuntu(Windows / WSL上的Bash)通过telnet进入BBS,但是您可能会遇到本地回显问题(您需要Ctrl-],然后键入“ mode char”)以及一些缺少BBS喜欢用来绘制菜单的扩展ASCII字符。 虽然WSL的ANSI支持很好,但是这些丢失的字符会引起打ic。 SyncTerm是完全自定义的,带有大量的Bitmapped字体以及围绕扩展控制序列的大量自定义工作。 您还应该尝试使用EtherTermQodemNetRunner作为其他很酷的BBS友好终端选项。

NOTE: One of the major challenges of the conhost (console host - the thing that paints the console window and hosts and paints text and handles keyboard input for bash/cmd/powershell) is that while there's lots of great console fonts, those fonts don't often include some of the obscure extended ASCII DOS characters that BBS's used to draw their menus. In order to find and render those glyphs, consoles will use "font fallback" and follow a tree of fonts, looking for the best glyph. As I understand it (I could be wrong) the current conhost - lovely as it is - doesn't yet support this. I think it should in order to be a complete and effective solution for telnet/ssh/etc.

注意:主机的主要挑战之一(控制台主机-绘制控制台窗口并托管和绘制文本并处理bash / cmd / powershell的键盘输入的东西)是,尽管有很多出色的控制台字体,但这些字体却没有通常不会包括BBS用于绘制菜单的一些晦涩的扩展ASCII DOS字符。 为了查找和渲染这些字形,控制台将使用“字体后备”并跟随一棵字体树,以寻找最佳字形。 据我了解(可能是错误的),当前的主机-确实很可爱-尚不支持此功能。 我认为这应该是telnet / ssh / etc的完整有效的解决方案。

Run GameSrvConsole and it will listen on localhost by default. You could setup a VM in Azure and run it there to make your BBS and Door Games available to the public if you'd like! Then, either "telnet localhost" or run "syncterm localhost" to access your BBS. You can "ALT-ENTER" to put Sync Term full screen, which is awesome.

运行GameSrvConsole,默认情况下它将在localhost上侦听。 您可以在Azure中设置一个VM并在其中运行,以便您可以将BBS和Door Games公开提供给公众! 然后,“ telnet localhost”或运行“ syncterm localhost”来访问您的BBS。 您可以“ ALT-ENTER”将“同步术语”显示为全屏,这真棒。

使用GameSrv,DOSBox在Windows 10上运行BBS Door Games,并通过WSL进行telnet乐趣

Once you sign up for your BBS with a new account, you can try out the Door Games menu. Selecting a Door Game will cause GameSrc to launch DOSBox and run the Door, while brokering the output back to your telnet client.

使用新帐户注册BBS后,您可以尝试使用“门游戏”菜单。 选择一个门禁游戏将导致GameSrc启动DOSBox并运行门禁,同时将输出代理回您的telnet客户端。

使用GameSrv,DOSBox在Windows 10上运行BBS Door Games,并通过WSL进行telnet乐趣

I'm heartened to see 20 year old BBS Door Games come to live on Windows 10. I'm going to see if my 10 and 12 year olds get a kick out of some of these adventure games.

我很高兴看到20岁的BBS Door Games可以在Windows 10上运行。我将看看10岁和12岁的孩子是否能从其中一些冒险游戏中受益。

使用GameSrv,DOSBox在Windows 10上运行BBS Door Games,并通过WSL进行telnet乐趣

Finally, and slightly related, try "curl wttr.in/portland" in a large WSL (Linux) console. Lovely. I love stuff like this. Perhaps I'm easily impressed, or I just miss ASCII art.

最后,稍微相关一点,在一个大型WSL(Linux)控制台中尝试“ curl wttr.in/portland ”。 可爱。 我喜欢这样的东西。 也许我很容易被打动,或者只是想念ASCII艺术。

使用GameSrv,DOSBox在Windows 10上运行BBS Door Games,并通过WSL进行telnet乐趣

Head over to https://github.com/rickparrish/GameSrv and STAR his GitHub Repository and if you like GameSrv and appreciate the work involved, you can donate to Rick as well. I have!

前往https://github.com/rickparrish/GameSrv并在他的GitHub存储库上加注STAR,如果您喜欢GameSrv并欣赏其中的工作,也可以向Rick捐款。 我有!

Sponsor: Get the latest JetBrains Rider for debugging third-party .NET code, Smart Step Into, more debugger improvements, C# Interactive, new project wizard, and formatting code in columns.

赞助商:获取最新的JetBrains Rider,用于调试第三方.NET代码,Smart Step Into,更多调试器改进,C#Interactive,新项目向导以及列中的格式代码。

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

使用GameSrv,DOSBox在Windows 10上运行BBS Door Games,并通过WSL进行telnet乐趣
使用GameSrv,DOSBox在Windows 10上运行BBS Door Games,并通过WSL进行telnet乐趣
使用GameSrv,DOSBox在Windows 10上运行BBS Door Games,并通过WSL进行telnet乐趣
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使用GameSrv,DOSBox在Windows 10上运行BBS Door Games,并通过WSL进行telnet乐趣

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/running-bbs-door-games-on-windows-10-with-gamesrv-dosbox-plus-telnet-fun-with-wsl