



Often when you get a new mouse, there’s a bit of a learning curve to nail down just how fast (or slow) it scrolls. Some stickier scroll wheels take all the strength you have to get down a notch or two, while others can be too loose and will have you hugging the bottom of the page with a light flick. Thankfully, you can customize how your scroll wheel responds.

通常,当您购买新鼠标时,会有一些学习曲线来确定其滚动速度(或慢速)。 有些粘性滚轮会消耗您一两个缺口所需要的全部力量,而另一些粘性滚轮可能会太松动,使您轻弹一下即可拥抱页面底部。 幸运的是,您可以自定义滚轮的响应方式。

打开鼠标配置 (Open Your Mouse Configuration)

To find Windows’ mouse settings, you’ll need to start by opening up the Settings app from your Start Menu.



Once here, open the “Devices” section, highlighted here:



After this window comes up, select the “Mouse and Touchpad” tab, where you should see the following window:



It’s in this window you’ll find a sliding scale that you can use to change how many lines the scroll wheel will skip at a time for every notch it scrolls through. You can do this by either clicking on the scale and tapping left or right on your arrow keys, or holding the indicator down and dragging it to the number you want.

在此窗口中,您会找到一个缩放比例,可用于更改滚动轮每次滚动穿过的每个凹槽时,滚动轮一次跳过多少行。 您可以通过以下方法来执行此操作:单击刻度,然后在箭头键上向左或向右点击,或者按住指示器并将其拖动到所需的数字。


By default this setting is registered at “3”, but you can fine tune it to respond at any sensitivity between 1 (which means for every notch you scroll on the wheel, the page will go down one line in a 1:1 ratio), up to 100.

默认情况下,此设置注册为“ 3”,但是您可以对其进行微调以使其在1之间的任何灵敏度下响应(这意味着您在滚轮上滚动的每个凹口,页面将以1:1的比例向下一行) ,最多100。

If you want to dial in an exact number for your scroll wheel’s sensitivity however, you can do so by opening up the link at the bottom of this page that reads “Additional mouse options”.



微调您的滚轮 (Fine Tune Your Scroll Wheel)

Once the mouse dialog pops up, you should see a window that looks something like this. Choose the “Wheel” tab located along the top portion of the window.

鼠标对话框弹出后,您应该会看到一个类似于以下内容的窗口。 选择位于窗口顶部的“车轮”选项卡。


In this box you can actually type what kind of scroll wheel sensitivity you want, rather than trying to hit it on the scale using your arrow keys.



In this same box is where you’ll find the option to link your scroll wheel to the “One page at a time” function, which does pretty much exactly what the name implies. Every time you scroll a notch, the wheel will skip an entire page of content at once, rather than going through it line by line.

在同一框内,您可以找到将滚轮链接到“一次一页”功能的选项,该功能几乎完全符合其名称的含义。 每次滚动一个刻痕时,转轮将一次跳过整个内容页面,而不是逐行浏览。

You can also use this prompt to adjust the settings for what’s known as “horizontal scrolling”. This is a feature that will only be available on mice that have a “tilt” function in the wheel, which allows you to not only scroll up and down, but left to right for larger webpages or landscape-style PDFs.

您也可以使用此提示来调整所谓的“水平滚动”设置。 此功能仅在滚轮中具有“倾斜”功能的鼠标上可用,该功能使您不仅可以上下滚动,而且还可以从左到右浏览较大的网页或横向样式的PDF。


Once you’ve found the sweet spot for your scroll wheel, hit “Apply”, and you’re done.


Which scroll speed is right for you will be based on your mouse and your own personal preference. If you’re constantly scanning through Twitter at light speed and want as many refreshes as you can get per minute, a higher scroll speed should do the job. However if you’re tired of barely grazing the wheel and missing half a page of content in the process, lowering this setting could be the best bet. Keep in mind that your mouse may also have its own additional sensitivity settings, either on the mouse itself or in the software that came with it. So be sure to check your mouse’s documentation to see if it comes with any additional options.

哪种滚动速度最适合您,将取决于您的鼠标和您自己的个人喜好。 如果您经常以微弱的速度不断浏览Twitter,并希望每分钟可以进行尽可能多的刷新,那么更高的滚动速度就可以完成这项工作。 但是,如果您在此过程中厌倦了勉强吃草的工作,却丢失了一半的内容,那么降低此设置可能是最好的选择。 请记住,鼠标本身或随附的软件中可能还具有自己的其他灵敏度设置。 因此,请务必检查鼠标的文档以查看其是否附带其他选项。

Image Credits: Pixabay

图片来源: Pixabay

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/241826/how-to-customize-your-mouse-scroll-speed-in-windows/
